Bombs explode in Karbala, Iraq. 50 killed.


These terrorists are absolutely insane, going as far as to kill their own people. In fact, more Muslims are killed each year by terrorism than any other group of people.

As a Muslim myself, I do not consider these people worthy of being in the same sentence as us. They have strayed so far from our way of life, beyond even religious extremism, to absolute fanaticism so as to kill their own "brothers and sisters".

My sympathy to all those affected, and their relatives.
It is incredible that people can't see beyond their own personal anger to try to take positive actions instead of more destruction.

Getting even is impossible; only escalation when neither side can get beyond emotions.

Peace can't come soon enough for all extremists concerned.
It's barely news these days. There's something new like this twice a week minimum.
It's barely news these days. There's something new like this twice a week minimum.

True, but that's not how it should be. No matter where these people may be in, or what religion or way of life they follow, we are all Human beings.

Iraqis in general don't want the violence, they just want to live their normal lives. It's 9/11 everyday for them.

Tragic, but there are a multitude of factors as to why it has gotten this bad.
It all stems from poverty and lack of good education. These extremist say they are educated in Islam and immediately go burn down a girl's school, but they forget that the Prophet himself said "The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr".

As a Muslim myself, I'm angry and ashamed at those miscreants that use Islam as its cover.