Recently got the game.
Confused about a few things, namely skills and the best skills to get to start out with. Currently on Level 8, using shields skills for the regenerating health deal, that should be useful as hell.
Who are you playing as? There's not really a 'best' for anything and when you're just starting out the skills are really just to give you a little boost, and as
@MeanElf said it's easy and cheap to reset your skill points so just keep combining them and experimenting. It's not until you get to around level 20 that you can start specialising in something properly, then by level 32 or so you'll be able to get down to the bottom tier which is when it starts to get fun. When you get to level 72, that's when it's
really fun (because you can have two bottom tier skills). It's a balancing act, though, and you do have to take some time to really think about the effects you'll get from skills and how much they're worth to you. Some things seem like a much better deal in words but in practice they're not so great and some - only one or two, and they're only really Krieg's - come with monumental debuffs. 600% melee damage? Yes please! But 12% chance of attacking yourself? That has killed me almost as many times as enemies have.
Guns as well, currently using slag guns as they seem to be most effective for most of the enemy at the moment, then following with explosive shell guns.
The general rule is:
Fire beats flesh (red health bars) but is negated by shields and armour
Corrosive beats armour (gold health bars) but is negated by flesh and shields
Shock beats shields (blue bar above the health bar) but is negated by flesh and armour
Explosive does a little bonus damage to everything (except shields I guess?)
Normal is not negated by anything but doesn't do much
Slag lowers the damage resistance of everything.
So the ideal thing is to have a slag weapon with a high elemental chance stat and a good rate of fire (none of the other stats really matter since you only want it to keep things slagged, I was using a level 61 Maliwan slag plasma caster from level 61 to 72 with Kreig), a corrosive, shock and fire weapon in your inventory at all times. This doesn't always work in practice though because you can go entire levels without finding a good replacement fire weapon and then before you know it you'll have, like, a load of non-elemental weapons but a Hyperion sniper rifle in each element. That kind of sucks but can't always be avoided!
Have one sniper rifle, that's pretty cool. Although I've noticed that they have different brand of guns, Hyperion doesn't seem to suit my play style as i get annoyed with the inability to aim unless three bullets have been shot. A bit weird.
Normally, Hyperion weapons are pretty awful. They do however make some really great special weapons ('special' meaning not white, green, rare blue or purple - I mean unique blue (the blues with red text in their description), legendary, seraph or pearlescent) so don't discount them entirely. Hyperion sniper rifles, though? No thanks. Ugh. Their shotguns are good, though, they make some of the best shotguns in the game (the Conference Call and Butcher spring to mind). My personal brand ranking, and the reasons why:
Maliwan: Always elemental, they make great plasma casters
Vladof: High rate of fire and large magazines - their sniper rifles are automatic
Dahl: Burst fire when zoomed regardless of whether the weapon is semi or fully automatic otherwise
Tediore: Weapon is tossed like a grenade when reloading (rocket launchers are, well, launched like a rocket), explosion damage scales according to how much ammo was left in the magazine
Torgue: Weapons fire explosive projectiles, kind of hard to use at long range
Jakobs: Always semi-auto, but high damage. They always have 'fires as fast as you can pull the trigger' on the card but that's often not actually true, they do artificially slow the rate of fire sometimes. They're also never elemental but might sometimes be explosive, I can't remember.
Hyperion: Inverse recoil sucks as you know, unless it's a shotgun or SMG at close range
Bandit: Pretty crap all-round but they do have huge magazines. But also long reload times.
There is one exception to the Hyperion rule, though - Salvador with the skill (or is it skills?) that increases weapon accuracy, rate of fire and reload speed the longer you hold the fire button down (while gunzerking) can turn two Hyperion SMGs into bullet-based death rays.
Also, anything I really need to look out for with this game?
- If you're finding the game too difficult, it's either that you're just too low a level for the quest you're trying to do or your gear isn't good enough. To correct this you should leave the area, go and accept some non-story quests to level up, buy some gear from vending machines or find some golden key codes to get free purple gear that is guaranteed to be the same level as you.
- Always keep enemies slagged and always aim for critical hit spots, when possible anyway. You'll save a lot of ammo. Never use the wrong element unless you're out of ammo for every other gun.
- Don't underestimate the usefulness of Tediore reloads. I've second winded many times by firing a single shot and throwing the gun at an enemy, so as long as the enemy is close enough they're a good source of pseudo-grenades.
- Never rely solely on one type of weapon, that's asking for ammo trouble. Try to keep at least one weapon of each type, preferably keep two of each type with different elements.
Always try out any Plasma Casters (E-Tech SMGs) you find, these are by far my most favourite non-special weapon and you owe it to yourself to try them out. I find they're a lot more resilient to the levelling process (i.e. you can use them for longer than most other guns) than any other weapon. Bear in mind that they consume two SMG bullets every time they fire so they do cut your SMG ammo pool in half.
- While there's no such thing as 'the best' build, there is such a thing as 'the best build for
x' where
x = the number of players, your play style, your preferred weapon type... Actually the same goes for entire characters but it's not impossible to solo the game with any character so don't worry too much.
- Don't worry about money, death is just an annoying setback. The worst part about dying is the fact that enemy health is reset (unless you're using the PC difficulty mod which tricks the game into thinking there's 1-3 more players besides you, but to balance that the game does get harder yet the loot doesn't improve from what I can tell). You never really
need to buy anything.
- Totally do stockpile good weapons if you want to start a new character, it's nice to leave yourself a gift in Claptrap's stash to get a leg up. Don't get too carried away, though - I still have seven 'mules' who exist solely to hold weapons and I must've spent more time juggling loot between my 13 characters than I've spent playing most other games I own.
- If you get stuck, it might be more beneficial to change your network settings to allow random people to join than to waste time hitting your head against a wall.
- Quests - and their rewards - scale to the level you're at if you accept them after you complete the final story mission. This applies to normal mode and TVHM (i.e. the first two playthroughs). In UVHM the quests and their rewards scale to the level you're at when you accept them, but the bosses scale to your level at all times - meaning the 'go away, level up and come back' thing doesn't work in UVHM. Anyway, you may wish to find a list of quests with unique rewards. There are a couple of reward items I can think of that you'd probably want to save, but I guess that applies more to a second character than to your first ever playthrough.
- If you're on PC and you ever want to do some power levelling or if you want to get new characters through the story quickly, let me know and I might be able to help you out.
- All of this is a
lot less important in your first playthrough and by the time you get to UVHM you'll know it all anyway.
And lastly.... what happened to the massive thread about Borderland 2?! That seems to have totally disappeared.
It's here: . I accidentally bumped this one when I meant to bump the other one since it's a lot bigger and older. Maybe a member of staff could merge them? I wouldn't know who to ask, maybe
@Terronium-12? Then again maybe he'd just "accidentally" nuke both threads!