Good day Mr Bowtie. I hope I find you well
Firstly let me apologise for the delay with this reply. I've been a bit of a busy boy and if I'm honest GTPlanet has been at the bottom of my priority list

. I've been using most of my playing time (which is down to about 2 hours a day when I'm lucky

) to get use to no-aids driving and do a little grinding to build up some much needed credits (gotta finish of the Ferrari collection

). I've also recently got my grubby paws on a G27 and am currently trying to put together a decent rig for it. So before I make the switch away from the trusty DS3 and learn to drive again

I thought I'd stop by your hallowed Speed Shop and do a little testing
Ok, before we get to it, I have a confession to make. I only did three of them

Ascari is a track I'm not consistent enough on to do any testing for comparative purposes (When I say not consistent, I mean really bad round there

), although I have no doubt about which one would have been quicker there after running the other tracks.
Testing method: I thought your idea of running the tests at different times was a good one 👍 So I did something similar. I only ran one test per day, alternating track and car combo as I went, and ran between 20-25 laps in each test (A wasted effort apparently, my best laps all came in the first dozen

) so I could be sure I'd gotten as much out of them as I could.
Unfortunately I had no way not to know which set-up I was using, as I had to go and switch the setting sheets myself

So any hopes of a blind test are out of the window

Also, I didn't have any suitable ghosts to chase so I stuck on some RS tyres and did a quick lap or two laps to get one to chase. My thinking being even an average starting lap on RS tyres should be out of reach for SS tyres to keep up with so I wouldn't be racing against it, as much as trying to keep up

I think it's a fairer way to do it than to run one version against the other

(FYI I got to within a second on 2 of them

, ok, not really quick laps then RS laps

) The ghost laps were set in whichever car I took to the track first 👍
Here are the fastest times I recorded.
Fastest Lap times:
Without camber - 1:11.545 day 1
With camber -
1:11.342 day 4 (0,203 faster)
Without camber - 1:,51.535 - Day 5
With camber -
1:51.208 - Day 2 (0.327 faster)
Apricot Hill
Without camber -
1.22.862 - Day 3 (0,205 faster)
With camber - 1:23.067 - Day 6
As you can see I went a little quicker in two of them with camber (Mid-Field and Monza) and one without at Apricot Hill (I'm sure that Ascari would have made it a wash

) much like others have, the elevation/camber changes on a couple of the corners at Apricot Hill, showed up some understeer issues for me that I'm sure would have been the same at Ascari.
So as far as whether one was faster than the other goes, I guess we have to concede that it's pretty much track dependant as far as this experiment goes, and driver dependant too, to a certain extent. But then that's not all that surprising
I'm pretty sure it won't come as a surprise to too many people if I say I preferred the second car, you know, the one that uses all the tuning options

It was just way more consistent a performer for me over these tests (and a few 575-600pp RS on-line races

) I find it a bit more stable and predictable and for the most part much better anywhere I come across a lot of corners, funny that

But it does have a few minor issues if I'm honest. It comes out second in just about every slow corner/hairpin especially after hard braking zones, but coming back out of them is just awesome

I loved the way it blew out of the hairpin at Apricot Hill when I got the braking right going in 👍
I was going to make a couple of suggestions to try to see if they helped

but if you don't mind, I'll leave these for now

. I saw that you had made a few already and I've not yet had the chance to try these out, so I'll wait and see what's what with those first 👍
Other than that, thanks for running this experiment

. There are still some unanswered questions with camber and I think that this is a good opportunity to try and answer at least some of them 👍 I think adding in the camber at an earlier stage is a much better way to go about it than the way I've seen most tests run so far (no offence to anyone who's run these, I've done it myself

), to do a side-by-side comparison which highlights the differences between the two set-ups to try and achieve a similar performance, will help to shed a little light on the subject. And if nothing else, now I have another AWD Lambo with 2 great tunes

Great work on this car dude...twice 👍👍
I shall return after I've had a go with those changes and see how they play out, might be a few days/a week or so