Boy the American Government sucks, doesn't it?

  • Thread starter 1X83Z
Misinformed, ungrateful attitude stricken, self indulged sickness sucks!
Originally posted by Pako
Misinformed, ungrateful attitude stricken, self indulged sickness sucks!
You forgot egotistical, arogant, tasteless swine, no respect, trend following, careless, worthless people. :D
Originally posted by miata13B
You forgot egotistical, arogant, tasteless swine, no respect, trend following, careless, worthless people. :D

Yes, the combined would have been a better list.


No, not for milefile, unless he thinks so, then that's his choice.
actually this would have fit better but, it is from 'A Fish Called Wanda'
Otto: "You..pompous, stuck-up, snot-nosed, English, giant, twerp, scumbag, fack-face, d&%khead, ARSEHOLE!"
Originally posted by Pako


No, not for milefile, unless he thinks so, then that's his choice.

Well, I personally dedicate those words to milefile.

He rules, wouldn't you say?
Hm. I didn't even know this thread worked at all. It timed out and then I had to go to lunch. What a bummer. My exquisite rant is lost to digital oblivion. Well, I guess you all missed out. It was the pinnacle of satire, a zenith in the history of sarcasm. Pity.
Originally posted by The Board
The US still denies the existence of Area 51.

Area 51 employees are flown-in with a 737 every day, that's nonsensical.
There you have it folks, the board has made an unanimous decision. . . Now all girls take off your clothes
Originally posted by milefile
Hm. I didn't even know this thread worked at all. It timed out and then I had to go to lunch. What a bummer. My exquisite rant is lost to digital oblivion. Well, I guess you all missed out. It was the pinnacle of satire, a zenith in the history of sarcasm. Pity.

sarcasm is a gift from god...
Originally posted by The Board

Area 51 employees are flown-in with a 737 every day, that's nonsensical.

Even more nonsensical is their denying the existence of the airplanes, despite renting a gate in plain view at our international airport. :odd:
Originally posted by M5Power
Even more nonsensical is their denying the existence of the airplanes, despite renting a gate in plain view at our international airport. :odd:

No-one is denying the existence of the airplanes.

You're an idiot and you dress French.
Area 51 is just a testing area for new aircraft weapon systems. There is this new cool bombing system the military is currently working on. They attach Dennis Miller to their aircraft, and drop him on a target.

Ok seriously, it's a new bombing system that consists of a bunch of "pipes" fitted next to each other, 5 pipes across, 7 pipes in length for a total of 35 pipes in each "system." Each pipe is about 5.5 inches in bore diameter and 3 feet in length.

Each pipe contains about 7 to 10 "bombs" that are connected to the pipe by a strong magnet attached at the end of the bomb. The bombs can be dropped individually or simutaneously, and in sync or out of sync with the rest of the pipes in the system, or other systems. Even from other systems from other aircrafts. They can attach two of these "pipe systems" to nearly all aircraft.

Than can even use this system on the ground in the future with propelled grenades.:D
Originally posted by TaiLo
I agree. Yes. So where's this thread going?
To hell. Duh?

Actually, it's been there and back.

Anyway, I actually think that the American government isn't hat bad, because they did a pretty damn good job "lying" to the American public. If they, they being the American government officials, had been actually "lying" about why we went to war with Iraq, which they weren't, keeping it under wraps that long would have been quite an accomplishment. So many people seem to believe the media propaganda that Bush lied tot he American public about the reasons we went to war. i find it amazing that that many people can't think for themselves? Don't they realize that it is the presidents job to make decisions based on the information that he has, which he did? Comments and opinions appreciated.
Bush can't 'really' be leading your country he's just a figurehead to make you lot look stupid by choking on pretsils* the real government is actually doing a good job in some political areas.

* I don't know how to spell pretsils.:D
Originally posted by supra229
Bush can't 'really' be leading your country he's just a figurehead to make you lot look stupid by choking on pretsils* the real government is actually doing a good job in some political areas.

* I don't know how to spell pretsils.:D
Actually, believe it or not, he is leading the country. Or at least, his advisers are telling him how to run the country. And he picked the advisers. That means that he is running the country, more or less. Or at least that is what we want you to think. Bush isn't stupid. he may not be great at public speaking, or eating, for that matter, but he is still more intelligent than the average "above-average" American. It's pretzel.
Originally posted by Timmotheus
Actually, believe it or not, he is leading the country. Or at least, his advisers are telling him how to run the country. And he picked the advisers. That means that he is running the country, more or less. Or at least that is what we want you to think. Bush isn't stupid. he may not be great at public speaking, or eating, for that matter, but he is still more intelligent than the average "above-average" American. It's pretzel.

I don't eat Pretzels, I guess he could be good at controlling people as is the case with Tony Blair so maybe he 'fools' people into thinking he's good and 'persuaded' people to vote for him?:rolleyes:
It's pretzel.

The Government sucks because of the people that make it up. They are, in my opinion and experience, the obnoxious loosers in life. Working for the Government finally gives them a little taste of power, and they end up abusing it.

Most of them come from the welfare lines. Honestly, they are unemployed all the time because nobody wants them because of their behavior. The Government takes advantange of this so they hire them and let them get away with doing nasty things. If a lawsuit ends up getting filled, they either say something like "We didn't know this was going on." when they did, or they say "This was a rouge individual, a we put a stop to it once we found out about it." It's all a load of BS.

I should know, I've had to file four lawsuits against certain Government Agencies, and this is the usual response from them after the lawsuits were filled.
Originally posted by Solid Lifters
It's pretzel.

The Government sucks because of the people that make it up. They are, in my opinion and experience, the obnoxious loosers in life. Working for the Government finally gives them a little taste of power, and they end up abusing it.

Most of them come from the welfare lines. Honestly, they are unemployed all the time because nobody wants them because of their behavior. The Government takes advantange of this so they hire them and let them get away with doing nasty things. If a lawsuit ends up getting filled, they either say something like "We didn't know this was going on." when they did, or they say "This was a rouge individual, a we put a stop to it once we found out about it." It's all a load of BS.

I should know, I've had to file four lawsuits against certain Government Agencies, and this is the usual response from them after the lawsuits were filled.
Four lawsuits? If I were a judge, I doubt I would have let more than one of them through preliminary screening. That is probably why I'll never become a judge.