Boy the American Government sucks, doesn't it?

  • Thread starter 1X83Z
Originally posted by Solid Lifters
It's pretzel.

The Government sucks because of the people that make it up. They are, in my opinion and experience, the obnoxious loosers in life. Working for the Government finally gives them a little taste of power, and they end up abusing it.

Most of them come from the welfare lines. Honestly, they are unemployed all the time because nobody wants them because of their behavior. The Government takes advantange of this so they hire them and let them get away with doing nasty things. If a lawsuit ends up getting filled, they either say something like "We didn't know this was going on." when they did, or they say "This was a rouge individual, a we put a stop to it once we found out about it." It's all a load of BS.

I should know, I've had to file four lawsuits against certain Government Agencies, and this is the usual response from them after the lawsuits were filled.

Why did you filled against the government?
Originally posted by supra229
I don't eat Pretzels, I guess he could be good at controlling people as is the case with Tony Blair so maybe he 'fools' people into thinking he's good and 'persuaded' people to vote for him?:rolleyes:
Do you realize that the job of a president, or a prime minister, is to make decisions. It is rather like being the CEO of a company. To be good at it, you have to make the right decisions most of the time, and make all decisions extremely fast. Time is money. you also have to know everybody's name. You'd be surprised to know that George W Bush actually does know nearly everybody's name. Unless they are an enemy, or an Arab. Then forget it, he can't remember them to save his life. Of course, it is also the president's job to lead the armed forces. Which Bush is doing. Avoiding choking on pretzels is not his job. I'll admit it though, if it were his job, and I were his boss, I'd fire him.
I used to feel that way about Politicians, PMs and Presidents but now I don't as I see they're making a lot of desicions for their own benefit e.g. staying in parliament or making money. The British Government at least, sees things in short term for example they just sold off a lot of our gold to make money. In the short term we'll have more cash but in the long term the pound will loose value, unless of course we adopt the Euro, but the likely hood of that happening in the next few years is low.
Originally posted by supra229
I used to feel that way about Politicians, PMs and Presidents but now I don't as I see they're making a lot of desicions for their own benefit e.g. staying in parliament or making money. The British Government at least, sees things in short term for example they just sold off a lot of our gold to make money. In the short term we'll have more cash but in the long term the pound will loose value, unless of course we adopt the Euro, but the likely hood of that happening in the next few years is low.
Of course they are making decisions to their own benefit. They aren't stupid! Of course I believe politicians do that. But when you realize doing something to stay in office means doing what the people want, it isn't such a bad thing. Politicians are hired to represent the people you know. As for making money, remember, in your example, the money isn't for the politicians. It's for the country. While taking bribes is another story, and bribery is common, trying to get enough money to support a country isn't exactly a horrible thing. If you don't like it, overthrow the government and start a dictatorship, with you in charge. That is how politicians work. There is no point in being cynical if you don't accept the views on life that correspond with it. Otherwise you end up pissed off at everyone all the time.
I'm only 14 years old, I don't know that much about it and it doesn't directly affect me so don't expect me to argue back as your point seems a lot better than mine, I guess I'll leave the debate at that.:D
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
The weird thing is that Timmotheus is 14, too.
I almost said that, but then I didn't. I think the reason he believes that being 14 limits him in some way is because the American Government sucks. You see, they constantly belittle youth, and act as if is the greatest limiting factor. I suppose that may be more the influence of the media, as well as quite a few of the unaffiliated, than the influence of the government, but it's still horrible.
My point is - you never know how your perspective will change as you age. It's not that persons under 18 can't be intelligent and well-informed; it's just that many of them aren't. So, rather than spend an extraordinary time judging on a case-by-case basis, a broad-based rule is set. It's sorta unfortunate, but everyone is treated equally.

The other thing is that school is a petri dish. You'll realize just how different the real world is when you get there. There's no way to explain it - you just have to wait and see. :)
Petri Dish? Thats directly associated with experiments. Not that I couldn't figure out that the schools are using the "up and coming" generation's lives and teaching them that the government is good. Its not that our government isn't good, but they are all a bunch of liars. And we're taught not to lie. Kind of ironic isn't it? Doesn't matter though, some "kids" like Tim and I could care less what they teach us at school. Put me in an apartment right now with a regular office job and an old Buick and I could get along fine. I guess no one told that to the government though.
Originally posted by KosmikFool
Petri Dish? Thats directly associated with experiments. Not that I couldn't figure out that the schools are using the "up and coming" generation's lives and teaching them that the government is good. Its not that our government isn't good, but they are all a bunch of liars. And we're taught not to lie. Kind of ironic isn't it? Doesn't matter though, some "kids" like Tim and I could care less what they teach us at school. Put me in an apartment right now with a regular office job and an old Buick and I could get along fine. I guess no one told that to the government though.

I think you've completely misunderstood me. I call school a "petri dish" because it's a very small, homogenous enviroment. I never said that tou or Tim or anyone else couldn't get along in the real world. Quite the opposite: anyone who survives twelve years of school should be able to cope with real life just fine.

See? School makes you paranoid. ;)
Originally posted by risingson77
I think you've completely misunderstood me. I call school a "petri dish" because it's a very small, homogenous enviroment. I never said that tou or Tim or anyone else couldn't get along in the real world. Quite the opposite: anyone who survives twelve years of school should be able to cope with real life just fine.

See? School makes you paranoid. ;)

No, no, it wasn't directed at you, it was directed at the so-called "leaders" of the environment called school.
Originally posted by risingson77
I think you've completely misunderstood me. I call school a "petri dish" because it's a very small, homogenous enviroment. I never said that tou or Tim or anyone else couldn't get along in the real world. Quite the opposite: anyone who survives twelve years of school should be able to cope with real life just fine.

See? School makes you paranoid. ;)
Actually, not anymore. Not in California anyway. Thank god I've done some work for some fairly large companies, otherwise I'd have some serious trouble coping with life outside of school. The California school system does absolutely nothing to prepare its students for the outside world. It's horrible. I do not know a single person at my school, other than myself and Sage, who would not get fired after their first week at a serious job. They don't seem to realize that a company keeps you on hand because you make them money, not because the bosses like you. It's pathetic.
Nice to see young ones getting political. The world needs that.

I do agree that the American government doesn't totally suck, but a large number of their decisions, now and throughout history, always seems to have America at the receiving end of everything. I know, I know, "Americans" have to look out for themselves, too; however, when you invade another country even if a large number of citizens disagree, it doesn't make you a good government. What makes a good government, in MY opinion, is how that gov't governs over its people, not what it does to govern other nations. True, foreign policy may directly or indirectly affect the lives of the whole, but it should not be the focus, especially when the children of the nation (I think especially California) are not being taught about the real world scenarios. (Yes, I have been given "current events" assignments as have everyone else in the US, but heck, what child actually pays attention to those things when you teach them things out of a utopian complex? You know what I mean?) Anyway, what I'm getting at, I guess, is that America is somewhat of a hypocrite. It says one thing and does another.

Let me give an example. (I may be a bit biased about this, but there is no such thing as an unbiased story.) The Philippine-American War; did you even know there was one? What basically happened was that Filipinos declared independence from Spain and began fighting their [our] revolutionary war. The US then bought it from Spain, along with Cuba's freedom, and US is what occupied the Philippines for a long while: turn of 20th century up until 1946. The US "gave" independence to the Philippines after WWII. HOWEVER, the Philippines had been promised independence long before that time. The "Americans" stayed because the Filipinos needed to be "educated" and "governed", when it was clearly seen that that was false. Okay, point here is that the "American" government is a big liar (similar events happened elsewhere and at other points in history, even now), and it disgusts me to see things like that happen from what is supposed to be the best country in the world. :| (sorry long Opinion post)
Canada. You never hear about 'em on the news (nothing bad anyway - like schoolkids blowing each other away), so it must be a pretty mellow place.

Originally posted by risingson77
Canada. You never hear about 'em on the news (nothing bad anyway - like schoolkids blowing each other away), so it must be a pretty mellow place.
Yeah - nothing happens there. It's boring; it's the first-generation Toyota Avalon of countries.
Originally posted by KosmikFool
Well, Puerto Rico has the best school system in the world. But their politics are pretty scarce.

Their politics are faaaar from scarce - pro- and anti-independent forces have had some classic spars in the past 51 years.

Similar to Guam, though, Puerto Rico is a territory and therefore part of the United States.

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