Nice to see young ones getting political. The world needs that.
I do agree that the American government doesn't totally suck, but a large number of their decisions, now and throughout history, always seems to have America at the receiving end of everything. I know, I know, "Americans" have to look out for themselves, too; however, when you invade another country even if a large number of citizens disagree, it doesn't make you a good government. What makes a good government, in MY opinion, is how that gov't governs over its people, not what it does to govern other nations. True, foreign policy may directly or indirectly affect the lives of the whole, but it should not be the focus, especially when the children of the nation (I think especially California) are not being taught about the real world scenarios. (Yes, I have been given "current events" assignments as have everyone else in the US, but heck, what child actually pays attention to those things when you teach them things out of a utopian complex? You know what I mean?) Anyway, what I'm getting at, I guess, is that America is somewhat of a hypocrite. It says one thing and does another.
Let me give an example. (I may be a bit biased about this, but there is no such thing as an unbiased story.) The Philippine-American War; did you even know there was one? What basically happened was that Filipinos declared independence from Spain and began fighting their [our] revolutionary war. The US then bought it from Spain, along with Cuba's freedom, and US is what occupied the Philippines for a long while: turn of 20th century up until 1946. The US "gave" independence to the Philippines after WWII. HOWEVER, the Philippines had been promised independence long before that time. The "Americans" stayed because the Filipinos needed to be "educated" and "governed", when it was clearly seen that that was false. Okay, point here is that the "American" government is a big liar (similar events happened elsewhere and at other points in history, even now), and it disgusts me to see things like that happen from what is supposed to be the best country in the world. :| (sorry long Opinion post)