Brands hatch 3d model (Final Yea Uni)

  • Thread starter robert1
If/When it comes to the point where you're modelling the Marshals posts, tag me in the post and I'll give you some pointers. I've been posted on a few of the corners, so I can be of good help there.
ooo thank you! hopefully ill finish the pits area this week, like all the fences and ground. then onto everything around the track.

do you still do marshalling there?
ooo thank you! hopefully ill finish the pits area this week, like all the fences and ground. then onto everything around the track.

do you still do marshalling there?
I will be going in June
well, deadline is closer than I thought, I have a presentation at the end of next week and I thought I had a month after that, so was going to render in that month....turns out I have 2 weeks after that, so sadly I'm just rushing to get it finished, some very low poly areas that ill try to hide as much as I can, but yeah I'm working as hard as I can to get as much done before sunday night where I will click render on the first camera, while working on other cameras

but I think ill slowly work on it after in the future to get what I really wanted to do in the level of detail that I wanted, if anything can go to a showreal, just not for my uni project unfortunately
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thanks, using one computer to do test renders to see what it looks like to make adjustments while using the other to work and do the adjustments :P its little things I need to do now, like fixing and finishing textures and...trees maninly, finding a nice way to do the trees in mental ray is a little hard :P without huge render times anyway, I have about 6 computers I could use for rendering though! aiming for around 1 hour a frame on laptop, so desktop hopefully faster (doing most of work on laptop but rendering final on desktops) hoping by the end of next week to have a view around the pits rendered and hopefully a camera running the track to be done and ready to render...HOPE :P haha
I've spent the last two weeks rendering a 75m sailing yacht I've been working on for the boss - render times around 12 minutes at 1080p. What resolution are you rendering at?

Trees are indeed a nightmare. I've tried a few architectural projects in the past and never been able to get the results I wanted with trees.
these I'm doing at 1080, but final will probably be 720, with slightly lowers settings, I have lighting quality and everything on 2/2.5 (what ever highest) so I can bring it down a lot, but ive noticed my grass's bump is WAY too high, so reducing that should help some what, and the road is very reflective (would be fine if wet) but with these fixed should reduce render times and theres probably other errors I'm yet to notice :P
yeah I just bumped it up because at the moment I'm just leaving to render on one while working on the other so wasn't in a rush to get it over the weekend ill start playing with settings looking for picture quality V time
these I'm doing at 1080, but final will probably be 720, with slightly lowers settings, I have lighting quality and everything on 2/2.5 (what ever highest) so I can bring it down a lot, but ive noticed my grass's bump is WAY too high, so reducing that should help some what, and the road is very reflective (would be fine if wet) but with these fixed should reduce render times and theres probably other errors I'm yet to notice :P

I'm not familiar with Maya but does it have a Cloud Render facility? Saves on your own CPU time :)
As someone trying to re-learn Blender and try to be more active in making 3D models, let me just say I am proud of you on this fabulous rendition of Brands Hatch. I like the detail work you've done here. My skills are still very low. Yet still, cheers to you on a job well done!
I'm not familiar with Maya but does it have a Cloud Render facility? Saves on your own CPU time :)
as far as I know my only option is a paid render farm (or if its available one at uni but that's not the best, though I may try it for a few cameras) but I might look into it!

As someone trying to re-learn Blender and try to be more active in making 3D models, let me just say I am proud of you on this fabulous rendition of Brands Hatch. I like the detail work you've done here. My skills are still very low. Yet still, cheers to you on a job well done!

thank you, there isn't too much more to do, fix a few textures, and holes in the grass :P and sort out trees

I THINK the front of the pits is done, just doing a few test renders to make sure it is :) then a couple of fixes round back and that area is complete
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Just stumbled upon this thread, I know nothing of this kind of stuff but it always impresses me. Well done, it looks great so far, I have no idea how you do it lol.

Excuse my ignorance, but talking about taking so long to render a single frame, how much more detail is in a scene like this vs say a model that you would find in a game where it needs to render it in real time? Is it mainly just the level of detail in the models and textures or does it also involve other processes like determining where lights are going to reflect or cast shadows, which also happens in the real time example but I guess in this rendering it needs to be a lot more advanced to look more life like?

I'm very impressed, good luck with your assignment and also your job hunt, I'll be subscribing to this thread to see the finished product :D
Just stumbled upon this thread, I know nothing of this kind of stuff but it always impresses me. Well done, it looks great so far, I have no idea how you do it lol.

Excuse my ignorance, but talking about taking so long to render a single frame, how much more detail is in a scene like this vs say a model that you would find in a game where it needs to render it in real time? Is it mainly just the level of detail in the models and textures or does it also involve other processes like determining where lights are going to reflect or cast shadows, which also happens in the real time example but I guess in this rendering it needs to be a lot more advanced to look more life like?

I'm very impressed, good luck with your assignment and also your job hunt, I'll be subscribing to this thread to see the finished product :D


as for rendering times, I'm not 100% sure and have wondered this too, as far as I know your right, that it is just the level of detail, in general I think that games have poly counts a lot lower, and lower quality textures, but I think (from just listening to lecturer talking to over grads) that is it some good real time renderers around now but if the quality is still there ive no idea as ive never used or seen them.

and thanks!

today just fixing the ground so you shouldn't see over the edge and adding trees :P

If you please, you can probably add on to this experience by modeling out the Grand Prix configuration of Brands Hatch in addition to the Indy configuration. I am more accustomed to the Indy layout more than I am the Grand Prix layout of Brands Hatch. You still did a great job here.
If you please, you can probably add on to this experience by modeling out the Grand Prix configuration of Brands Hatch in addition to the Indy configuration. I am more accustomed to the Indy layout more than I am the Grand Prix layout of Brands Hatch. You still did a great job here.

yeah the GP circuit probably wouldn't take too much more work as it is just track through the forest (pretty much) but I tried to make sure there wasn't too much work to do :P

also, never driven the GP track, they only do a couple of track days a year on it and normally costs more than Silverstone GP sadly :P
well I have around 20 seconds of cameras set up, and trees nearly done, ill keep adding tyre barriers and things until I get bored and start rendering sometime tonight, while that is rendering ill try and get a clean camera doing a full lap of the track :P
thanks everyone, deadline was Thursday, was up most the night Wednesday waiting for frames to render and put it togeather, I'm not that happy with it, a lot of textures aren't finished, camera angles and speeds aren't perfect, but I had no time for test renders or to do more modeling / texturing, I sadly just had to click render with what I had, and it was tight, I finished rendering at midnight Wednesday and the deadline was midday Thursday! so 12 hours left

but considering I saw NO rendered frames in a video to see what it really looked like until around 1am on the day of the deadline and all the sound was put togeather around 3am, with no time to fix anything at all, it was just one render and see what I had at the end of it, ill put it on YouTube sometime this week so people can see what I did, but hopefully ill finish it how I want one day, not how the uni want, because I want something I'm proud of, and at the moment, I'm not there. hopefully it'll get the grade, but at the moment that's all it is to me sadly
thanks everyone, deadline was Thursday, was up most the night Wednesday waiting for frames to render and put it togeather, I'm not that happy with it, a lot of textures aren't finished, camera angles and speeds aren't perfect, but I had no time for test renders or to do more modeling / texturing, I sadly just had to click render with what I had, and it was tight, I finished rendering at midnight Wednesday and the deadline was midday Thursday! so 12 hours left

but considering I saw NO rendered frames in a video to see what it really looked like until around 1am on the day of the deadline and all the sound was put togeather around 3am, with no time to fix anything at all, it was just one render and see what I had at the end of it, ill put it on YouTube sometime this week so people can see what I did, but hopefully ill finish it how I want one day, not how the uni want, because I want something I'm proud of, and at the moment, I'm not there. hopefully it'll get the grade, but at the moment that's all it is to me sadly
Can't wait to see it, don't be too hard on yourself, constraints always apply when there is a time limit.
but hopefully ill finish it how I want one day, not how the uni want, because I want something I'm proud of, and at the moment, I'm not there. hopefully it'll get the grade, but at the moment that's all it is to me sadly

You gain two things from this; the grade and the learning experience. Well done! :D
thanks again both of you :P
here it is, the thing bugging me the most is the light in the lap is not as good as the rest, but some how it got corrupted and I had to delete it and put another in and I had no time to test I had to click render, so that's what it was rendering bacially blind :P

I thought about this thread as I'm watching highlights of the British Touring Car Championship race at Brands Hatch. And I'm thinking, "here's a fine folk who modeled Brands Hatch masterfully while I'm seeing the real track raced on by real drivers." This model seems like it could be used for games or even mobile games. Unless the model you created is too complex, this could be good for gaming or maybe even some media projects.
Textures are bad for grass, tarmac and a few other places, but I can understand you cant have HD textures due to memory constraints
I thought about this thread as I'm watching highlights of the British Touring Car Championship race at Brands Hatch. And I'm thinking, "here's a fine folk who modeled Brands Hatch masterfully while I'm seeing the real track raced on by real drivers." This model seems like it could be used for games or even mobile games. Unless the model you created is too complex, this could be good for gaming or maybe even some media projects.

thanks! I think currently the polycount would be too high for games (not sure though poly count for games could be higher than I thought)

Textures are bad for grass, tarmac and a few other places, but I can understand you cant have HD textures due to memory constraints
well, the grass was a problem for me, I did have where it was noticeably repeating for ages, and this was the best I could get in the time I had, ild have preferred 3D grass (mainly near the camera) but I felt this would kill rendering times

and yeah I was never happy with the tarmac, its better in some places then others
Well, I got the results back, a 2:1 (64%) not too bad, not sure what I got for the video alone as this is a combined mark with the report that went with it, seems I'm terrible at reports I assume the video was quite high! :P

just graduation next week and looking for a job now :(
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