thanks everyone, deadline was Thursday, was up most the night Wednesday waiting for frames to render and put it togeather, I'm not that happy with it, a lot of textures aren't finished, camera angles and speeds aren't perfect, but I had no time for test renders or to do more modeling / texturing, I sadly just had to click render with what I had, and it was tight, I finished rendering at midnight Wednesday and the deadline was midday Thursday! so 12 hours left
but considering I saw NO rendered frames in a video to see what it really looked like until around 1am on the day of the deadline and all the sound was put togeather around 3am, with no time to fix anything at all, it was just one render and see what I had at the end of it, ill put it on YouTube sometime this week so people can see what I did, but hopefully ill finish it how I want one day, not how the uni want, because I want something I'm proud of, and at the moment, I'm not there. hopefully it'll get the grade, but at the moment that's all it is to me sadly