Breaking News: Gunman shoots 20 at Dawson College, Montreal

  • Thread starter Famine
I think you should re-phrase that to : Unfortunately 1 woman died..... ;)


Yes it is unfortunate but when you think about it... for only one person to die when according to one of those links he was shooting for many minutes... incredibly luck for Montreal that they don't have to deal with a mass-murder situation. I'm just thankful that this didn't end up much, much worse!
Really? Had no idea...

It sounds horrible, but it seems like it happens fairly frequently here in the US.

It doesn't really happen that often at all, and not as much as the fear-mongering liberal media would have us believe. The love that crap for the anti-gun arguments.

It's a tragedy what happened, though. As kenny said, they are lucky more people didn't die.
we do not need another columbine massacre remake, lets hope this will be the last every school shooting
we do not need another columbine massacre remake, lets hope this will be the last every school shooting

Wishful thinking?

We don't know his motives and may never will... but as long as their are lunatics out there, this kind of thing will happen time and time again. People sometimes shoot others for a reason... such as vengeance for getting canned, taking out anger on those who the gunman was wronged by... but this could be one of those cases where the guy is just nuts and that's all the reason you need.
People willing to 'go out with a bang' look for a place with as many people as possible in the smallest space. As everyone here goes or has gone to school we are all familiar with the idea of many people in compact space. As he had the guns in his vehicle and just pulled up in front of the school (schools have parking, and probably not security guards, or probably unarmed security guards) it is fairly easy to make these kinds of things happen.

I don't really understand the questions regarding the concealing of the weapons. If you saw a guy walking towards you with a semi automatic rifle, would you be the one to take it from him?
This is mad, the fact that people can do things like this is horrible. I hope the many people who are critical pull through and my thoughts go out to all the families involved.

Calls himself an angel of death and says that life is a video-game and everyones gatta die sometime...

GTP, when you guys grow up and *gulp*...have kids of your own...LOVE THEM AND GIVE THEM THE ATTENTION THEY DESERVE!

Well we can't join the 'blame the parents' bandwagon from that one statement.. although I do agree it's very likely his childhood wasn't up to par.

This will also be really, really negative press for What drives people to get into that I don't know... but I know most of them are 'normal' productive members of society.

I'm waiting for people to hop on the other bandwagon, and declare that someone should have seen that coming.
Quick question: Can those rifles be taken apart? They probably did that, they carried the parts and then they put them all together; you know like the military guys.


More likely it was the carbine version and hence the reason for the trench assembly required ..JUST one or more persons in that school with a permit to carry and a loaded weapon to shoot the idiot before he does any damage .
It's so frightening that this has happened to my city, involving my friends and some family members. It's something that you see on the news but it somehow doesn't affect you as much as when it happens right infront of you. I certainly had hard time sleeping. I still can't get any of this off of my mind for a second. Things like this should not be happening.

Now I have to somehow drag myself to school and sit through two hours of Linear Algebra. How upsetting....