Breaking out and getting to 2 million+ MPH

Originally posted by AltF8
Ah yes...the elusive Absolute Maximum Speed in GT3. Glad someone finally posted it.

Oh, and for those who care, that's 31.180679812645856203812107538717% of the speed of light.

(Yes, I have too much time on my hands... ):cool:

It's actually 3.56% the speed of light. I thought the game froze up and your car would warp to another game system. Was gonna ask if anyone had an Xbox and turned it on nearby to see if their car was now over there.
Originally posted by gk46
you have to hit the tires at like 250 mph. its hard but possible. wheelie is very helpful. just hit the tires hard and it will eventually break. try this trick in free mode because u usually have to try it more than once to weaken the tires.

In free mode? Am I missing something? There's only 5 tracks in free mode and neither Seattle nor Cote D'Azur are there...or do more open up as you play?
Arcade Mode/Free Run... All tracks available.

2.147 billion mph = 3.1c (3 times the speed of light).
c = 186,500miles per second = 671,400,000mph.
Hmm. Must be because I haven't completed any of the arcade mode yet. I'll have to see if that ends up opening the free run tracks. I was always going to the Seattle Track in the Beginner league, but you have to watch out for the other cars.

Oops I forgot that I had 90 in my conversion I was actually computing 90 C :rolleyes:

Still, I've calculated the percentage...we're actually talking WARP 3.20!

1 C = 670,616,600 mph

2,147,483,647/670,616,600 = 3.20

No wonder it freezes, it's going ludicrous speed and warping to another system! Someone turn on their PC, Xbox or other gaming system to see if the car is there!

BTW, I think that you should be required to hit the max limit speed of the game to get to 100% complete
I'm lucky, I got it first try I did it, but I didn't hit the wall specified, I hit at the other end of the straight by the hairpin, I was bored on the seattle enduro so I tried it and it worked, had a long lap that time checking out seattle:D
You gotta use throttle control. Let up on the gas if the tires are squeeling and the controller is shaking. Also make sure your settings are the recommended settings as shown earlier in this thread.
Originally posted by Famine
2.147 billion mph = 3.1c (3 times the speed of light).
c = 186,500miles per second = 671,400,000mph.
Right, but less in the PAL version because of the km/h instead of mph. 2 billion km/h are just below 2c (1.989 c to be accurate).
Originally posted by SnowbordrWRX
In either case, you're driving faster than the speed of light and then it opens up a wormhole or something. That's why the system crashes, I believe.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Then the system should crash before c is reached. Einstein's theory says that in order to reach c you must have a mass equal to zero, which means only energy (photons) can reach that speed. BTW, that's why its lightspeed : only the light can reach it.
Anyway, I'd rather have PD concerned with car physics (real damage !) than with quantum physics.
i thought electrons had a very small mass. I think thats it's impossible to have a mass of 0. if you had a mass of 0 you would "cease to be"
The theory of Reletivity states that to achive the speed og light you would need an infinite amount of energy, which we are slowly getting to, until then only GT3 cars will reach that speed.
Originally posted by spike10h
i thought electrons had a very small mass. I think thats it's impossible to have a mass of 0. if you had a mass of 0 you would "cease to be"
Electrons have a very small mass. Photons have no mass at all and no electric charge. They are pure energy, that's why they can travel at lightspeed.

I suspect PD uses friction coefficients to limit a car's speed, and when the car is out of the track boundaries, there is no friction anymore and the speed keeps increasing.
If the game supposedly crashes when you hit 2^31-1, then how come you can go faster than that? I hit 2.4 billion the first time I did it...I also hit an "edge of the universe" wall the first time I did it (hitting a wall at 2 billion mph can't be good...for the wall).

So does anyone have a theory on how this glitch happens? Is it something in the physics engine telling the car to come back down from gravity and go back up from rear downforce at the same time that generates an infinite loop of some sort?
Originally posted by flat-out
Electrons have a very small mass. Photons have no mass at all and no electric charge. They are pure energy, that's why they can travel at lightspeed.

wait a minute, then why is an atoms atomic mass referring to the number of photons in the nuecleius? i'm lost .....:confused:
sorry sorry, typo, right, i did mean protons. thank you for correcting me. i got confused:boggled: yeah, photons dont have any mass. okay. sorry for all that.
Originally posted by Sven
If the game supposedly crashes when you hit 2^31-1, then how come you can go faster than that? I hit 2.4 billion the first time I did it.


2 to the power 31 IS 2.4billion
Perhaps this thread should be moved to a new forum that we would call 'Miscellaneous > Physics > Quantum Physics' or 'Miscellaneous > Mathematics > Binary calculation' :lol: :lol: :lol:
Argh this is annoying... when I try to pin the throttle w/o traction control the front wheels spin like mad and I cant steer to the right spot. But, when I have TC on I can control the car fine and 'break through', but that same traction control keeps me from doing a wheelie:mad:
I'm sure it is because you hit the wall at the edge of the map and go through it, causeing the game to crash, happened to me when a gameshark code caused my fellow computer controlled racer friend to get smacked around by a game physics experiment and hit the edge at laguna seca, weird:odd:
Breaking out in SS5 is the easiest, any car that can acheive 230 can do it, and you do a cool fallout if you go near the track.

hope this link works, it's a short vid of me falling out onto the track after drivin into the nothingness :)


This glitch, which was also in GT2, probably happens because of our nice anti-rollover physics. The rear wing is pushing the car up, and the physics engine is saying the car is supposed to flip and fly like the Mercedes LM car did years back, but the ARP wants the car to stop going up at like 75 degrees or so. Then, the physics engine runs in a looping conflict, sends lots of force going forward, and causes the kwheelie trick as we all know it...