Wind power seems like a reasonable choice to me, with all this coastline we may as well exploit it.
Until you have a couple of windfarms out there.
Then the same people who bitch about coal and nuclear power start bitching about horizon pollution.
It's just not regular enough.Wind power seems like a reasonable choice to me, with all this coastline we may as well exploit it.
aadil717I don't find windfarms an eyesore at all, I actually like the way they look, anyone else agree?
I don't live near any but I think they're really cool looking. I like the blend of nature and science that they provide.I don't find windfarms an eyesore at all, I actually like the way they look, anyone else agree?
Wind power seems like a reasonable choice to me, with all this coastline we may as well exploit it.
Hasn't anyone ever considered that with all of it's coastline Britain should invest in tidal and wave power? 💡
I'm pretty sure that would be a 'drop in the ocean' as far as it's contribution to our energy needs goes....
The UK being an island, makes sense to take advantage of wave/tidal power (don't know the pros & cons though).
What year are we? that's right-2012, hasn't anyone managed to produce cold fusion yet?...![]()
At 1nessThe UK being an island, makes sense to take advantage of wave/tidal power (don't know the pros & cons though).
What year are we? that's right-2012, hasn't anyone managed to produce cold fusion yet?...![]()
More on topic, Nuclear seems the way forward, if someone manages to get the plants contracted, plus convince the public a disaster won't happen. So a tricky road ahead.
Roger the HorseThorium Liquid Salt reactors are the way forward. If we can actually get them to work and get it into the public's heads that it is damn near IMPOSSIBLE for one of those things to melt down, and that almost no radioactive waste is produced at the end.
Yes, but they both have their downfalls.Hasn't anyone ever considered that with all of it's coastline Britain should invest in tidal and wave power?
We may have an energy production surplus, but we import a lot of fossil fuels from abroad to power our grid, and also some energy from France and their abundance of Nuclear power.Britain actually has an energy surplus. Well, it did last time I checked, which was a couple of months ago.
Thorium is better, but you can't make weapons out of it, so no one is going to use it.
It's common knowledge human wheels are more efficientWe should build giant hand cranked generators in every town, next to the job centre. If you claim anything for being unemployed, or you receive benefits for anything and 'choose' not to work because there are no jobs that 'offer the right hours', then you spend your hours or days cranking the generator.
Vote MatksiMonk, I promise to lower unemployment, lower our dependency on fossil fuels and increase the health of the population.![]()
It's common knowledge human wheels are more efficient
Seriously though, if you'd rate yourself dead centre then the answers you gave probably wouldn't have come up with a score that essentially makes you this guy: