BST Revolution | V8-Johnboy Wins Series 9Finished 

  • Thread starter Gedi69
@neljack How about you cover for King until he's better? We will carry your Tokyo points over and add them to @R35 SKYLIN3 's haul. Keeps Pauls team shot ticking over and covers him for any King eventualities.
I will ask @Gedi69 to terminate YMCA it's not going anywhere.👍 @cunny17 can always adjust the tables next week. :)
Told me 58.6 didn't you?:odd:

yes improved after the post , was in cunnys lounge before i joined to watch the toca race

have probably about 5 more tenths in the bag but the car is a handful here 59 probably my race pace unless i improve the setup

Im using all the rear wing here compared to tokyo i could use none
yes improved after the post , was in cunnys lounge before i joined to watch the toca race

have probably about 5 more tenths in the bag but the car is a handful here 59 probably my race pace unless i improve the setup

Im using all the rear wing here compared to tokyo i could use none
Yeah figures too many tight turns for the Lex really.