Jack has been devoting most of his parctice to his flying miata lately so my recent performances in the alfa have been dismaller than dave the dismal dismallist at the dismal derby!
I did have a wee bit of succcess in the miata (by my standards) coming 10th overall but after this weekend my season will be over & I am going to have a real bash(!?) at the next few races in the V8's - next few tracks are more to my liking as well.
As for last night's race my main excitement was getting out of everyone's way while they lapped me - then I messed up by ramming gedi - so I thought - "not achieving much here - don't want to mess up anyone else's race" - so off i dismally went!
I have every intention of "competing" in season 3. Will be looking on the next few races as an "audition" to prove I might be worth having as a team mate.
any way i'd best get off to get some practice in
Love you all
Jack x