BST V8 challenge S2 "The new breed" Reserves needed!

  • Thread starter Gedi69
yet i go about 5mph faster than you in the corners HSR = Total Noob track Imo!
yet i go about 5mph faster than you in the corners HSR = Total Noob track Imo!

Reverse of RP, faster at start line (165mph vs my 160mph) but I get it in the banked turns, flying through final turn at 130mph
wel i get 135 in the 2nd corner and 140mph in the last corrner! for me its really boring as i said the audi finds all those corners too easy so its a boring as an oval in the audi.....
its ok Furis trying to gloat that hes fast when its all car since im going 5mph faster in corners and still 1sec slower due to its straight line speed on the worst track on GT5 HSR
JB our audis will reign supreame at handling tracks like tsukuba me thinks
its ok Furis trying to gloat that hes fast when its all car since im going 5mph faster in corners and still 1sec slower due to its straight line speed on the worst track on GT5 HSR
JB our audis will reign supreame at handling tracks like tsukuba me thinks

Hes showing off at HSR again huh, try 30 laps around Fuji in the tail happy Esprit without spinning out and maybe you will have us worried!!:sly:
its ok Furis trying to gloat that hes fast when its all car since im going 5mph faster in corners and still 1sec slower due to its straight line speed on the worst track on GT5 HSR
JB our audis will reign supreame at handling tracks like tsukuba me thinks

Just ask Racerpaul what the Audi was like at Tsubuka mate it ruled foot to the floor all the way round bring on the vorsprung durch technik 4wd system whoop whoop!!👍
next time i join his lounge on boring HSR im changing it to something like suzuka :lol:
Just ask Racerpaul what the Audi was like at Tsubuka mate it ruled foot to the floor all the way round bring on the vorsprung durch technik 4wd system whoop whoop!!👍

The tracks i rekon our grippy cars will do well is fugi possibly suzuka tsukuba nurburg GP and maybe grand valley
yes but atleast we allways have great handling where as the lotus can only use the top speed in a few tracks :sly:

Edit: 500th post :D
yes but atleast we allways have great handling where as the lotus can only use the top speed in a few tracks :sly:

Edit: 500th post :D

TBH i know what i would rather have although the Lotus is loads of fun its just to unpredictable for me.:nervous:
The tracks i rekon our grippy cars will do well is fugi possibly suzuka tsukuba nurburg GP and maybe grand valley

Not Suzuka, aero grip is needed there, Ferrari territory.

Ford GT handles way better then the Lotus, and can match it on a straight line, so at Indy, Grand Valley, Tokyo and probably a few more, I'm predicting the Ford to reign supreme.:sly:
Not Suzuka, aero grip is needed there, Ferrari territory.

Ford GT handles way better then the Lotus, and can match it on a straight line, so at Indy, Grand Valley, Tokyo and probably a few more, I'm predicting the Ford to reign supreme.:sly:

Sounds like all the cars have a chance then!!:lol:
Lotus has been testing at Indy Road Course, and with Spec 2 multiple settings sheets you are all in trouble :P
it was just testing no races but i cant wait until fugi next week :D:tup:






it was just testing no races but i cant wait until fugi next week :D:tup:

Just hope the lounge behaves itself and lets you in ok, best get there as early as you can Paul im normally open around 7pm any probs we can then try and iron out.👍
Lovin the colour scheme furi must admit looks good.
Any lap times for fuji yet or is everyone keeping quiet?

Esprit is a good Second faster than GT on HSR, but its all about being consistent! Should be a very interesting season love the mix of cars just hope everyone stays for the duration!
Just hope the lounge behaves itself and lets you in ok, best get there as early as you can Paul im normally open around 7pm any probs we can then try and iron out.👍

The races are longer this series, do we start the sprint at 7:30 to finish around the same or are we still going for the hour of me being faster then you all?:sly: