BST | V8 Challenge S4/S5 Talk

  • Thread starter Gedi69
Dropped scores.

JB lowest score 23.
Sy lowest score 15.
Toffe lowest score 10.
Gedi lowest score 9.
Jonz lowest score 0.
Nel lowest score 0.
Andy lowest score 0.
Paul lowest score 0.
King lowest score 0.
R35 lowest score 0.
Furi lowest score 0.
Abrick lowest score 0.
Cunny lowest score 0.
Haitch lowest score
Aliens lowest score 0.
Matty lowest score 0.
Hain lowest score 0.
Tyrell lowest score 0.
Akmuq lowest score 0.

Table without drop scores.

1st. V8-johnboy~~~~237pts
2nd. Neljack~~~~209pts
3rd. Syjones1~~~~186pts
4th. Strawman_andy~~~~183pts
5th. Toffe~~~~158pts
6th. Jonzster~~~~157pts
7th. Gedi69~~~~129pts
8th. Cunny17~~~~115pts
9th. Kingsakery~~~~94pts
10th. Akmuq~~~~88pts
11th. Paulmac2k9~~~~73pts
12th. Abrick~~~~71pts
13th. Haitch40~~~~58pts
14th. Aliens96~~~~30pts
15th. Matty~~~~29pts
16th. R35_skylin3~~~~19pts
17th. Hain~~~~13pts
18th. Furinkazen~~~~5pts
19th. Tyrellracing~~~~1pt

Table with drop scores.

1st. V8-johnboy~~~~214pts (-23)
2nd. Neljack~~~~209pts (-0)
3rd. Strawman_andy~~~~183pts (-0)
4th. Syjones1~~~~171pts (-15)
5th. Jonzster~~~~157pts (-0)
6th. Toffe~~~~148pts (-10)
7th. Gedi69~~~~120pts (-9)
8th. Cunny17~~~~115pts (-0)
9th. Kingsakery~~~~94pts (-0)
10th. Akmuq~~~~88pts (-0)
11th. Paulmac2k9~~~~73pts (-0)
12th. Abrick~~~~71pts (-0)
13th. Haitch40~~~~58pts (-0)
14th. Aliens96~~~~30pts (-0)
15th. Matty~~~~29pts (-0)
16th. R35_skylin3~~~~19pts (-0)
17th. Hain~~~~13pts (-0)
18th. Furinkazen~~~~5pts (-0)
19th. Tyrellracing~~~~1pt (-0)

Teams table without drop scores.

1st. Team Psycho Racing~~~~~423pts
2nd. T.I.T.S~~~~~379pts
3rd. Wilds Racing~~~~~316pts
4th. Team Toad~~~~~247pts
5th. Team Troll Racing~~~~~129pts
6th. T.A.R.C~~~~~96pts

Teams table with drop scores.

1st. Team Psycho Racing~~~~~385pts (-38)
2nd. T.I.T.S~~~~~379pts (-0)
3rd. Wilds Racing~~~~~306pts (-10)
4th. Team Toad~~~~~237pts (-9)
5th. Team Troll Racing~~~~~129pts (-0)
6th. T.A.R.C~~~~~96pts (-0)
Hmmm. Makes no difference to me but were or are dropped scores mentioned in the OPs?

Jonz and toffe have swapped places. Don't know how toffe feels but I wouldn't be to happy about it. Going from 1 point ahead to 10 points behind.
Understand where your coming from Sy:indiff: Will need to discuss with those concerned as unfortunately its not in the Op (maybe S5 would be a good idea?) Really trying hard to do the right thing here tbh but re-writing the rules this late into a season may be the wrong thing to do what would we have done if Nel had made the start of the races then got DC'D from both samething? Im personally really stuck.:ouch:
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Hmmm. Makes no difference to me but were or are dropped scores mentioned in the OPs?

Jonz and toffe have swapped places. Don't know how toffe feels but I wouldn't be to happy about it. Going from 1 point ahead to 10 points behind.

Glad I'm not the only 1 who thinks it's all a bit weird.
Don't see why people should drop pts coz the leader had bad net.
Green interesting name huh toad?:sly:

Remember brick that our S4 drivers get 1st spots if after that there is a full time spot then yes his cool to join, if not reserve
Remember brick that our S4 drivers get 1st spots if after that there is a full time spot then yes his cool to join, if not reserve

Yup, that's grand. It's only a plan atm.
is it you have to switch team members each season?
i dont care as i got my teamie but just wondering
i just thought it would be a fair point to switch everything up, its like we do with the cars, if we kept the same cars then basically everyone would switch to an m3 or a isf, switch teams so we dont have the 2 best drivers for instance in the same team
i just thought it would be a fair point to switch everything up, its like we do with the cars, if we kept the same cars then basically everyone would switch to an m3 or a isf, switch teams so we dont have the 2 best drivers for instance in the same team

Pmsl :lol:
So its a yes, no, maybe? :confused:

Im completely there on the whole it's late very in the season voice, and it wasnt me that came up with the idea either :P. However, would it not make a more exciting finale to the championship and therefore be better for the series? I dont think the standings have even changed a budge.

I dont mind it not being enforced of course, but it's not exactly like when I turned my PS3 on at 7 on Monday I knew this was gonna unfold.

Well, thats my view, anyway :P

EDIT: Ok I see Toffe's swapped with Jonz, perhaps ask him how he feels about the idea first >_<
So its a yes, no, maybe? :confused:

Im completely there on the whole it's late very in the season voice, and it wasnt me that came up with the idea either :P. However, would it not make a more exciting finale to the championship and therefore be better for the series? I dont think the standings have even changed a budge.

I dont mind it not being enforced of course, but it's not exactly like when I turned my PS3 on at 7 on Monday I knew this was gonna unfold.

Well, thats my view, anyway :P

EDIT: Ok I see Toffe's swapped with Jonz, perhaps ask him how he feels about the idea first >_<

Coming from my un biased position. It only makes it exciting for you or JB. Unless someone's thinking of making a season review DVD for me to watch, and I don't think that's gonna happen.

I really don't mind who wins. You are both excellant racers and both deserve the title. Unfortunately nel, your engine blew, you didn't have another one and couldn't take part in last Monday's races. Which must of been gutting and I feel for you. But....
I would say that there is no point deduction needed. It's not fair on jb. But I can understand tht nel lost out, but it could happen to any of us :(
I would just like to point out my view and say that mid-season rule changes should be an absolute no-no whenever they're about something else than eliminating a certain car's dominancy.
Only other option i can think of is to sit Suzuka out and try and find a stand in so our team dosent suffer other than that theres knowhere to go with this.:crazy:
JB, Im not letting you miss the race as ive just sent in my PM :P

Rule change or no rule change, Im gonna be a very late qualifyer this week, sorry :scared:. Will be 8-9ish on Sunday as Ive got Coursework to do tomorrow, off to Silverstone Friday afternoon for F1 saturday and busy with stuff on Sunday :eek:
JB, Im not letting you miss the race as ive just sent in my PM :P

Rule change or no rule change, Im gonna be a very late qualifyer this week, sorry :scared:. Will be 8-9ish on Sunday as Ive got Coursework to do tomorrow, off to Silverstone Friday afternoon for F1 saturday and busy with stuff on Sunday :eek:

Answered ignore pm:dunce:
jb, your telling me i wont ever be infront of you on either of the races? you have high hopes il give you that