BST | V8 Challenge S4/S5 Talk

  • Thread starter Gedi69
Sorry guys hope Gedi explains lap 10 wobbly legs and threw up all over the carpet missed my wheel thankfully!:scared:
Apologies for a very poor showing.:ill:
best race of my life, thankyou for letting me race, you can put me down as interested for S5 for sure!!
Sorry guys hope Gedi explains lap 10 wobbly legs and threw up all over the carpet missed my wheel thankfully!:scared:
Apologies for a very poor showing.:ill:

Missed the dog aswell then
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Sorry guys hope Gedi explains lap 10 wobbly legs and threw up all over the carpet missed my wheel thankfully!:scared:
Apologies for a very poor showing.:ill:

Hope you're okay jb!

Though I would write a small race report.

Race 1:
This was jonzster's race! I had done some small tweaks to the settings since qualifying which made the car much better. I got a good start (just as jonzster!) and followed jon. It was really nice to see Wild Racing 1-2 on the track :cool: Haven't happened too many times... Did a few small mistakes and the gap to jonzster increased. Managed to hold 2nd place though. Nice race!

Race 2:
Got a good start again and took a few places. After a while I caught R35 and we had a nice battle. R35, you sure know how to make a car feel like it's 4 meters wide instead of 2 (while not breaking any rules!) :)

It was a real challenge to pass you, but eventually I got a better exit in the S-curves and managed to pass. Had a nice battle with sy too.

During the first two stints I was quite far behind the leader (which was nel I think at this stage with gokartman78 second). I tried to stretch the first stint a bit to get an advantage in the second stint. However, in the second stint I made several small mistakes and sy almost caught me again...:nervous:

When nel and gokartman pitted, I stayed out for one lap more as planned. When I got back out again I was 15 seconds behind... I felt I had the speed (and 1 lap more fresh tyres...) so I thought if I just concentrate and do some clean laps I might catch them. Did a 1'03.9xx as best and the gap got lower and lower...

I think on the 2nd or 3rd last lap, nel made a small mistake in the chicane and both me and gokartman got closer. After a while I managed to pass gokartman. I'm happy I had those 1 lap fresher tyres at this point! Out of the S-curves I got a better exit and managed to pass nel too. This was very intense and very fun! 👍:)

I think the last couple of races in season 4 have been fantastic, already looking forward to season 5!! :)
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Firstly well done to S4 champ JB :cheers: and get well soon bud

Toffe great race well done nice 1 -2 mate. You had some serious pace in the second race great lap with tyre wear on, will have to catch your replay later, the end of the race looked interesting between you three :)
Sorry guys hope Gedi explains lap 10 wobbly legs and threw up all over the carpet missed my wheel thankfully!:scared:
Apologies for a very poor showing.:ill:

At first I thought you'ed rage quit. Then I thought you'ed been d/ced. The last thing I would of thought was that you'ed spewed all over your carpet! Hope youre feeling better JB.

best race of my life, thankyou for letting me race, you can put me down as interested for S5 for sure!!

Great race 2 kart man. Apologies for some of my antics. Totally ruined my tyres early doors.

:gtpflag: V8-johnboy Series 4 V8 Champion :gtpflag:

Yep well done champ! Number 1 on your car S5!
Oh damn.
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Race 2 was the first race ever that I thought I might rage quit. My race was littered with humungous mistakes. I missed the braking point for the spoon by about a corner one lap. Very amateurish. My setup was awful. I think I should of gone for a 3 stopper it was that bad. Was not an enjoyable race. Was like driving round on 4 plates of jelly at times. With a bit of JBs sick in there for good measure!
Congrats to JB :cheers:

If i was a toad then that looks pretty close Furi.:sly: Feel bad for leaving the final race of the season tried hard to hang in there but in the end better out than in:ill::ill:!! Thanks to all the regulars who stuck with us once again you knows who you are:) Thrilled to hear Gokart (Sam) enjoyed his debut shows we are doing something right hope to see you in season 5.:D
Bit of a default season win in the end but hey i'll take it right:sly: Nel pushed hard all the way Fuji will always be a bit of a what if.:guilty: Sy season 4 Team Champ well done to you sir.:bowdown:

Final thanks goes to me old mate Gedi for putting up with me and all the crap, yes i know swings both ways.;) Hey partner we survived another!!!!:scared:
All in all season 4 has been a success i hope/think apart from the Andy thing which was regretable hope your doing ok wherever you may be:nervous: Season high double at Fuji and the toad hunt/season low none really maybe Fuji again no Nel!!:grumpy:
Gonna be a tough defence but looking forward to it already.👍:cheers:
At first I thought you'ed rage quit. Then I thought you'ed been d/ced. The last thing I would of thought was that you'ed spewed all over your carpet! Hope youre feeling better JB.

Great race 2 kart man. Apologies for some of my antics. Totally ruined my tyres early doors.

Yep well done champ! Number 1 on your car S5!
Oh damn.

that battle on lap 6 was awesome. when i saw you pit i jumped out my seat and almost dropped my controller. it just surprised me , and you were a very clean racer! (and fast :P)
that battle on lap 6 was awesome. when i saw you pit i jumped out my seat and almost dropped my controller. it just surprised me , and you were a very clean racer! (and fast :P)

Cheers kartman. Appreciated. ;-)
It's fine Ill just win it next season, gotta keep things interesting ya know ;) :sly:

So looking towards S5, any got any preferences on what cars they might use? Ill probs go back to my S2 Ferrari 458, but will test all of them anyway :)
It's fine Ill just win it next season, gotta keep things interesting ya know ;) :sly:

So looking towards S5, any got any preferences on what cars they might use? Ill probs go back to my S2 Ferrari 458, but will test all of them anyway :)

Probably VW i hear its ubber fast!:D
Race 1

1st. Jonzster~~~~13pts~~~2pts for Pole
2nd. Toffe~~~~11pts
3rd. R35-skylin3~~~~10pts
4th. Gedi69~~~~9pts~~~1pt for 2nd
5th. V8-johnboy~~~~8pts
6th. Neljack~~~~7pts
7th. Syjones1~~~~6pts
8th. Gokartman~~~~5pts

Race 2

1st. Toffe~~~~26pts
2nd. Neljack~~~~22pts
3rd. Gokartman~~~~20pts
4th. Jonzster~~~~18pts
5th. Syjones1~~~~16pts
6th. Akmuq~~~~14pts
7th. Gedi69~~~~12pts
8th. R35-skylin3~~~~DNF

Final Driver's Standings

1st. V8-johnboy~~~~245pts :gtpflag: CHAMPION :gtpflag:
2nd. Neljack~~~~238pts
3rd. Syjones1~~~~208pts
4th. Toffe~~~~195pts
5th. Jonzster~~~~190pts
6th. Gedi69~~~~151pts
7th. Cunny17~~~~115pts
8th. Akmuq~~~~102pts
9th. Kingsakery~~~~94pts
10th. Paulmac2k9~~~~73pts
11th. Abrick~~~~71pts
12th. Haitch40~~~~58pts
13th. Matty~~~~29pts
13th. R35-skylin3~~~~29pts
15th. Gokartman~~~~25pts
16th. Furinkazen~~~~5pts

Team Table

1st. Team Psycho Racing~~~~~453pts :gtpflag: TEAM'S CHAMPION'S :gtpflag:
2nd. T.I.T.S~~~~~422pts
3rd. Team Wild Racing~~~~~385pts
4th. Team Toad~~~~~294pts
5th. Team Traoll Racing~~~~~129pts
6th. T.A.R.C~~~~~96pts
Watched thats incident back Sy as requested. Toad leader gets on the power a smidge to early and oversteers into your drivers door pushing you into the barrier.:ouch: Ive watched it from both cars viewpoint looks a bit unfortunate so can understand where your coming from.:nervous: Can only see it as an oversite from the Toad we all have those "hmmm should i ave slowed down for that" moments:scared: On this occasion yep he should of really but nobody's perfect the Toad slows down more than most.👍

Note for the field for future reference if you are stuck behind R35 except thats where your staying you aint getting passed.:sly::embarrassed:
Watched thats incident back Sy as requested. Toad leader gets on the power a smidge to early and oversteers into your drivers door pushing you into the barrier.:ouch: Ive watched it from both cars viewpoint looks a bit unfortunate so can understand where your coming from.:nervous: Can only see it as an oversite from the Toad we all have those "hmmm should i ave slowed down for that" moments:scared: On this occasion yep he should of really but nobody's perfect the Toad slows down more than most.👍

Note for the field for future reference if you are stuck behind R35 except thats where your staying you aint getting passed.:sly::embarrassed:

:lol: 👎 He hit the back of me which sent me in a spin.

Nevermind was a good season.
Ive opened a lobby for S5 testing at Suzuka (as its fresh in the mind) if anyone wants to join :)

Jeez! Go to school or something!! (Bangs head against desk) some of us have to scrape a living!!