Bullying in Chicago

Those aren't friends. Dumb them and find real ones.

This man speaks the truth.

Last year something like this happened to me. It was 2 guys against me and I got kicked on the ground. I had about 4 friends with me and no one did anything. It makes my blood boil. The event happened in the middle of a busy street so the two "tough inner city kids" continued for about a minute or so. I wasn't badly hurt besides the kick to the head. From this day on I'm on my toes every time I step outside. I hate it being the way it is but the ultimate humiliation from getting taken down is just over powering. The worst is I did nothing to start it; walking down the street kid hits me a bunch with a rolled up news paper, hits me across the face, I decide to hit him back because he wouldn't stop. I didn't even know the kid. Next thing I know I'm calling for my friends which never came to help me. Life really, really, sucks sometimes. I still can't get over it.

I'm so sorry to hear that man, it just makes me so angry. Look, I'll just be Captain Obvious now, but there is this one solution: man up, just give them hell next time, never ever let yourself beat by someone, you will feel much better when you've beaten the crap out of them. (Though be still "thoughtful", don't push them infront of a bus or similar you know what I mean, a broken bone is fine though imo)

How old are you actually?

On topic: Those kids got arrested and I sure hope they get what they deserve.
this is the girl who shot the vid "explaining" what happened. *Warning shes the stupidest girl ever

Reaction vid. Couple of swears in it

this is the girl who shot the vid "explaining" what happened. *Warning shes the stupidest girl ever

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amO_73jYF1M">YouTube Link</a>

Reaction vid. Couple of swears in it

<a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfXl67zM59I">YouTube Link</a>

That reaction vid was great! :lol: Thats a wierd kind of humor but it was funny.
That reaction vid was great! :lol: Thats a wierd kind of humor but it was funny.

Lol seriously just subscribe to those guys some of the vids they put out you will laugh forever. Plus there black guys who are twins with green eyes. Like rarest possible people.
Lol seriously just subscribe to those guys some of the vids they put out you will laugh forever. Plus there black guys who are twins with green eyes. Like rarest possible people.
There great! I've been subbed to their workout advice channel for a long time now. I just recently found out they made these reaction videos.

Sorry for going off topic.
Ha, they charged the kid without the mask as an adult.
The boy who's face was not covered is being charged as an adult while the other 7 are being charged as kids.
The boy who's face was not covered is being charged as an adult while the other 7 are being charged as kids.

Ahha sucks so much or him. It should be the other way around if anything since clearly the kids wearing a mask were more prepared to do this. Dumbass' tho like who films themselves committing a crime.
Ahha sucks so much or him. It should be the other way around if anything since clearly the kids wearing a mask were more prepared to do this. Dumbass' tho like who films themselves committing a crime.

Or perhaps he thought he would look tough and manly if he didn't have a mask. That was my first thought.