burning up rear tires

Do you mean wheelspin or tyre wear? Wheelspin can be reduced by increasing rear toe, reducing rear camber or adding downfore. Tyre wear is a bit more complicated but usually the same tweaks help. The easiest way to reduce both wheelspin and tyre wear is just to reduce the power.
I can get rid of most front rear tire wear issues by adjusting the LSD. Most cars. Some give me trouble and I have to resort to other tunes or one level harder tires on the rear.
The car is the Nissan R89c RC '89 I'll have to get the settings later Bob is running a 24hr race at the moment. 12 hrs to go.
During this 24 hour race, on the next pit stop, I would change to harder rear tires. It's your only option for the next 12 hours.
Only thing you can change to fix that is yourself... And even then it'll still chew them. Tis the nature of a Group C car.
Here are the settings

Aero 55/80

LDS Int/30 Acc/30 Brak/30

Ride Height -25/-25

Springs 14.8/17.5

Ext 8/8

Comp 8/8

Roll Bars 6/3

Camber .5/.5

Toe 0.0/0.20

Brake 8/7

Does anyone have settings for this car? Bob did win by 5 laps.
You can also raise the front ride height (FR, MR) or rear ride height (RR) to place more of the cars weight on the drive axle and this will give the wheels more grip under torque. I usually find optimal weight shift is somewhere between 3-5mm boost to front end.
What to change in my setup to keep from burning up my rear tires?

Tyre wear
Toe 0.0/0.20
Brake 8/7

This... Toe 0/0.2 helps for stability but not for tyre wear (0/0 does) and your brakes are set (very) high, maybe stupid bob don't know how to brake slowly.

Aero is set high too, it's good for everything but tyre wear. Your camber is good.

LDS Int/30 Acc/30 Brak/30

This, and camber, but your camber is set low, it shouldn't be a problem. Toe should stay @ 0.0/0.20 if it's what's you are searching for.
Antiroll bar on a MR should alway more be like same/same or same+2/same or same/same+2, not same+3/same.

Try antiroll like 4/5 or 5/6 and camber like 0.9/1.1 then tell us if it's better, just, well, hum, well, just like that ? ;)

The LSD plays a big part in wheelspin. Experiment !
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