Burnout Paradise HD Remaster

Yes please.

As long as they don't mess it up like Activision messed up Modern Warfa*r*e Remastered. Y'know, selling the base game for basically the same *price* as a new AAA title - and then selling you all the DLCs - at a higher price than original.

The short version of this is if it's less than, say, $30-40 and a complete edition with all DLCs, the Tempesta shall once again be Besta (come at me @Mike458 and your rubbish Carbon X12)

On a side note: my english is horrible when I'm tired :lol:
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Yes please.

As long as they don't mess it up like Activision messed up Modern Warface Remastered. Y'know, selling the base game for basically the same game as a new AAA title - and then selling you all the DLCs - at a higher price than original.

The short version of this is if it's less than, say, $30-40 and a complete edition with all DLCs, the Tempesta shall once again be Besta (come at me @Mike458 and your rubbish Carbon X12)
You’re reading my mind. I have (for some reason) not played the original, so would really like to pick it up. But a remaster of a ten year old game should not cost more than €30, all DLC included imo.
I echo the hope that this is the complete package with all DLC for a reasonable price, if that's the case then its day one for me (despite the fact I do not have enough hours in the day at all).
I'd buy it, if its a good remaster and comes to PC. If it's a shoddy fancy graphics remaster than forget it.
All the DLC and a fair price point, maybe even some new bits, then yes.
Gematsus article said 4104 JPY which are about 30 Euros or about 36 Dollars
All DLCs included, no fancy "deluxe edition", untouched soundtrack and definitely no lootboxes. Those are the things I want from the remaster.

But, this is EA after all. Gonna keep my expectations to the absolute minimum.
It was a fun game to play with my kids back in the day.

There are times when we're out that we still scream "BUS!!!!" just for laughs.
I wouldn't mind playing if there is someone to play with and that there is something that can be done.

Don't get the love for this game. The lack of Crash mode killed it for me.

Because of the nature of Showtime and playing in a dynamic environment where you can literally take your car to the other half of the world, it would be challenging for a programming perspective to incorporate all the bonus items and pre-scripted timing of cars coming into an intersection.

Otherwise I don't get the love for simply driving around. The end game enjoyment for me is whoever can reach a challenge location (your knowledge of shortcuts) comes in handy, or complete a challenge first.

Cops & Robbers is a very fun idea, which I was very invested in but there really ought to be more points of interest so the games have more we can do aside from taking the same roads all the time. Whoever has the gold should be able to go just a little faster IMO (or at least give us one stick of boost). You can't shake off your pursuer if they have free reign with all their boost to come at you with.
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Here's to hoping that this is all true!
I am a bit worried since this is EA that we are talking about here. I worry that they'll lock away content previously available in the base game and resell it as microtransactions, even worse if they find a way to loot-box the heck out of it.
If (by chance) the DLCs and all are kept similar to how it was purchaseable 10 years ago, then I might consider buying them. I never bought it back then so I've most likely missed out on the new additions back then.
really does not even need to be called a re master. its already has 1080P. it would not need the 4K treatment. just a make it run on PS4, Xbox One Hardware. which "basically" is PC. Sooooo, just port from PC-AMD ATI to PS4, XB1AMD ATI it is not as hard as you would think. and Yes, Hell yes I am Getting this. loved rolling around in this game. alone and with friends.
I'd probably pick this up. Didn't get around to playing this on ps3, but loved some of the earlier entries.
Paradise? Who made that decision? Last great Burnout is Burnout Revenge. Great game and great soundtrack. That is what Burnout is. Not this Paradise played out freeroam stuff. Seems like the way these companies work is to go against what people ask for. We should have asked for Paradise so they can give us Revenge.
I'd definitely be interested in a Paradise remaster, as I never got to experience it myself first time around. As long as EA don't find a way to muck it up or annoy the fan-base once more, then things could be very promising.

Now if they could work on a Revenge (the best Burnout of all time IMO) remaster then that'd be dandy :D.