
  • Thread starter Strittan

Should Burqa be allowed in Europe?

  • Yes

    Votes: 77 52.4%
  • No

    Votes: 70 47.6%

  • Total voters
-So the women are forced to keep wearing the burqua for the men in their lives? And people in here are arguing that they should have the right to wear it ?
Your saying these women should have the right to be forced into something ?
-Wearing a burqua all the time and covering all of your skin leads to a lack of vitamin D which in turn causes Rickets.
-I beleive this has to do with Europe, so the americans in here who haven't been to europe or know anything about EU law: your comments about US law dont always comply over here.
-Surely it would come under some form of abuse if a man kept forcing a woman to wear something - maybe not in their native country but again in the EU ?

Look women in Islam wear burka because they WANT to. This isn't about please their husband. As for the skin cells and vitamin D part; they can wear normal clothes in their yard as long as the wallis covered. The whole reason this came about was that Muslims don't want other men looking or getting horny off of their women. I know an Arab family that lives near me and she wears tank tops around the house and outside. Also you've probably seen women wear just scarfs, showing their face not their hair; that's fine too. Prophet Muhammad wanted the women to cover their faces and bodies so that men don't get attracted to them. As for men beating women for doing that, that's 100% wrong it isn't Islam, those men are mental and give a bad name to muslims. Women were told to dress modest and you can see that; some wear scarf(hijab) burka and some don't wear either. The main point is, is that they have a choice and some men in different parts of the world force their women to wear. Abuse does occur, but there is more abuse in America then there is in the muslim world. Trust me on that one
The difference is that showing my dick is sex related and can be offensive to some, if not most people (Plus it's illegal.) Showing my face isn't. Looking at people's faces is a natural thing, and one of the first things you learn to do after you're born. Of course, looking at naked body parts is a natural thing too, IF you're at a strip club, watching porn or having sexual intercourse. Not so much in public.

You seem to think that islamic women rather shows their vagina than their face, which I highly doubt is the case, lol.

So, if you were a cop and had just pulled over a random women for speeding (or whatever) you would ask her to remove her panties rather than her burka?
I bet you haven't had a lot of luck with women. Jk. the face is a sexual thing. Not in the sense of intercourse, but what's the first thing you see when you look at a women? Her face/body. Isn't that sexual? Your looking at her sexually determining if you think she beautiful/ugly/fat/skinny whatever. This is what Islam wants to protect their women from. The burka not only covers the womens face but hides the body too. Men over 18 think about sexual thing every 52 seconds. We all probably imagine doing things to beautiful women we see. But the burka stops us from that. I understand that you think it's a matter of national security but we're in a free country with no judgement. If the KKK and Neo-Nazi's can exist then so can the burka. Theirs nothing wrong with it in my opinion. I don't like it cuz I do wanna see the women but it's part of religon so what can I do about it.
We all probably imagine doing things to beautiful women we see. But the burka stops us from that.

It might make it more difficult, does it stop?

Prophet Muhammad wanted the women to cover their faces and bodies so that men don't get attracted to them.

From what I heard, I was not there at the time: Muhammad noticed that the clothing as they were wrapped around women sometimes opened and revealed the breasts, so he recommended to wear something on top to avoid this happening unwanted. How people interpret that now has very little to do with Muhammad IMHO.
It might make it more difficult, does it stop?

From what I heard, I was not there at the time: Muhammad noticed that the clothing as they were wrapped around women sometimes opened and revealed the breasts, so he recommended to wear something on top to avoid this happening unwanted. How people interpret that now has very little to do with Muhammad IMHO.
yes it does stop to some extent. Like you can see the eyes but that's pretty much it. Those women that showed their breasts were probably non Muslims because he instructed all women who were Muslim to cover themselves from the
men who werent their family or husband because, we as men do think dirty things; its in our nature to
I am support it being allow (to cover your entire body and face) if Im allowed to walk around naked... we were born naked and a naked person presents no threat to anyone...
Look women in Islam wear burka because they WANT to.
I still doubt that's true in many, if not most of the cases.
The whole reason this came about was that Muslims don't want other men looking or getting horny off of their women.
You know how stupid and "anti-western society" that sounds? Well, I guess it explains why all rapes in Oslo during the last 5 years were done by men from a non-western country. They simply get so excited about the norwegian women not hiding their hair and faces that they can't control themselves.
Burqas should just be alowed to be worn in there own countries. In other countries they look like terrorists hiding there faces with masks.
In Switzerland it applies to all non-essential face coverings, including hoodies and balaclavas. Ostensibly to deter crime and anti-social behaviour.

It's a fantastic dog whistle (Islam and burqa are never mentioned) but you should be under no illusions as to what has really driven this.
Clue: far-right, conservatives
Is it just things like Niqab for example? Or does Hijab and other clothing such as hoodies and Beenie?

Otherwise, I have nothing to say tbh.
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Is it just things like Niqab for example? Or does Hijab and other clothing such as hoodies and Beenie?

The wording is just "full-face veils". Its interpretation and application remains to be seen.

In the interest of full disclosure the Swiss government actually advised against this but under Switzerland's system of direct democracy, it passed as a result of a public vote.

Data from the University of Luzern estimates there are about 30 people in the entirety of Switzerland who wear burqas; 5% of Switzerland's population is Muslim and mostly ethnic refugees from the Balkans (Albania, Kosovo and Bosnia/Hercegovina) who typically wouldn't wear burqas.
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Yeah, Christoph Blocher's legacy. The SVP continues to push their ridiculous agenda and it drives a wedge further between society.