- 44
- new york
- cooltool777
STI9-So the women are forced to keep wearing the burqua for the men in their lives? And people in here are arguing that they should have the right to wear it ?
Your saying these women should have the right to be forced into something ?
-Wearing a burqua all the time and covering all of your skin leads to a lack of vitamin D which in turn causes Rickets.
-I beleive this has to do with Europe, so the americans in here who haven't been to europe or know anything about EU law: your comments about US law dont always comply over here.
-Surely it would come under some form of abuse if a man kept forcing a woman to wear something - maybe not in their native country but again in the EU ?
Look women in Islam wear burka because they WANT to. This isn't about please their husband. As for the skin cells and vitamin D part; they can wear normal clothes in their yard as long as the wallis covered. The whole reason this came about was that Muslims don't want other men looking or getting horny off of their women. I know an Arab family that lives near me and she wears tank tops around the house and outside. Also you've probably seen women wear just scarfs, showing their face not their hair; that's fine too. Prophet Muhammad wanted the women to cover their faces and bodies so that men don't get attracted to them. As for men beating women for doing that, that's 100% wrong it isn't Islam, those men are mental and give a bad name to muslims. Women were told to dress modest and you can see that; some wear scarf(hijab) burka and some don't wear either. The main point is, is that they have a choice and some men in different parts of the world force their women to wear. Abuse does occur, but there is more abuse in America then there is in the muslim world. Trust me on that one