Bush is a Moron.

  • Thread starter epic
Originally posted by pupik
I think you're living in La-La-Land, not Mesa, Arizona. I'm so tired of hearing how white males in the USA are discriminated. If you want to loosen the oppession, why don't you take the white hood off your head and actually take a look around you.

You have it darn good, quite well, in fact. Stop complaing about how good you don't have it and wake up and do something about your life. You're acting like the slave you never wanted to be. If you're happy being who you are...don't complain about it!

If your race is white, you dont have anything good except your pride. Might not be the same in other places, but I live in South Florida and there are only about a few hundred, maybe 200, whites here. You have to work 3 times harder to get somewhere down here if you are white. These immagrants come over and have relatives and they give them jobs and money and other crap. Where as the white man has to work for his earnings. I just think they need to build a big huge wall around the southern edge of Florida's beaches. I'm not racist or trying to offend anyone but I mean, this has got to stop. They just opened a new school at the beginning of the school year which my son attends and it's so over crowded, it's outrageous.

But then again what do I know? I'm just a GT playing white folk from down south who listens to country music.

And DGB454, I know you thought why when you read the thread title :P
Up here its kind of the same situation, but its not as bad as you made it seem. I'm not trying to be offensive, but you getting upset about people having an easier life than you is just stupid. If it bothers you to the point where you want to "build a big huge wall around the southern edge of Florida's beaches" you should really move. My father, my mother and everyone else in this family has had to work harder than anyone else their entire life. What do they have to show for it? They have mediocre jobs and we barely make enough money to live where we do. They have never once complained about others getting jobs that they wanted even though my parents were more able than the other guy. After 9/11, a few people called me Al-Quida (sp?) and the "Tali-ban Boy." Did I piss and moan about how I've been discriminated against? Did I complain about too many white people and how they get priority at government jobs? No. Decent people tolerate people who do not mean harm to others, plain and simple.

As for what you said about schools, I agree. My school is about 500 students over recommended capacity. In the begining of the year, there weren't even enough desks in the classrooms. Immigration quotas, should be increased to keep from overcrowding this alread overpopulated country.

Looking back, this has nothing to do with Bush and the word moron in the same sentence.

Originally posted by duo17
Up here its kind of the same situation, but its not as bad as you made it seem. I'm not trying to be offensive, but you getting upset about people having an easier life than you is just stupid. If it bothers you to the point where you want to "build a big huge wall around the southern edge of Florida's beaches" you should really move.

Why should I leave? I'm a legal citizen, you would think that automatically qualifies me for more jobs than these people that come over in rafts or in some cases boats. But annnnnn wrong, a green card is one thing you don't need to be a rich person in South Florida. (ok, well in some cases its not true) But I work for what the things I get. Wouldn't you be mad if you've been working somewhere for 15years and then someone who floated to your country on an inflated tire got a job a step-up from your line in work? About 9\11, don't blame anyone but the government. They could have prevented this, doesn't it seem ironic how there could be planes flying in New York below altitude and not one single person in the airport notice? To tell you the truth, in my honest opinion I think Bush paid them to do it, so he can declare war and look like a big hero and such. What a change in topic that was :lol: If you got lost reading that, just remember one thing.. BUSH IS A MORON :irked:
Originally posted by epic
Why should I leave? I'm a legal citizen, you would think that automatically qualifies me for more jobs than these people that come over in rafts or in some cases boats.

I was just saying that if it bothers you that much, you should move to somewhere where the job opportunities there are fair (good luck) :).

But annnnnn wrong, a green card is one thing you don't need to be a rich person in South Florida. (ok, well in some cases its not true) But I work for what the things I get. Wouldn't you be mad if you've been working somewhere for 15years and then someone who floated to your country on an inflated tire got a job a step-up from your line in work?

It happens all of the time anyways. It doesn't matter where those people came from. For example, if I worked in IT, and some dumbass who doesn't know how to put together a computer gets to be my boss just because of his personality or his "connections," I'll be upset, but only to a point. Some people are just more lucky than others, all you can do is deal with it.

About 9\11, don't blame anyone but the government. They could have prevented this, doesn't it seem ironic how there could be planes flying in New York below altitude and not one single person in the airport notice? To tell you the truth, in my honest opinion I think Bush paid them to do it, so he can declare war and look like a big hero and such. What a change in topic that was :lol: If you got lost reading that, just remember one thing.. BUSH IS A MORON :irked:

Couldn't agree more. I think his dad orders him around, because he's too stupid to figure things out for himself.

Why did I bother to read this thread? A thread that began as an economic policy criticism that then fell into a discussion about discrimination, job access, and unvarifiable (I assume) and highly offensive conspiracy theories.

Consider the weight of the statement that Bush intentionally allowed 2800+ people to die and how it might make you feel if you were accused, not of human error but of malicious intent. It would hurt, wouldn't it? It's one thing to suspect or even ask what someone's involvement is, but to be so hateful of a man, any man, because of some bias or dubious bases, such as not liking his judicial nominees, as an example, that you believe him complicit in a heinous act, is shameful. Mentioning assassination is just as bad, if not more, and I doubt the spirit of JFK finds that amusing in the least.

I suggest not absorbing the material of only people like Micheal Moore or Micheal Savage.

I am embarrassed, others here should be as well.

Please grow up.
Well, the attack could have been stopped. I find it hard to believe that a dozen men can get into this country and fly two planes into some buildings and no one in Washington knew it was going to happen before hand.
Originally posted by Klostrophobic
Well, the attack could have been stopped. I find it hard to believe that a dozen men can get into this country and fly two planes into some buildings and no one in Washington knew it was going to happen before hand.

That's not so hard to believe, really...

What's hard to believe is that they in fact did knew - but didn't take any precautionary actions.
Originally posted by rufrgt_sn00pie2001
That's not so hard to believe, really...

What's hard to believe is that they in fact did knew - but didn't take any precautionary actions.

They knew, but the problem is that the NSA can't really contact the outside world (as in everywhere outside of their compounds) too much, it seams. It can only listen in....
Originally posted by rjensen11
They knew, but the problem is that the NSA can't really contact the outside world (as in everywhere outside of their compounds) too much, it seams. It can only listen in....

Yeah, they knew - they knew there would be an attack on a target in the United States in September. There's two problems with this naive logic:

a) The United States gets hundreds of bulletins like this every day. Less than one percent pan out.
b) What target would you protect if you heard such a warning? It's way too vague.