Buy GT6 On PS3 Or Wait For The PS4 Version?

  • Thread starter Bellus505
Doesn't PS4 support all previous PlayStation Consoles? If so then I should be fine.

No, it really doesn't.

I am pretty sure there will be a GT6 version on PS4. Polyhany is a cash cow who wants lots of money, if they can milk the cow and squeeze some milk cash out of people then it is great. They will eat. It is convienent for them since they won't have to develop the game as much, only build upon a current game.

I bet GT6 on PS4 will be released 1.5-2 years from now. It will be called Gran Turismo 6 HD. It will feature better graphics, every car will be premium, it will include all DLC released on GT6. It would possibly have some new vehicles to but not many, 100 maximum. New track to but not many, probably about 10 new tracks. They won't add much more since it would take a lot of work to make every single car premium.

Then in Q3 or Q4 of 2017 or in Q3 or Q4 2018 Gran Turismo 7 will come out.

Pretty much the same as above, the PS4 doesn't have native backwards compatibility, so to re-release GT6 Polyphony would have to build it from scratch again. Not exactly a good way to "squeeze some milk cash out of people".

Of course, this post will be ignored by the people who want to believe the "GT6 on PS4" nonsense, just like all the other posts have been. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::lol:
Lol I don't think it will be released for ps4. I also think that pd are making a real bad decision releasing it for ps3. People are going to be buying the ps4 and with the release of drive club there probably just going to ditch gt6. You don't buy a newly released console (ps4) and spend most of your time on the old console (ps3) just for that one game lol. When ps2 was released I dindnt touch my ps1 and when ps3 was released I didn't touch my ps2. Do you see the pattern lol. Also most people can't afford to buy the new console so they trade in there old one.
Sorry if this is hard to read my grammar isn't too good.
The next GT game is on PS4 of that there is no doubt, just a question of whether it's a GT6 reboot or a new GT7 version. Either way, if you don't get the PS3 GT6, you miss out on a year or two or three of gaming with the latest version of the game. New cars, new tracks, new physics, new graphics etc. For $70 you could get hundreds of hours of enjoyment out of the game, literally a few pennies per hour. On a scale of cost per hour of enjoyment, it's one of the best bargains in the world!!
Doesn't PS4 support all previous PlayStation Consoles? If so then I should be fine.
No, There will be no direct support for any of the older console games. You would be just as likely to be able to play Forza on it.

There will be some type of cloud based streaming service that may allow you to play some of the games from older consoles but you will not be able to pop in a game disc and play it directly on the PS4 from what I have heard.
No, There will be no direct support for any of the older console games. You would be just as likely to be able to play Forza on it.

There will be some type of cloud based streaming service that may allow you to play some of the games from older consoles but you will not be able to pop in a game disc and play it directly on the PS4 from what I have heard.

Well I suppose if the cloud based streaming includes gt6 then it's ok. Then there is the question will we be able to play online with the ps3 users when your playing gt6 on ps4.
GT6 HD??? You guys do know that GT5 and 6 are already HD right? There will be no GT6 "HD" for the PS4. The PS2 was not capable of HD, the PS3 is and that is likely why they made the "HD" version of GT some years back.

Was more referencing the prospect of an enhanced(visually) GT6 on the PS4. Things like actual 1920x1080(if possible) and a solid 60fps. Maybe some other image enhancements. I just used the HD as a throwback reference to what they thought about doing near launch for the PS3. It was not to signify that it would be GT6:HD. Could just as well be GT6:Enhanced, Game of the Year, XL, another Prologue or whatever. Personally I think there is very little chance of that happening and I wouldnt want it(would still shamelessly buy it if it did). I would rather a new game and just call it GT7.
GT6 HD??? You guys do know that GT5 and 6 are already HD right? There will be no GT6 "HD" for the PS4. The PS2 was not capable of HD, the PS3 is and that is likely why they made the "HD" version of GT some years back.

Gran turismo 4 on the PS2 could be played in HD and some other games as well.
Well I suppose if the cloud based streaming includes gt6 then it's ok. Then there is the question will we be able to play online with the ps3 users when your playing gt6 on ps4.

Since it's based on streaming, I suppose you'd have to have a solid internet connection on your part as well. I always worry about input lag with streaming, so I hope Sony's big gamble on Gaikai would mean solid gameplay at least.

Was more referencing the prospect of an enhanced(visually) GT6 on the PS4. Things like actual 1920x1080(if possible) and a solid 60fps. Maybe some other image enhancements. I just used the HD as a throwback reference to what they thought about doing near launch for the PS3. It was not to signify that it would be GT6:HD. Could just as well be GT6:Enhanced, Game of the Year, XL, another Prologue or whatever. Personally I think there is very little chance of that happening and I wouldnt want it(would still shamelessly buy it if it did). I would rather a new game and just call it GT7.

Kaz did say that it may very well be GT7 in an interview after noting that a PS4 GT will come around the time where most people would feel like they got everything out of GT6, so... I doubt it would be an enchanced version of GT6 because that would seem really stale for people that have played it for years. For it to be GT6, we'd have to see the same U.I and game interface. If it's going to be totally different, then I don't see the need to call it GT6.
Lol, thread full of win. PD has never built more than one iteration of a full fledged game per system, so I fail to see them doing so with a GT6 HD Ultra version on will land as GT7 with whatever bells and whistles they can fit under the hood of the PS4. Let's all be serious, if they spent all this time on GT6 for PS3 why would they rebuild the same game more or less on a brand new system which far outstrips the old system's architecture and resources?

Happy that GT6 is incoming for PS3, free online intact and it guarantees that a mother load of people will be in the community within weeks of release. Besides GT for PS4 will need to be worlds beyond what is currently available for PS3 GT6...massive grids, more atmosphere, day/night transition for every course, full weather for each course(actual snow at the correct temps), highly detailed vehicular customization, deeper physics on all levels, deeper meatier car tuning options, etc...

I would love to see a mock of what GT7 might hold, but not right now as that would seriously kill my anticipation for GT6. That said, GT6 on PS3 all the way, all day everyday...see you guys online come holiday season for some interesting car club racing.
Kaz did say that it may very well be GT7 in an interview after noting that a PS4 GT will come around the time where most people would feel like they got everything out of GT6, so... I doubt it would be an enchanced version of GT6 because that would seem really stale for people that have played it for years. For it to be GT6, we'd have to see the same U.I and game interface. If it's going to be totally different, then I don't see the need to call it GT6.

Agreed. I dont think he meant GT6, more the eventuality of gt on the PS4.
Sorry but this is silly. Instead of buying GT6 in several months for around $60, this person is trying to decide whether to wait probably 2 years for a PS4 version. And won't buy the game unless they can transfer data to the new console? What?

C'mon man. Buy the freakin' game when it comes out or get a used copy. While you're waiting for years we'll be racing and enjoying GT6. New tracks, cars etc... I've bought games I thought I'd like then shelved. Every once in a while I'll dig out F1 2012 or WRC3 but always end up liking GT5 much better.
Sorry but this is silly. Instead of buying GT6 in several months for around $60, this person is trying to decide whether to wait probably 2 years for a PS4 version. And won't buy the game unless they can transfer data to the new console? What?

C'mon man. Buy the freakin' game when it comes out or get a used copy. While you're waiting for years we'll be racing and enjoying GT6. New tracks, cars etc... I've bought games I thought I'd like then shelved. Every once in a while I'll dig out F1 2012 or WRC3 but always end up liking GT5 much better.

It's funny how people are in need of a reason to justify the purchase of GT6. I get a sneaky suspicion that most of those in which need persuasion will ultimately find themselves making the purchase. With the release date fast approaching the excitement and release of tidbits of information will ultimately get the best of the nay Sayers and swing voters.

How can people complain about a title they don't have? They'll need new ammo to fuel their babble.
I am pretty sure there will be a GT6 version on PS4. Polyhany is a cash cow who wants lots of money, if they can milk the cow and squeeze some milk cash out of people then it is great. They will eat. It is convienent for them since they won't have to develop the game as much, only build upon a current game.

I bet GT6 on PS4 will be released 1.5-2 years from now. It will be called Gran Turismo 6 HD. It will feature better graphics, every car will be premium, it will include all DLC released on GT6. It would possibly have some new vehicles to but not many, 100 maximum. New track to but not many, probably about 10 new tracks. They won't add much more since it would take a lot of work to make every single car premium.

Then in Q3 or Q4 of 2017 or in Q3 or Q4 2018 Gran Turismo 7 will come out.

No, it really doesn't.

Pretty much the same as above, the PS4 doesn't have native backwards compatibility, so to re-release GT6 Polyphony would have to build it from scratch again. Not exactly a good way to "squeeze some milk cash out of people".

Of course, this post will be ignored by the people who want to believe the "GT6 on PS4" nonsense, just like all the other posts have been. :banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::lol:

I just would like to insist in this pair of posts since they sum up the thread quite nicely. Honestly, I can't see how this thread, and indeed the whole "GT6 will release on PS4", can go on. There's no reason at all to believe the next iteration of Gran Turismo will come to both PS3 and PS4, because given the inmense diffrence in hardware they'd have to make one game for one and another game for the other. There are however tons of reasons to believe GT6 will be only for the PS3. So, no reasons vs. tons of reasons? Still think GT6 will be a multi-platform title? 👎.

I think it can't be made any clearer than what I and the other users in this thread have made it. If you still believe in the "GT6 in PS4" nonsense, be our guest, wait all you want...just sit down while you're waiting...
Gran turismo 4 on the PS2 could be played in HD and some other games as well.
No it really couldn't. Yes if you went out and got the RGB cable set GT did give you the option to select 480P and even 1080i but it was not very good at all and far from HD. On my LCD 480P is as good as it gets from GT4 and even that is less than desirable, not enough pixels being generated by the PS2 causing a screen door effect in high res.

But yeah I could play it on my HD TV it just did not look very good.
Still, I don't wanna buy a game that is going to have a PS4 version 1-3 years later. Really, I don't think GT6 would even be worth playing if a better version of it would be coming to PS4. It would be like playing the same game again, only the PS4 version would have more thing added to it.

If GT6 still has the same mediocre sound quality that GT5 had then a PS4 version better have better sound.
I highly doubt that if there will be a PS4 version it will have anything extra added. I would think it will be the same game but with some graphics tweaks and the same sounds.
Do people seriously think that they're going to re-release GT6 on the PS4? The minimum space of time that the next GT will come out is at least 2 years and by then GT6 will have been played out, Kaz even mentioned that it will most probably be GT7.
Do people seriously think that they're going to re-release GT6 on the PS4? The minimum space of time that the next GT will come out is at least 2 years and by then GT6 will have been played out, Kaz even mentioned that it will most probably be GT7.
I dont think it will show on the PS4 unless they put it on GAIKAI or whatever they call that system they will use for streaming PS3 games.