One example that... sounded legit at face value was to take the car to Cape Ring. Focus on nothing other than the big downward spiral, and see what camber settings allow you to carry the highest speed through that spiral.
At first it sounded like a pretty smart idea, but then I started wondering, how does that corner apply to every other corner in the game/track?
But, on the other hand, no single camber setting will ever be perfect for every corner, so any 'guess' should be just as good as another. You're likely to get at least 1 corner dialed in, just as any other setting would work for a different corner.
If you're doing track specific tuning, focus on the most important corner.
For example, Trial Mountain, I'd focus on the long sweeping corner after the long straight. It seems to be the best place to focus camber for that track, but I could be completely wrong.
As a general 'guess' I just usually use pretty low camber values, because logically it should reduce tire wear. Whether that is true in game or not, I have absolutely no clue. Flat tracks I usually double my camber ratios, banked tracks, are where I use the low values like 1.0/0.5.
P.S. I am no tuner.