They are doing fine, probably better than ever really, 2 new cars coming in a year or so, MPV is getting good results, same with Protege 5. Miata, Millenia, and Proteges all have special editions now, all doing quite well...
Ford is pulling them down, polluting Tribute, 626, B-series, and Millenia production lines with made in tiawan parts, transmittions going out within 80, yes 80 miles(Tribute, 626), lifters breaking off and tearing apart the engine within 200miles(Tribute's mostly ford...)Millenias are a big pain to work on....626s are pretty junky(93-current, the older ones are great...)it all goes down to the Ford parts. Look at Protege: no ford parts, and it's great. Miata:no ford parts, it's exellent. Tribute:all ford exept the body, and it sucks...
Mazda will never go away...remember, Ford only owns 33% of Mazda, that's enough to make some crappy cars, but not enough to kill them(thank Mazda for that one...)