Can you kill water?

I know water is not alive... but I have been told that the water that we know today existed millions of years ago, and that it constantly is recycled. Thats true, but what would happen if i dug a hole and poured about a cup of water in and buried it? If the water doesn't have a chance to evaporate, then where does it go?

Sorry for the stupdity of this thread, but I'm so damn curious. even if you did dig a hole and dump water in, the water will still evaporate, or plants will absorb it and then transpairation will occur.
In this case it might sink into the ground to begin its journey down into an underground aquifer as ground water. The drop will continue moving (mainly downhill) as ground water, but the journey might end up taking tens of thousands of years until it finds its way back out of the ground
The Earth has it's own "air conditioner" built into the oceans.

Water starts at the north pole, as it's cools, it looses its salitity(sp?), and falls to the bottom. It is then moves across the Pacific Ocean floor, splitting in two, one end heads for indian ocean, other heads for atlantic. This "cool" water eventually ends up back where it left off, full of salt at the north pole, 2000 years later.
It's called they hydrologic cycle. We already have all the water we will ever have. It just moves around.


You can't kill water, only polute it. Earth is like a giant water filter.
You can break water into hydrogen and oxygen, both of which are gasses. So yes, water can be... err.... "killed". It requires a substantial amount of energy to do so.
well i am taking science at a 5 level which is rarely a person that gose on a website like this, well when u have put water in to the ground the soil or the gavel have small air particles and well it absorbers it and it well eventually get heated up and evaporate when it is hot, or when it is cold the water will expands and u will have to wait another summer for it to evaportate, and last is that water is undistructable.........


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Originally posted by nicholaslienjkl
well i am taking science at a 5 level which is rarely a person that gose on a website like this, well when u have put water in to the ground the soil or the gavel have small air particles and well it absorbers it and it well eventually get heated up and evaporate when it is hot, or when it is cold the water will expands and u will have to wait another summer for it to evaportate, and last is that water is undistructable.........

Uhh... the hydrologic cycle?
Originally posted by M5Power
A classic from an ignorant Canadian...

Haha, the funny thing is that, thats exactly what they said in a show i was watching, and they named NYC specifically thats why i mentioned it
If one poured a glass of water from the tap, into the ocean, would sea-level rise - even by one 100000th of a millimeter?
But if you add any quantity to a fixed amount of water (the ocean), and assuming the hydrologic process is in equilibrium - that is as much water is removed from the ocean as replaced - the sealevel must rise.
Originally posted by Mopar Muscle
I know water is not alive... but I have been told that the water that we know today existed millions of years ago, and that it constantly is recycled. Thats true, but what would happen if i dug a hole and poured about a cup of water in and buried it? If the water doesn't have a chance to evaporate, then where does it go?

Sorry for the stupdity of this thread, but I'm so damn curious.

The soil would suck it up.
If by death you equate it with absense, yes. Stick it so far into space that any cycling would not happen on earth. I think.
Its been a while since i did physics at school....but since water matter is made up from Hydrogen and Oxygen, you cannot 'kill it' nor destroy it, i think only a particle accellerator can destroy matter, however it can change its form...and its mollecular structure...but it cannot be destoyed...

so water maybe steam, vapour, ice can be dispersed into tiny water molecues but it still exists...even if we dont see it at the bottom of the desert or in the air we doesnt mean it doesnt exist..
interesting post,

Plus some intelligent replies,

some damn clever people on these forums
Most of the stuff that's been said is already enough to prove that water cannot be 'destroyed'. You can make it go away, but it'll come back after a very, very, VERY long time.

Also, yes. If you poured a glass of water into the ocean, there would be a 'rise' in the water level.. Probably a few femtometers at most... or not even.. maybe even less...
Originally posted by askia47
Agreed, NY is not that dirty at all. It has a effective water system.

i think he was referring to big cities in general....we are reminded every day by M5 that this is an american NYC was used as an example.....he could have been talking about London or Sao Paolo or Bejing...