CANCELLED-Vintage Porsche 911 Cup *NO ABS*

  • Thread starter llNovall
Hope this is ok
Your all set. Your listed on the driver roster, and the driver profile page has been updated with your entry. Our next race is on Feb 28th at 9pm est. I'm sure there will be some practice sessions throughout the month to get familiar with the car and track. Good luck, and see you then.:cheers:
Flag Rules Announcement
Had a chance to formally test flag rules with SamHain, and it was not so much the issue with penalties being assessed, but the fact that the spun/stationary vehicle ghosts when yellow flags are issued. Though this would probably help avoid an incident through a warning and ghosting, the ghosting aspect takes away from the realism effect of our races. Therefore, Flag rules will be set to OFF for this series.
I would like to switch My status for this race to tentative... being a friday night i let myself get wrapped up in the end of week stuff and am just not ready by 8pm CST to get racing... will stay curious and still follow thread though... hope you keep it growing!maybe ill come back around.
Putting this thread back on the radar.

Replays from Event #1 have been uploaded and can be found by search tag:

Next Race:
February 28th at Dragon Trail Gardens

Confirmations are being accepted, and Confirmation Reminder Post for Event #2 will be out this weekend.
Confirming for the 28th
Edit: I’m gettin giddy with anticipation! Dragon Trail Gardens ought to be a blast!
Edit 2: Did a few laps and turned a couple 1:45.1
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Putting this thread back on the radar.

Replays from Event #1 have been uploaded and can be found by search tag:

Next Race:
February 28th at Dragon Trail Gardens

Confirmations are being accepted, and Confirmation Reminder Post for Event #2 will be out this weekend.
Have to cancel my entry sorry.
Should be a fun race good luck everyone.

Confirmation Post

Vintage Porsche 911Cup
Event #2
Friday, February 28th, 2020
at 9:00pm est

To all Drivers tagged in this post, please confirm your status by posting here in the thread or via PSN message that you "will" or "will not" be racing by the confirmation deadline of 5pm est Friday, February 28th (Race Night) to secure your grid spot for the Event. The first 16 drivers to confirm attending are guaranteed their grid spot for the night up to the start of qualifying at 9:15pm est.
Race room opens for entries and warm up at 9pm est.

Below is the Main Post Link for easy reference of all policies, procedures, and series information for anyone who needs them.

Vintage Porsche 911 Cup Challenge Main Post Link

Anyone with a (👍) has already confirmed and has been noted to be present for Friday February 28th. Everyone else, please confirm, here in the thread or via PSN message, that you "will" or "will not" make it before the confirmation deadline of 5pm est Friday, February 28th. *Please reply either way*

Looking forward to our 2nd Event at:
Track: Dragon Trail Gardens
Conditions: 10:00 Daytime, Fine Weather
Room opens 9pm est.

Qualifying: 10 min
Race 1: 15 min, fastest first
Race 2: 35 min, reverse grid

Tuning Link

We need at least 8 drivers to confirm attendance and/or show up on the grid to run the scheduled race night.

Hope to see a strong showing and to see you all on track.

👍= will be present
(X)= notified of absence
(?)= Questionable

👍 @llNovall
👍 @DesertPenguin
👍 @TEX36
👍 @Moby45
(?) @Rob Brown - tentative
(X) @bigbeefytaco
👍 @Bologna_Duc
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We’re going to have to go outside your list to get 10. Shock’s connection has been problematic with others forever. That leaves us short of the target 10. Would be nice to have 14.
If you guys could, throughout the week, run a few recruitment/practice rooms we might be able to get there. I'll say that if we hit at least 8 on the grid it's worth running the night. I work nights Monday-Thursday, otherwise I would try to get some rooms open in the prime time. Would be nice to get a few more drivers.
Confirming for the 28th
Edit: I’m gettin giddy with anticipation! Dragon Trail Gardens ought to be a blast!
Edit 2: Did a few laps and turned a couple 1:45.1
I have to change to tentative but I will know in advance. My seventh grader has a basketball tournament this week and if his team is in the winners bracket then we play at 8 PM (central) on Friday. If we are in the consolation bracket then we play at 6:45, which means I should be able to make the race.
I did a little practice last night with a room open and got into the 1:43‘s
I have to change to tentative but I will know in advance. My seventh grader has a basketball tournament this week and if his team is in the winners bracket then we play at 8 PM (central) on Friday. If we are in the consolation bracket then we play at 6:45, which means I should be able to make the race.
Thanks for the heads up. Still hoping we get enough to run.
To all drivers tagged below:
Sadly, this series is at a crossroad. I will not be able to race or host this Friday's event. I was offered and extra shift in the afternoon/evening, and don't expect to be home until 10:30-11pm est.
Also, a host will be needed for 2 of the final 3 events if we get that far, as I will be out of town on the weekends of May 1st (Event 4, wife Bday) and May 22nd (event 5, Memorial Day weekend).
This leaves us with 2 options:
Option 1.) I will continue to organize and score, but will need a volunteer(s) to host and direct the night, capture results and share the replays. From there I can score and input data.

As you can see, our roster has shrunk (including myself being absent), and very low attendance seems inevitable at this point.

Option 2.) Cancel the series due to low roster numbers and very low attendance.

Below is the status of drivers up to this point for this Friday's Event #2.

I'd like to ask all drivers tagged below to give me your opinion by replying option 1 or option 2.
I'll leave the future of the series up to you guys.

👍= will be present
(X)= notified of absence
(?)= Questionable

(X) @llNovall (2)
👍 @DesertPenguin (2)
@CPT_RowdyGiff (2)
👍 @TEX36
👍 @Moby45 (2)
(?) @Rob Brown - tentative
(X) @bigbeefytaco
👍 @Bologna_Duc
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I think at this point with the lack of interest and participation it might be better to go with option 2. Without the snail banner over this series it doesn't seem to be getting attention.

Also have noticed that monday night and friday night leagues have taken a hit in driver count. Possibly due to being more leagues on those nights competing for time slots and fridays just seem to be getting smaller in numbers.

Even the GT3 cup suffered last weekend bit that might be due to the track. We will see what happens the next round.
I think at this point with the lack of interest and participation it might be better to go with option 2. Without the snail banner over this series it doesn't seem to be getting attention.

Also have noticed that monday night and friday night leagues have taken a hit in driver count. Possibly due to being more leagues on those nights competing for time slots and fridays just seem to be getting smaller in numbers.

Even the GT3 cup suffered last weekend bit that might be due to the track. We will see what happens the next round.
Kinda feeling the same way. I do believe the the GT3 Cup attendance was due to the track. Hoping to retain good numbers to finish that series. The Lamborghini series took a hit for Event 3, but it looks like we may have a decent turn out to keep that one alive.
This series just never grabbed enough interest. Is ashame, because it was something different. Thanks for the input.:cheers:
I’m gonna say go with option 2. I’m torn between if the low numbers are from not having the snail banner or no abs or a combo of both. But with the limited interest there is no sense wasting time and energy to run a series with 8-10 guys interested when you already run 2 that have a good interest.

It is sad, because it could be a fun series with or without abs. Maybe keep it on the back burner for down the road?
I’m gonna say go with option 2. I’m torn between if the low numbers are from not having the snail banner or no abs or a combo of both. But with the limited interest there is no sense wasting time and energy to run a series with 8-10 guys interested when you already run 2 that have a good interest.

It is sad, because it could be a fun series with or without abs. Maybe keep it on the back burner for down the road?
Maybe better timing at some other time. Thanks for the reply.
I’d love to say option 1 but there’s an immediate hurdle that I am tentative until Thursday night. Can’t we just postpone it until you find a slot? After all, I thought the Lamborghini series was on a banana peel also? I have to believe that there’s a niche crowd out there (in enough numbers) that would love to do an authentic car race like this Vintage Porsche cup. I dislike to see your effort go up in smoke. There’s got to be a way to find 12-16 people who would love this.
I’d love to say option 1 but there’s an immediate hurdle that I am tentative until Thursday night. Can’t we just postpone it until you find a slot? After all, I thought the Lamborghini series was on a banana peel also? I have to believe that there’s a niche crowd out there (in enough numbers) that would love to do an authentic car race like this Vintage Porsche cup. I dislike to see your effort go up in smoke. There’s got to be a way to find 12-16 people who would love this.
The Lamborghini series is on an edge, but has managed to secure the needed numbers to run and does benefit from a much larger pool of 22 drivers. Sadly, we were never able to garner that strong enough of interest in this series.
After the Porsche GT3 Cup and the Lamborghini Super Trofeo series finish in June, I may try to introduce a short 4-5 race bi-weekly series over summer if we can strike enough interest. I'll start re-recruitment in early April to give an 8 week lead in. If we can secure a solid 16-18 drivers we'll run it. That way, even if some are on vacation or cant make it, we could still get a 9-10 car field at least. Call it a series postponement.
Sadly, it appears your fore-thought, long hours, and careful planning may seem to be lost. However, I think the Series could be placed “On Hold” - and offered later.

That way all the details would be saved, preserved and made available at times when interest is judged to be adequate.

Thank you, Nova. Your work and organization is greatly appreciated.

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