Cannot control throttle!! Help!!

  • Thread starter Rocker
This is NOT an ASM or TCS problem. Very careful and thorough testing has eliminated this as a cause. Once again. This is NOT an ASM/TCS problem.

This tends to happen on specific vehicles. The throttle acts like it is stuck. After careful testing I have found that this is happening during turns.

At first I thought I was having a controller problem, but this is not the case. When I am in a turn, I let off the accelerator, but the car WILL NOT SLOW DOWN! If I am in a strait, it seems to behave correctly. If I let off the accelerator in a strait, the rpms fall off and the car slows down gradually. ( like it's supposed to )

When I enter a turn, Whatever RPM the car is entering the turn, it will stay at that RPM and speed. Hitting the brakes will slow the car down, but I am obviously fighting the engine, because braking is not very efficient, since it seems I am fighting the engine. The only thing that brings the RPM down in a turn is hitting another vehicle or going off the track, or when I finish the turn and straiten the vehicle.

This is happening most notably on my Polyphony Formula 1 car. I tested the problem on Laguna Seca track. Entering a turn in 2nd gear, at around 65mph, and 12,000 rpm, I completely let off the accelerator, but the RPM and speed of the car does NOT go down.

I can say that it is absolutely NOT A CONTROLLER problem because the on-screen throttle indicator clearly shows that I am not pressing the accelerator, and I have the brake all the way to the floor, but the RPM remains high. When I was using a DS controller, I just assumed it was the controller and I bought a new one. :grumpy: Now that I have the G25 wheel I am paying closer attention, and like I said, the screen shows that it is not a controller problem. There is no accelerator being pressed, but the RPM will not come down.

This happens on DS and on G25. This happens regardless of MT or AT. Changing the TCS/Driving aids does nothing to help either.

Has anyone else noticed this problem? Any solutions or suggestions?
Sounds like it could be the ASM causing it, the ASM basically overrides your inputs from time to time to provide a level of power it thinks is more suitable to keep the car balanced. Go into your cars settings and turn both settings for the ASM down to 0, thensee if your still having that problem.

EDIT: I've just noticed you said changing the driving aids hasn't helped, in which case I'll get back to you.
I'm guessing that you have Oversteer ASM set. It's likely keeping the throttle down to prevent lift-off oversteer, and that effect is amplified by the extremely high performance of the FGT car.

Driving aids are the DEVIL. Beyond a simple TCS setting of 1 on very powerful cars, you should be driving with them off. And there are NO exceptions to the rule that stability control should always be off for every car.
I have tried all of that. ALL of the driving aids. All the way to 10, all the way to 0, and everything in between. All possible combinations. Nothing seems to work.

Has anyone else run into this? Alternatively, can anyone duplicate the problem?

Try it on Fuji speedway, the longer radius turns make it easier to see happening.
Does the little blue/white gauge to the right of the HUD in the roof or bumper camera change when you let off the throttle? If the bar empties when you let off the throttle, this confirms that it is the game deliberately adding power. If the bar is still all or part filled when you aren't anywhere near your throttle button, there is a problem with your controller.

I can't see how this would have anything to do with being on a corner or a straight, though. If you are driving a front-wheel-drive car, this is simply a handling characteristic.

I have noticed this happen with the audi le mans at fuji and other tracks but only after the addition of a powerful turbo so i wondered if it could be this. A similar thing happens in some mercs at standstill and they start accelerating slowly. It does not happen to all cars so can't be a controller issue, i perhaps thought its due to such high torque at certain points in the rev range that it pulls the car forward, such as in some diesels in real life where just controlling the clutch can pull you forward.
such as in some diesels in real life where just controlling the clutch can pull you forward.
You mean, moving off without touching the throttle pedal? Every single car I've ever driven, of which only one is diesel, can be started off by simply taking care with the clutch. And that includes a Lotus Exige. :P

I've had this happen to me in a couple of cars, but I don't have trouble stoping the car when it does and it usually doesn't last for very long.
Did you put both ASMs to 0 at the same time?

Did you turn it off in GT mode but then forgot to turn it off in arcade mode?

The symptoms you mention describes how ASM works. I still think you have ASM on.
You mean, moving off without touching the throttle pedal? Every single car I've ever driven, of which only one is diesel, can be started off by simply taking care with the clutch. And that includes a Lotus Exige. :P


That dont work with my truck. It just dies. Stupid economy trans...

I've had a similar thing happen. When I e-brake 180 a vehicle, or on the test track launch it into orbit, when it's sliding sideways between 90 and 180 degrees of the direction of travel, the revs will redline. It does this even with the e-brake on, which deactivates the ASM AND clutches all RWD/4WD vehicles. I've also noticed that, after tricking the game to clutch the engine and trying to turn, the game will reengage the clutch and refuses to let it disengage untill I stop turning or the ASM decides to deactivate.

The way mine lets you know the ASM oversteer has tripped is the car suddenly wanting to push and dropping about 30-40MPH. I've never had it try to keep my revs up. There is one exception, where I managed to glitch the game into holding it WOT while I held the brakes. First time I've ever seen a vehicle braketorqued with TCS on. I got it to quit by holding the e-brake down. Try tapping the e-brake when yours glitches up and see if the game lets the revs down or redlines your engine
when you are turning the cornering kinda makes the cars keep some of its speed.

The problem is not the speed itself, rather that the throttle is active even when the button/pedal is not depressed. Which I have to say does sound rather like ASM, as daan has already mentioned they both need to be off (zero).


fair point, perhaps i should have said "to a greater extent" or just said "in my limited experience"!
:) Sorry, just felt the need to point out how proud I am of clutch control :lol:

That dont work with my truck. It just dies. Stupid economy trans...
I'm willing to bet that any full-manual (ie, real gearbox) road 'car' is able to do it on a level, even surface. It just takes a lot of care with some cars.

1st Post
throttle indicator clearly shows that I am not pressing the accelerator, and I have the brake all the way to the floor, but the RPM remains high.
In that case, you should not be experiencing this problem if the little exclamation mark light is not flashing/on, ie. if the driving aids are all off. With front-wheel-drive cars, as I said, this is partially a handling characteristic.

No, no guys i don't think it's the throttle or the ASM or anything. I have also seen this happening and it was a bit weird. And it only happens with the Formula 1 car. It seems like it has something to do with the flywheel. It's like it's too "heavy" for a too light car like that, so even without throttle, the engine keeps its revs as high as it would be if you were touching the throttle. At least that's how i explain it.
This happens to me sometimes as well.

But only sometimes, I especially notice it at Tokyo Route, the car feels like it's giving throttle itself while you're not engaging the throttle.

Yes, ALL AIDS are off. I think it's only the FGT car which has it, it also happened at Midfield. To me, it seems this happens when you are aggresively driving in very wide, very long and fast corners like the very long right at Tokyo or the very long left at Midfield...
I am officially declaring this to be a -BUG- unless someone can duplicate the problem and then fix it.

JUST Please try this for yourself, and let me know if you can duplicate the problem.

This happens with MT or AT, but demonstration is really easy with MT and Gymkhana track.

- Take the FGT car to Gymkhana.
- Accelerate to 11,000 RPM or higher
- Turn into a circle, holding 10,500 RPM or higher
- Release the throttle.
- As long as you hold more than 10,500 RPM -and- 1.5g, the car will not decelerate.

In fact, if you start with a tight radius turn and slowly widen the turn, the car will actually accelerate, until you fall below 1.5g.

Once the effect is broken the car will behave correctly, until the next turn.

Observed conditions:

- Happens on any track, in any race that I have tested.
- Once the bug is happening, you can increase RPM, but not decrease them
- If you touch the grass or dirt/sand the bug will stop
- If you touch the rumble strip the bug will stop
- If you bump another vehicle, the bug will stop
- Once the bug is stopped in any turn, it will not return until the next condition is set.
- Happens in any gear/turn/transmission as long as you have more than 10,500 RPM -and- more than 1.5g

That is why it seems to happen only sometimes, but I'm sure it happens everytime you enter turn at more than 11,000 rpm, and maintain 1.5g.

Please do not suggest ASM/TCS, I have outlined an incredibly easy test here. Just try it. Then maybe we can find a solution.

It is ABSOLUTELY NOT THE ASM or the TCS, I have tested all of them. ASM controls brakes not thottle anyway, and yes I tried disabling the TCS also. It has nothing to do with mods, since it is the FGT car, which as far as I know, can not be tuned. The FGT does not have a turbo, and it does not have a lightweight flywheel.
I'll see if I can get my car to do it and I'll upload a video of it on to youtube so everyone can see.
If memory serves, the ASM only functions when there is positive pressure on the throttle (at least that is the description at the bottom of the screen). So, if the TC is lifting completely off the throttle, then the ASM wouldn't be causing the problem.

It is my opinion that the FGT's engine is built so that it does not lose revs quickly by simply lifting off the throttle (especially not in 2nd gear, since little downforce is being produced to cause aero-drag). In fact, several other race cars work the same way, including the 905, R92CP and the Pesky/Judd, to name a few.
The Formula GT does have an engine brake in the lower RPMs, perhaps it has some sort of Engine Management CPU aswell. I honestly don't have a clue, but could it be related to the engine brake?

I have had this same problem. Except with a 22B, and only on a few tracks, like Midfield race way. I found that tapping both the throttle and brake before the run starts will help solve this problem.

Mind you, I had the problem with 0 ASM, 0 TCS, and HUD set to "Simple" (no map, or flashing red gear). So, it is NOT the TCS or ASM causing this.
Holy cow. It is not the ASM. I have explained a simple test. It will take you less than 3 minutes to confirm what we are saying.

Please do not post suggestions until you take the few moments to conduct this very simple test.

FormulaGT: I would like to read up on wherever you found that. I don't know if it would be a factor or not, since it only happens at higher RPM. The conditions for the FGT bug are +10,500 rpm and +1.5g. What else do you know about engine brake, engine cpu on the FGT?
I thought this looked pretty interesting so I tried it. My Formula GT's are set with no ASM, and one tick of traction control. I tried and tried to reproduce the results at Gymkhana but no luck.

I added one tick each of ASM oversteer and ASM understeer and immediately experienced the conditions described. The Formula GT just goes indefinitely around and around. The throttle isn't on at all but rpms stay the same - unless you unwind the steering a bit which drops the g's and then the rpms drop - but they will build back if you tighten up the steering (thus raising the g forces) again. So it is kind of like throttling with the steering (as opposed to steering with the throttle).

This happens even if only one of the ASM's is set to 1 and the other at zero. It doesn't matter which one is on, Rocker's effect appears either way. I didn't try any settings above 1. I also kept the TCS Controller at 1 for the whole test.

So I would say it is the ASM but nevertheless a very interesting quirk (and pretty entertaining too)! :-)