Can't drive the Escudo?

  • Thread starter Famine
Originally posted by chris100575
I'm just posting to give Famine a pat on the back for his Escudo settings. I always hated the fugly bugger, but now driving it is a hoot! Well done old chap!

Why thank you :D

All part of the service :lol:
You've got to hope. Frankly the Escudo is wasted in GT3 - at least they made it fundamentally undriveable on the track this time. Although people like me insist on trying anyway :D
hiyA! ^_^

I keep on trying and trying with the Escudo and it just doesnt work >_<. Even if I complete a course cleanly, the times I get with it is bad compared to my other cars. It Accels and tops Speed up fast on straight aways, but when it comes on turns...I have to slow down alot and take so much time to make it straight to the street, but it takes tooooo long or long enough for other cars to pass it.
On-track the Escudo will handle poorly in slower corners - and you WILL be passed by other cars if you try to out-corner them. I did the Rome Endurance, remember? :D

The Tommy kaira ZZII and Mitsubishi FTO LM are probably quicker track 4WD cars, simply because they are quick on the straights and good in the corners. The Escudo sucks in the corners but hits Ludicrous Speed on the straights, so doesn't end up THAT far behind - maybe 1s every minute.

The main problem is balancing the accelerator - there is little throttle response below 5000rpm, and there's so MUCH after that it actually jumps from 5000rpm to 5750rpm (or so) without visiting any of the rev range in between. So when you corner you need to keep it above 5750rpm, so you're ahead of this "jump" phase and don't get any sudden understeer.

It's not a great car by any means, but I can now at least drive it on a track :D
Originally posted by live4speed
I have 58 seconds in the Speed 12.

I get 57 seconds in the......carp i can't remember......well it was the Indy car u know that ornge one well it was the black one that looks just like it ecept its black

my GT3 cd broke it has a crack down the middle from the hole down what should i do get a new one or weight fo GT4?
Originally posted by SuprasRule
I get 57 seconds in the......carp i can't remember......well it was the Indy car u know that ornge one well it was the black one that looks just like it ecept its black

First: There are NO "Indy" cars in GT3. They are Formula One cars (and yes, there is a huge difference).

Second: You have the same power as a stock Speed 12, but 2/3 the weight and adjustable wings which the TVR doesn't get. So obviously you're going to be able to go faster. You can get round corners! Take the 12 and see what time you get, to accurately compare.

Third: F687/S?

Fourth: 50.153s (in the P001, which, before you ask, is homologous to the F094/S)
Those settings are really great, nice job!!!!
It sill oversteers alot though. The way I drive it is, I shift one gear up instead of down in corners. This reduces the oversteer alot, but it doesn't accelerate as fast.
I've heard someone say the Escudo Pikes Peak looks like a hoover with the giant rear spoiler.

Anyway, I reckon the Escudo is a million times better on Swiss Alps or Tahiti Maze that it is on Rome or Complex String.
Besides beign the best rally car it's pretty useless on other tracks.I never could find a good setup for the Escudo,so i tried Famine's setup and it's pretty good,better than mine anyway.
I've had a play around with the settings of my Escudo and I've got it handling like a 1000bhp rear wheel drive beast. It's back end is really lively, the trick for that is put really hard tyres on the rear and really soft tyres on the front. At times it's like a go-kart, point and shoot, only without full throttle if your in 1st or 2nd. It's not a seriouse car to drive, it will keep up with an F1 car in acceleration upto the high 200kph's but it tops out at 330kph, you rarely get that quick in a race though.
Alright, here's the deal.

I'm gonna go run my escudo at cxs and try to get a clean lap. (if I can :irked: )

Then I will use famine's setup and try again.

I will come back and post both of the initial attempt results.

Till then, later.
btw, this is only gonna take a few minutes so be patient. :lol:
Well it looks like I have had all the escudo I can take.

Got two "clean" laps and they were both similar.

However, with famine's settings I went 2 seconds lower than my settings had me running, and there were 4 more seconds availible with famine's settings.

Overall possible gain thanks to famine's settings: 6 seconds.

Relatively speaking, the escudo handled well. (relative to what the sucker handled like before famine's settings)

However, in the overall picture, I found that it still handled like a big box of poop.

But it definately benefitted from Famine's settings.

So thanks famine, atleast now I can run the escudo a little bit.

Just for the record...

With famine's settings I was still *40 seconds off of the racing line escudo/complex string record.

That is sad, just plain sad.
I should be faster than that all things considered.

I guess I just can't drive the escudo.

but still, 6 seconds off after only 1 lap... that is a major improvment.
See - even the ruler of the Weekly Race Series says they're gooderer settings! :D
Originally posted by Famine
See - even the ruler of the Weekly Race Series says they're gooderer settings! :D

Indeed... the bestest settings I have run on the escudo.

I figure that with a little work, I might even get to the point of being with in 30 seconds of the racing line record.

However, for real though, that says something about my escudo driving more than anything else.

btw, thanks famine, atleast I can run an escudo now without cursing it constantly. (now it's just gonna be cursed at the begining and end of the track...not the whole way through like before. :banghead: )
What were your times? I'll have a go with my settings and see what I come up with.
My times were rather pathetic...

To give a refference.

I can beat my fully maxed out escudo with a 655hp Rtuned Nismo Skyline. :odd:

Yeah, that's how bad the escudo and I get along.

But to be honest, Im not gonna post the times... :lol:

I know I'm not the best, or even close, but I'm sure as hell not near as bad as my escudo times would suggest.
Or maybe that means I am that bad. :confused:

Anyway, why don't you go ahead and run anyway and then post your times. ;)
Ok, I'll do some runs wih my setup, and Famines and post them here, you can say if they're better or worse. From your weekley race times, your not a bad driver though, maybe just not the car for you.

Sounds like a deal. ;)

In the mean time, I'm gonna go back to cxs with a random car that is no where near as powerful as the escudo and try to see what I can do. :D
I hav a 3 min 54 so far but I can beat that. (Edit) I hace now got 3 min 51.948 but I messed up on that lap as well. This car on the Complex string is not a nice combination.
Originally posted by crb
I hate to see a rally car that is designed to do one thing, and it is not for the asphalt(tarmac).

And I hate to see an AWD car do a ridiculously long front-wheel burnout through five gears at over 170 MPH... :banghead:
Originally posted by live4speed
I hav a 3 min 54 so far but I can beat that. (Edit) I hace now got 3 min 51.948 but I messed up on that lap as well. This car on the Complex string is not a nice combination.

Lol, nice dude.

Way ahead of me... I was at 4'15 or so.

I wonder how you and I would match up in something like a vertigo, or a denso or something. :mischievous:

Hope you enjoyed the run. ;)

btw, if you are interested in that match up with another car, just name the car and back to the string I go. ;) :mischievous:
Yeah it was fun, we'll have to get another match going.
My settings are

Super soft front
Medium slicks rear
front rear
Spring rate 17.5 16.0
Ride height 80 80
Damper bound 6 6
Damper rebound 7 7
Camber 3.0 2.0
Toe 1.5 1.0
Stabiliser 7 7

Brakes 20 15

LSD initial 15 40
LSD acceleration 25 60
LSD decrease 20 50
Gear ratio's
1st 4.700
2nd 3.100
3rd 2.250
4th 1.700
5th 1.325
6th 1.025
Final 3.000
Auto is on 35

Downforce 0.85 front 0.90 rear

I'm sure these settings can be tweaked to get faster laps by people here, I'm no master of setting a car up, I use more agressive settings that arn't always fastest but fun to drive in most cases. In the Escudo's case, it lets it turn and I got a fairly decent time on Complex string.