I recently got the DFGT and although i am ok with it on FWD cars (especially on high speed corners such as turn 2 and 3 of london) i am shockingly bad at tight turns (1&2,3&4 on eiger,going from right lock to left quickly) and when the bak end goes out it ends in tears (either oversteer into the wall or snap it back with too much opposite lock)
I cant find the balance,i need help. How did you get used to controlling slides with it? What settings do u use? (amatuer/sim/pro mode? FFB strength? Power assistance?) And would it be advisable to turn TC on and learn how to catch little slides before backing the TC off gradually?
I cant find the balance,i need help. How did you get used to controlling slides with it? What settings do u use? (amatuer/sim/pro mode? FFB strength? Power assistance?) And would it be advisable to turn TC on and learn how to catch little slides before backing the TC off gradually?