Caption this GTP pic...


"Dear Mrs. Queen, don't worry about our affair. I won't remember a thing."

"One empathizes with President Reagan. I too was subject to an assassination attempt, but since we don't have guns in England the would-be regicide smashed a trash bin over my head."
:lol: You are right, you don't start a game by going anywhere other than in the middle. But then again why would they even be playing it, it is such a rubbish game, if you know what you are doing you will never lose, therefore if your opponent knows what to do too, no one will ever win, so what's the point in it. On the photoshopping, why do people go to such effort just to fool people, it's just not worth it. I suppose it's the same type of people who write viruses just because they can.

What? I almost always put O or X into a corner and win :D take that ASH and TM :sly:.

"Ha, Ha... the Queen farted! Shame!"
yes, cheezy, but that's me :dopey:
Thanks to Alex. for posting this in the "Amazing and Cool Photos Thread"...


"One's queen is not merely a figurehead for one's amusement. She has real meaningful duties, and the power to accomplish them."


"Upon further review, the colonies' request for sovereignty remains denied. We expect you to pay all owed taxes and duties with interest."
This thread hasnt had much attention lately, heres a little something for everyone to play with:

Ugh, just wing it
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I think we need to have a word with Bernie about the speed bumps, not his best safety idea so far.

"I shave you shave yours?"

What else can you guys come up with? 👍

"What... What is that on your lip stomach? It's like a discoloration. It's white. You'd better get that checked out."


"I knew I shouldn't have drank the OZAKI [Nuke]."