Car drawings

  • Thread starter Pebb
Feeling inspired by that FCA design comp ^ (although i'm well past school age and not in the US), thought i'd have a quick stab of a future Challenger, though it's more like a 2020 than a 2025.

You forgetting someone? :lol:

I dunno about the 2020 bit, to be honest, most of these competitions just get silly-futuristic and don't bear in mind that 2025 isn't too long away, so they're anti gravity racers powered by a distant star or something so a sensible 2025 concept is refreshing.
Anyone who can see what I'm drawing? ;) Yes, it's an AE86, but is it a Sprinter Trueno, or is it a Levin? ^^

dis levin bro.jpg

dat levin yo.jpgdat levin doe.jpgla caca da bling blang.jpg
la caca de bli blu.jpgla caca di bla blu.jpgla caca di bla bla.jpg
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Quick update, I didn't place. Seems like my conservative design worked against me. All the winners went with futuristic styles. If anyone is interested here are the winners.

I like some of those designs, but none of them are remotely plausible for a Challenger, especially in 2025. Only the winning one seemed to bother considering the design of the current car.
I remember when I used to make up car designs that involved deploying a cheap trick of enlarging the grills to attract the eye.

Quick update, I didn't place. Seems like my conservative design worked against me. All the winners went with futuristic styles. If anyone is interested here are the winners.

The one who placed first didn't draw as well as second and fourth place, though fourth place looks like they almost copied an existing sketch I remember seeing somewhere before.

Anyway, the pencil drawing done by second place looks better than any of the drawings of the four.

Of course this is a design comp, so execution is not as important as ideation. I would think the reason why First-place got picked amongst the four was because it was the one design that blatantly looks it's a Dodge. Fourth has some resemblance to the Dart's facial features, and I can see how the third has resemblance to the Tomahawk, but I'm not feeling Dodge with that one (or the second one for that matter). Although I like that one most, it's got a more Mclaren/Marussia form to it.

If I may make some suggestions if you are interested in the idea of making your car drawing more attractive, I would consider increasing the visual contrast in the overall presentation of the drawing. You can do this by using less values to define the midtones and work more with highlights and shadows only. Car bodies (or any solid objects) really attract our attention when there is a strong sense of form. The one other thing I would do is to opt for more striking angles (and/or persepctive) at which you visualize the car at.
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I remember when I used to make up car designs that involved deploying a cheap trick of enlarging the grills to attract the eye.

The one who placed first didn't draw as well as second and fourth place, though fourth place looks like they almost copied an existing sketch I remember seeing somewhere before.

Anyway, the pencil drawing done by second place looks better than any of the drawings of the four.

Of course this is a design comp, so execution is not as important as ideation. I would think the reason why First-place got picked amongst the four was because it was the one design that blatantly looks it's a Dodge. Fourth has some resemblance to the Dart's facial features, and I can see how the third has resemblance to the Tomahawk, but I'm not feeling Dodge with that one. Although I like that one most, it's got a more Mclaren/Marussia form to it.

If I may make some suggestions if you are interested in the idea of making your car drawing more attractive, I would consider increasing the visual contrast in the overall presentation of the drawing. You can do this by using less values to define the midtones and work more with highlights and shadows only. Car bodies (or any solid objects) really attract our attention when there is a strong sense of form. The one other thing I would do is to opt for more striking angles (and/or persepctive) at which you visualize the car at.

I honestly think those are terrible. I don't mean ugly, or unskilled but I mean that they don't stand out to me.

They all look like something I've seen before, but I feel like that with 95% of the cars I see on the road today. Most cars just look the same.

I find myself being turned away by today's designs. What happened to unique designs?

There was a period of time where everything was unique. you guys remember when the Ferrari Enzo, Porsche Carrera GT, Ford GT, Lamborghini Murcielago&Gallardo, and Viper SRT10 came out? That IMO was the last GREAT period of creativity among the car world.
I decided that the best way for me to improve is to just do a lot of drawing/painting. Eventually I want to do my own designs but for now I'm doing one car per year from photo reference. Here's a work in progress of a 1901 Mercedes:


There's some issues with the perspective, especially the angle of the hood, which I plan to fix before I add more detail. But it's much better than the quick block in I did for 1900.

Something I've had to relearn every time I pick up art again is that it's always best to go slow. Even this one, I had to scrap the first line drawing because it was way off, with wheels about half as big as they're meant to be. It's amazing how far you miss the mark when you just go through the motions, without being very critical of every mark you make.

For anyone struggling to draw or just looking for some tips for working more efficiently (especially digitally), I have to say ctrl-paint is a pretty amazing site. It's going to take a while to get into the right workflow but I always go back to those videos to remind myself what to focus on.

@Nessy I have to say I'm always very impressed with your designs, and there's no doubt you're talented, but sometimes I wonder how much time you spend cleaning them up when you could be designing more. If you're like me you have trouble making clean transitions of shading, especially when it's supposed to be blended. I'm not sure what program you use but you might try using temporary layers to make big broad strokes and erase away the excess. It might help avoid the jagged lines that sometimes form the edges of your drawings. Haven't seen anything from you recently so I hope you're still at it!

@syntex123 I've been coming back to this post occasionally to see if you've finished but you haven't yet. Hopefully you haven't forgotten to post the final product because it was turning out great.
Sorry in advance for the dounle post, please forgive me but I've been thinking that we all ought to find a way to keep this thread alive and healthy.

I just had an idea where we would have a car of the week. People make a suggestion, then we vote. Whichever car wins we all sketch or draw our own rendition of it, whether it be stock or modified.

It would keep me posting and others too.

I hope to hear from some of you fellows. You are all very talented individuals, who inspire me and help me continue my passion for cars.
I think it's a great idea even though I may not have time to participate right away. I might be able to make time for a quick sketch or something, though.
I think it's a great idea even though I may not have time to participate right away. I might be able to make time for a quick sketch or something, though.
Whatever you can do would be great. I will at least sketch something.

I will suggest one car, the Lamborghini 350GT, and if we all make suggestions and come to a conclusion within the next two days. I will present my drawing on friday for sure. If we don't come to a conclusion then I will just draw/sketch my suggestion.
Lamborghini 350GT.jpg
Nice choice.

I can't help but think the voting might be too complicated. I wonder if there's a way to pick randomly from everyone's suggestions or just assign someone each week either randomly or in some round-robin order.

Maybe whoever picked the car chooses the next person out of the people who did a drawing.

I'd have no problem with you going first.

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