1. Just visiting: Snap a car with a license plate from another state, province, or country. Tip: Try hotel parking lots. There's bound to be a few travelers from far away.
2. Your favorite British car: Another one to have fun with! As long as it's British, and you really like the car.
Always have been and always will be a fan of Range Rover, right up until I own one.
3. Oldest car you can find: Find the oldest car still on the road. Points go to the oldest.
Imagine I probably don't win this one since it's not the oldest, but old nonetheless.
4. Twins!!: Find two or more cars parked next or close to eachother that are the same make, model, and body style. Two is the bare minumum, if someone finds three, then two no longer count. And if someone finds four, then three no longer count. And so on. Commercial and fleet vehicles do not count!! Also, for this one, I'd like for people to upload them as they find them, and not at the end of the week. So we can keep track of how many we need to spot.
First four are in the same row, other one is on the opposing side of the row. Nissan Altima 2.5S
5. Class gap: Find a nice car parked next to a junker of a car.
Hate to use the same picture more than once, but the Range Rover next to the quintessential black eye of motoring, the Pontiac Aztek.
And in case we're not counting duplicates, how about a Corvette Grand Sport next to a notorious 90's battleship?
Bonus car:
Boom. Boom. Boom. Lucky three strike outside of the gun range during security training.