You are sidestepping the problem. The fact of the matter is, the GT games have always had races where a licence isn't required in order to wet your feet with the game, so the above statement is inconsistent with how the games are actually presented.
And even if I did get my B licence or whatever, how does that prepare me for the handling characteristics of
this specific car:

(Hint: It doesn't)
You are essentially saying that the system in place is okay because the game allows you the
privilege to drudge through the licence tests for an hour to get the hang of how to drive the early cars in the game. Not only is that insane, but it completely ignores the two causes of the problem and places the blame on the player when it
isn't the player's fault. And on top of all that, it doesn't even prepare you for any specific car, so you could still end up with a junk box and have to start over or tough it out for a few races driving a car that you don't like because you can't do anything else.
"Never happened to me" ≠ "not a problem." It didn't happen to me either, but I'm not going to pretend that the system in place is fine because of it.
On top of that, in GT4, it applied equally to cars that you could buy and not race but were given warning to that effect. I know I spent about 70,000 credits on the Caterham after buying it only to then learn after I had tuned it that it couldn't be raced. I did much the same thing on the Prowler later.
Quite frankly, the system in place now is awful. It always has been, but with autosave mandatory it makes the problem unavoidable and punishes the player more than ever before.
It doesn't encourage. It
putatively penalizes the player for doing something that is the fault of the developer in the first place.
If I'm having trouble driving a car because I didn't know while buying it that it handles like crap, where is the fun in being forced to drive it to get more money to buy something that drives better? How is it my fault that the idiotic depreciation system won't let me buy another one, I cannot try cars before I buy them to see if I like them and the information screen for the cars when purchased is barebones and completely unhelpful?