Cars Parked Backward in Home Garage

  • Thread starter RenesisEvo
Weather it's a glitch or not. You don't loose anything. That's the main thing. I don't want to ge into any confritations with people on this fourm, it's just a discussion fourm. It's not that serious. None of you guys know the person on the other end of your computer. Be careful about your comments, It's a small world............................

Yes it is. It's a discussion not a confrontation. Its hard to invoke inflection of speech through a keyboard.....and if you do not know the poster personally, don't take it personal :)
I've seen it both ways. I bought an A4 touring car several weeks ago. I haven't driven it yet; I did some license tests over several occasions. The car was randomly reversed, or sometimes not changed, when I turned on the PS2.

Interesting, cos I didn't turn off my PS2 during the change-over... so its a bit of a mystery still then? I soo wish I wasn't at Uni - I could test this for myself otherwise!!

jimihemmy - if you do check it out, please post the results!! Cheers!! :)

Now spare the hostilities everyone, and just enjoy GT4. I'm quite proud that my first thread on here has nearly hit 1000 views :sly:
Automotive, the rim thing is for every Brand, not just "Today's Special"

I guess it happens because you scroll through the selections too fast, just hold it to the right all the way and it will stop and the first to last Rim on its own.
Yeah and I believe the Way the car parked is Random as well..

It's pretty damn stupid to bring this whole thing up and get everyone's panties in a bunch..
Chris Criswell
Yeah and I believe the Way the car parked is Random as well..

It's pretty damn stupid to bring this whole thing up and get everyone's panties in a bunch..

I believe the underwear twisting has been self-inflicted; indeed, I can't see why anyone would get serious about such a trivial issue.

getting back to the point:

a) Does anyone have any definitive, proved explanation as to how this occurs?
Some are saying it depends on race positon, others suggest its random.
b) Anyone got a screenshot?
the rear of my car always faces out if i quit/lose a race and all cars i get in will do the same until i win a race. i'll check about turning the power off to make it switch.
I don't think it's radom or a glitch either. The direction the car faces in my game always depends on whether I've won/lost or dropped out. If I lose a race every car in my garage, wether I'm coming or going, will be facing backwards with the rear end outwards. It is extremely consistent on my copy.
Honestly people this is NOT a glitch. Ive played this game loads and the only time the car is parked backwards is when you lose a race. I thought its because when you lose a race you are going to be angry so cant be bothered with reversing into the garage, just park up ASAP and get a JD :)

NOT A GLITCH, LMAO, i think the game testers might have noticed that one.

When the car is facing you, that means it`s winking at you, as if to say"nice job". 👍
When the cars rear is facing you, it`s telling you that ya suck ass, or possibly telling ya to kiss its ass. :ill:
Perhaps the people at PD decided you would get tired of entering your garage and seeing the front of the car all the time and thought it would spice up your life to have this little puzzle to peice together. Sounds sensible to me. It must add several minutes to the game life trying to figure this out.
I've seen my rides with their backs turned against me. I don't know if that's supposed to mean "John, I've failed you. Please don't hurt me, I'm sorry!" When the front is in my face, it seems more like, "Goooood morning, John! Hi!" I don't know. When I've been on losing streaks in Gran Turismo 4, I don't want my car feeling any more worse for my bad luck in either A-Spec or B-Spec. It's a cute little touch if you ask me.
It's a cute little touch if you ask me.

Kinda agreed, I thought it was quite nice when I saw it. Not very often you get to stare at the back of the car (I use the in-car view when racing).
Anyone got anymore info yet??

Well, from my playing the last 2 days, I found that it works as I've previously stated....

Lose/quit/do not finish...see the rear of car

Win.....see the front....

Not a glitch but a subtle addition of programming. Now what did PD want the car to say to us....well if you lose then you suck (exhaust) :crazy: , if you win, you smile (front design of most cars) :dopey:
I think the main issue here is what the hell were you thinking when you chose to do a lap of the ring in a pink 2CV!! :D ;)

It was that or the boring grey one -since it was going to be pretty tedious going, I thought I could at least have something to laugh at as I went around.
Not looking forward to the VW Beetle... :scared: cos in the in-car view, you cant here a thing when facing forward. So that'll be a ghostly 15-20mins.
The direction your car faces in the garage is because of 3 things.
1. License test result.
2. Special Mission result.
3. Race result.

Getting a gold medal in all three of the above will see your car reveresed into the garage ready to be driven out.

Loose a race, quit a race or mission, get silver or bronze in a license test will see your car driven into the garage with its tail end looking at you.

Edit, I just went from Bronze to Silver and won the Prize car for the S license test Silver. The Car was parked facing out. So if you win a car that may effect it also.

Changing cars in your garage will not change the way it is parked.
Get a silver licence, your car will be in nose first. Go back and get the same license in gold and the car will be facing nose out.

If you did a reload the game probably remembered your last winning race or event.
So when its facing backwards it means you done bad.. what about when its upside down @_^ ? Or is it trying to tell me something about how i
I crashed on the Test Course with the Toyota Minolta. B4 it landed I quitted the race, and gone 2 da Gerege and the car was facing in, but WITHOUT WHEELS AND UPSIDE DOWN!!!
Dude, no. We speak English here! And we don't revive threads for no reason other than a lame joke.

Just... no.
After reading the early posts, that answered something I've never really thought about but noticed- interesting. I guess when you lose your car is ashamed to show its face.;)