Catholics vs. Protestants

  • Thread starter JMoney

Which side of Christianity are you part of?

  • Catholicism

    Votes: 3 7.5%
  • Protestantism

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • Other Christian

    Votes: 4 10.0%
  • Not a Christian

    Votes: 29 72.5%

  • Total voters
United States
N. Jessamine, KY
The two major sides of Christianity: Which do you stand on? If you aren't a believer, which do you think best follows the Bible's teachings?

For those of you unfamiliar with the topic, the Catholic church is organized and based in Rome, Italy, led by the Pope. The Protestants, however, are made up of many denominations, most prominently the Baptists and Methodists, and have no leader other than God himself. While the Catholic church was founded nearly 2,000 years ago by the apostle Peter, Protestantism is much newer, having first started in the 16th century by Martin Luther. Thus, Catholics are usually seen to have a stricter, more old-fashioned approach to faith while Protestants are less so. Both sides generally have the same core beliefs regarding Christ.

I am a non-denominational Protestant who believes Catholics tend to practice faith in a way that isn't necessarily sinful, but doesn't follow the Bible's instructions. Case in point being confessions and saints.

What do you think?

If you aren't a Christian, please don't post and say both sides are wrong. There is already a thread for debating the existence of God.
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If you aren't a believer, which do you think best follows the Bible's teachings?

Neither. Both sides (if we must reduce it to such an overly simplistic view) are equally guilty of hiding behind that book as they practice some of the most breathtaking hypocrisy imaginable.

If you ask me, the times that the bible has been used to justify oppression, persecution, misogyny, hatred, and murder far outnumbers the times it's been used to promote good.
I'm Anglican, which makes me Protestant obviously. I claim no allegiance to the Roman Catholic Church, but I have great respect and admiration for Pope Francis and the work he's doing.
They both use a Book and a Name to justify why they should hold power and make policy.

Neither is correct about much of anything.
why debate that in two threads? I've already stated my opinion in the one you'd rather read, did you not read it today?
I am a non-denominational Protestant who believes Catholics tend to practice faith in a way that isn't necessarily sinful, but doesn't follow the Bible's instructions.

Except neither wrote it nor followed it first, if you want to be historically accurate.

Religion having "sides" is a pretty outdated notion; it's not a college football game.
I was going to say, there is another thread for debating the Yes or No of God, this one assume it's a Yes, so lets trying a keep the atheism in the other thread...

If you ask me, the times that the bible has been used to justify oppression, persecution, misogyny, hatred, and murder far outnumbers the times it's been used to promote good.

...but I did want to respond to this comment. Every time there is a war or oppression etc, sure the religion gets blamed, and I won't debate whether that is right or wrong... but it makes the news. What doesn't make the news is the person sat alone wondering what the point in life is, or in need of a reason to keep fighting, that gains strength from their faith. To tar those people with the same brush as the oppressive hating wrong do-ers of the world is immensely disrespectful of peoples strength in adversity. I get my strength in adversity from a bottle of something 40%+, my friend Jim gets it from the Bible. One of us has inspired other people to do better things with their life, and the other has fallen out of a window and had to have stitches he doesn't really remember.... guess which! I'm not saying the bible hasn't been used as a tool for bad stuff by a few, but it's also used as tool for good stuff by many individuals... whether you believe in what it says or not (and for the record I don't really myself)
I was going to say, there is another thread for debating the Yes or No of God, this one assume it's a Yes, so lets trying a keep the atheism in the other thread...

...but I did want to respond to this comment. Every time there is a war or oppression etc, sure the religion gets blamed, and I won't debate whether that is right or wrong... but it makes the news. What doesn't make the news is the person sat alone wondering what the point in life is, or in need of a reason to keep fighting, that gains strength from their faith. To tar those people with the same brush as the oppressive hating wrong do-ers of the world is immensely disrespectful of peoples strength in adversity. I get my strength in adversity from a bottle of something 40%+, my friend Jim gets it from the Bible. One of us has inspired other people to do better things with their life, and the other has fallen out of a window and had to have stitches he doesn't really remember.... guess which! I'm not saying the bible hasn't been used as a tool for bad stuff by a few, but it's also used as tool for good stuff by many individuals... whether you believe in what it says or not (and for the record I don't really myself)

I applaud you, sir. It's nice to see non-believers with sensible views.

This is really an offshoot of the God thread... I know you were (figuratively) crucified in there but I'm not sure there's any point going all Henry VIII and starting your own offshoot?

Great god thread right here.

Are you saying there can only be one thread regarding belief in God? This thread is about a group of believers debating another group of believers, not believers debating non-believers as in the thread you linked to.
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Are you saying there can only be one thread regarding belief in God? This thread is about a group of believers debating another group of believers, not believers debating non-believers as in the thread you linked to.
I agree that this thread is started with debating one's beliefs to another's belief; however this thread is very narrow minded to what religions are out there with what faiths people follow.

I was raised Jewish regardless of my current beliefs and followings, I am still a Jew. There are many religions in this world and I think it is rather narrow minded to put a thread up about religions that only includes 2 religions along with a "vs."

That is the problem, it always needs to be one's beliefs Vs. another's beliefs. This is why we can't have nice things in this forum. Seriously though, I see this as a way to stir things up rather quickly which was probably not the intention but that is the path this will lead to. Maybe a little editing is in order here.
There is no Yazidi thread. :grumpy:

But I would very much like to discuss the Yazidi belief system. They are called secretive and devil-worshipers, and go back to a time before Adam. :cool:
I think the problem is that people with beliefs like to try to prove they are right, going fairly defensive when confronted with a question, If we had someone with experience in both, or something of the sort to compare them directly to each other, preferably without bias.

As far as I know, Catholics have to basically talk to their god through a priest or high power, while protestants can communicate directly. Also, Catholics have this AaAamen sit down stand up sit down kneel sit thing, while protestants some how feel their lord 'flowing' through them, start yelling and what not and start swaying all over the place.
Are you saying there can only be one thread regarding belief in God? This thread is about a group of believers debating another group of believers, not believers debating non-believers as in the thread you linked to.
Besides, it's not like Catholicism vs. Protestantism has ever caused any harm.
while protestants some how feel their lord 'flowing' through them, start yelling and what not and start swaying all over the place.

No clue what you are talking about here. We definitely don't yell and sway...
...but I did want to respond to this comment. Every time there is a war or oppression etc, sure the religion gets blamed, and I won't debate whether that is right or wrong... but it makes the news. What doesn't make the news is the person sat alone wondering what the point in life is, or in need of a reason to keep fighting, that gains strength from their faith. To tar those people with the same brush as the oppressive hating wrong do-ers of the world is immensely disrespectful of peoples strength in adversity. I get my strength in adversity from a bottle of something 40%+, my friend Jim gets it from the Bible. One of us has inspired other people to do better things with their life, and the other has fallen out of a window and had to have stitches he doesn't really remember.... guess which! I'm not saying the bible hasn't been used as a tool for bad stuff by a few, but it's also used as tool for good stuff by many individuals... whether you believe in what it says or not (and for the record I don't really myself)

I didn't say that every war was due to religion - though many of them have been. Nor did I say that religion provides nothing good in this world; in fact, the phrase
...far outnumbers the times it's been used to promote good.

is a direct acknowledgement that religion has been a good force at times. But I stand by my opinion that it has caused harm more often.

I applaud you, sir. It's nice to see non-believers with sensible views.


Pentecostals do.
Oh ok, those aren't Protestants.


Any Christian religion that is not Catholicism is, by definition, Protestant.
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Any Christian religion that is not Catholicism is, by definition, Protestant.

Hmm... I wonder who the two people were who voted "Other Christian" in the poll? :rolleyes:

Regardless of the definition of Protestantism, you still can't generalize and say all protestants practice something only some of them do.
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Hmm... I wonder who the two people were who voted "Other Christian" in the poll? :rolleyes:

People who don't understand the meaning of the word Protestant, I would imagine. Thing is, they didn't start this conversation, so I'm not too worried about their misunderstanding. However, I would expect the one who started this thread to know it.

Regardless of the definition of Protestantism, you still can't generalize and say all protestants practice something only some of them do.

I didn't. I simply pointed out that your rebuttal to the person that did over-generalize was wrong.
They're both the same in my eyes, and I come from a catholic family. I'm atheist though.

I hate brainwashed protestantism in which they believe Catholics are a different breed and deserve to go to hell and that only their religion is the one true form of Christianity.
Well if we really go delve into history, the Church of England is just Catholicism, but instead of praising the pope, you praise the Monarch. Originally at least.
I hate brainwashed protestantism in which they believe Catholics are a different breed and deserve to go to hell and that only their religion is the one true form of Christianity.

That occurrence is a problem. I've always thought Christians should unify and stop pointing fingers at each other. There's no way to accurately say that sort of thing anyway; there isn't any clear, explicit criteria for entrance heaven and hell in the Bible. I think God didn't include criteria so that Christians would try to live the best they can, and not just good enough to get into Heaven.
What about Orthodox Christians?

I assume you're referring to the Eastern Orthodox Church? If so, I personally find the boundaries between that and Roman Catholicism to be fairly blurry, especially since it is often referred to as the Orthodox Catholic Church as well. But that's a little OT, so I digress.

At any rate, that doesn't change the fact that claiming Pentecostals aren't Protestants shows a fairly significant misunderstanding of Protestantism.

Perhaps I should amend my statement to say that any western Christian religion that isn't Catholicism is, by definition Protestant.