CD's photography - Abandoned building interior 10.26.09

  • Thread starter CDailey
United States
My Flickr

I just bought a Canon XSi with the 18-55m kit lens to get back into photography. Here's some of what I've done so far...

Only editing done was tweaking the sharpness/clarity, and black levels of the RAW files.
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pictures look brilliant! When i saw the first image i thought, 'what a camera!'. Then i started thinking, you must be using a polorising filter right!? The colours are so vibrant, even in dark wood shades. And then i get to the bottom! lol, RAW manipulation. Cheat :crazy: haha.

Honestly the pics look great. RAW editing is so amazing i only just got into it. Bought myself a panasonic lumix lx3 to go on holiday with and i'm learning tricks of the format picture by picture.

I think you've got the art down ;) and no amount of RAW manipulation can account for the great compositions! Top work! fave is the 5th one down. Would of been fourth if your head wasnt in the reflected sky :lol:
Thank you. I actually don't have a CPL right now. Well, I do but it's cheap and isn't very good. I only use it if im shooting landscapes.

The camera is great too. It's such an upgrade over the original EOS Digital Rebel I had been using for the past 5 years or so.

RAW editing is pretty great too. Not exactly cheating though, since everything a RAW editor can do could pretty much also be done in a dark room. ;)