exigeracer's Car Photography (Spring '10 opener)

  • Thread starter exigeracer
Yes sure. Here are the photos, for those who didn't see the sighting in the other thread:



And here are some high res:



I matched the curves a little better in the high-res versions. Don't know why I was so sloppy with the presentation shots.
The first shot is quite good. I really like the colours. If only the SUV wasn't parked in front of it.
Going for a clean look here (well, as clean as you can get without moving the car).


Here's why it's frustrating working with cars you can't touch. This lot had so many possibilities, but I was stuck with the car in one position and couldn't do anything about the environment. Did my best with what I had:

The first one is quite good. I'd be inclined to clone out the partially visible cars in each corner, but apart from that, not bad at all.

The second shot is a little too busy for my liking.
Waaaaaaaaay overdue, but I've had some physical problems preventing me from biking as much this summer, hence less photos. Hoping to change that over the next couple of weeks. Going by what I saw over a quick 20km cycle just now, I'm fairly certain I can get a lot of photography done if I just get out on the road. Here's one of my new favorites.

Genesis Coupe. I was lucky to find it all set up with the light just dropping past the horizon. I likey!


Go away, parking metre.
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My problem with the shot is not the parking meter. I think you can do some really great work but this one personally has fallen a little short. I think some DOF would help with a shot like this on the street, if you can get the other distractions to just be a blur, you won’t even notice them. Also there is some ghastly glare coming off the car. Maybe a different angle might have worked a little better. I can appreciate the difficulty of taking shots of cars parked on the street, as you don’t get to have control over light, location etc
Going for a clean look here (well, as clean as you can get without moving the car).


Here's why it's frustrating working with cars you can't touch. This lot had so many possibilities, but I was stuck with the car in one position and couldn't do anything about the environment. Did my best with what I had:


man these are GRRRRRREAT for not having any control over the cars, I love both of them considering the limitations you have to endure, Exige. maybe, just maybe, a close one of the M3 in a really really low angle (you know, low as in lying on the ground) with the factory or the church as background would have taken care of the business, but as is, I really like it. I,d so use the factory as a location for a shoot. Awesome place, awesome city.

i like the background in the Golf pic (nice car BTW!), I may have tried to crop off the cars in the BG, just coyp and paste really big parts of the BG, then just finessse them.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I'll take it into consideration for future spots. The business of the backgrounds is hard to cope with, but I try. This first shot took a little bit of stitching.


And then this TT that I always pass and never have the right feeling about. Today I finally stopped and framed it up. It works pretty well. I can't tell if I like the portrait or regular framing better. This is a good example of dealing with what I have. I could've shot a whole set if I had control over the car, but the was pretty much the only angle I could've possibly shot the thing.


the DOF of the Maserati kicks ass, the second TT pic is good, it would have been intresting if you tried, again, to lay on the ground close to th car and try to include the lines of the ceiling. Also, lucky, the wheels were looking at you.
These are good. I like the TT shot, especially the first one. I’d be tempted to fiddle around with lightening the reflection in the shop window so that it’s not so noticeable, but the car is well light, good angles and overall quite pleasant. The Masa shot is good too. DOF is good on this, making the car the main focus with no other obtrusive distractions. 👍
Sooo taking a page from Webb Bland's work, I shot this R8 that was sitting between direct sun and shade. Not easy working with something like that, so I just did what I could to recover it in post while still keeping a decent look. Processed, but still quite nice. I know you guys like the bokeh, but I left this one deep. Please excuse the post, it was better than the view down the street and I don't want to botch it in PS.





Webb is awesome, I follow his work on Deviantart. Always keeps it fresh.

Now… I like this one sharp as it is. Shallow depth of field (personally I despise the term bokeh) works well most of the time but is not necessarily the answer always. Not withstanding the limitations you’ve done well with the shot. The reflection of the other cars is a tad distracting as is the pole protruding from the vehicle. Bit the image is sharp, colours are nice and pleasing and there is almost no blown out parts to the shot (apart from that tiny reflection in the tail light). Over all a nicely done shot. 👍

On the Audi shot, it’s interesting how different an urban landscape can be from season to season.
In my view, it's more than acceptable to blow out a specular reflection.

I'm liking the R8, but the A4 shots (both sets) aren't doing anything for me at all. The leafless shots don't really look derelict enough, and the green saturation in the summer shots just emphasises how the owner of the car didn't really bother to get it painted.

Nice building though. :)
more saturation on the R8!! look at the green, it looks so pale. Also the red in the rear lamps. Needs more colour.
Tell me what you think of these S8 shots. I liked the location, but the car was a little to close to the wall for it to be a perfect find. Understated location for an understated car. Very conservative shooting, but let's hear some commentary!




This are great pictures with very good angles, though, they seem to need a bit more brightness to give a whiter punch to the car. They would also look great as a black and white set.
Those S8 pictures look great! The angles are very good. The shooting itself is conservative, but that gives a good touch to the pictures. The shots could've been a bit more brighter, indeed, but a bit more contrast wouldn't hurt the images, too. All in all, a great update, showing an excellent car! 👍
1, 2, & 4 are good. The 3rd shot gives away that the car is parked to close to the wall. Very clean shots. There are good.
I had that Elise photo as my background for nearly 9 months 👍

Great to see a return to the photos!

Haha thanks. Was it the rolling shot of the orange Elise?

Nice return! I love the depth of field in the third shot, have you got a new lens or did you add some of that in post production?

All post. Still shooting the kit lens.

Subaru = epic. I can haz bij one pleez?

Here you go guy:
