Hi there!
Quick question: Which cars from your sheet are you looking for? The black, the white or the red background ones? Or all of them?
I'm looking to complete my gear collection, but I only have a level 4 ticket and a 0/0/0 125 SPL Kart. But I could always trade you some cars from my OCD, if you want them.
The white background ones in my doc are what I need. If you dupe your items I will send you 2 sets of gear for every level 4 ticket you send.
Sounds good. I'll check my OCD first, it's easier than duping...
Where should I ask for the specific sets? Here or in the sent item' description?
Here in this thread is best since it won't get deleted. Send cars/tickets to one_chipotle and gear will come to you from four_chipotle.
No luck in my OCD (predictable ).
You have a limit of wanted level 4 tickets?
Because I'm seriously thinking of sending you enough of them to complete all the sets...
Since you are needing 50 sets but only partially, I will fill 3 sets for every ticket. I have no limit of wanted tickets
Oh man! I'd read the tales about your generosity and greatness here on GTP, but it is truly a blessing to experience them first-hand!
I will FR both your accounts and start sending!
Should I also list the gears I already have in each set as I ask for them?
Just make sure to keep your mygranturismo.net gear page up to date so I can just work off of it. 👍
Will do. 👍
But after trying to send the first one, reality knocked on the door.
I didn't know tickets counted as cars for the trade limit... (makes absolute sense though...)
Do you mind if we start this 20 hours from now?
Sorry about this!
No problem at all mate. I know the daily limit sucks. I'll be ready for you tomorrow 👍
What ticket can I send you to get
ch1potleDo you have a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, or 1000? Any of those would be great.
Gear will come from four_chipotle
Send ticket to one_chipotle please
Cool cool
Send fr I will accept as soon as I get home & take your pick I got 4, 6, 9, 1000
Hi there!
Listen, I've arranged a deal with werty_56-1 for a chromeline jag code...
Would you mind if we postponed our "long term" deal's start to the next day?
Thanks in advance and sorry for being an undecided a**.
OK just let me know when you are ready 👍
Already got the thing repaired, praise the Maker.
I can send the Level 4 ticket now, if you're still interested!
Sure let's do it. Remember ticket goes to one_chipotle and gear comes from four_chipotle