Championship points scoring system?

  • Thread starter TripleD666
United Kingdom
United Kingdom
Are the points awarded in the championship relative to my driver rating? Just looked at the leader boards and the leaders are getting 1000+ per race. I'm only getting a 100 or so?
Are the points awarded in the championship relative to my driver rating? Just looked at the leader boards and the leaders are getting 1000+ per race. I'm only getting a 100 or so?

FIA GT Nations Cup rnd. 6
Got pole position, led from start to finish, won by 20 seconds, and got fastest lap. 276 PTS. ????

What could I've done better?
FIA GT Nations Cup rnd. 6
Got pole position, led from start to finish, won by 20 seconds, and got fastest lap. 276 PTS. ????

What could I've done better?

What's your driver rating?
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What's your practice time compared to those top times?

My thought about matching the group for you involves both DR and practice time. And maybe even SR aswell. The higher rank you are the higher rang you face. The faster you are the faster opponents you will face. Try to outsmart the system with slow or no practice lap and you get cut of your points. Just my point of view.
For sure the higher the rank, the higher the points. But one thing I have not clear is why people with my same DR earned more points with a win than me, but maybe @Mires found the solution. It could be that you are matched against people with exactly the same DR, with that bar in the GT Menu under the DR being as the reference. If you are nearly A, you'll never race against someone who's just been promoted to grade B from C and the latter will get less points
Are the points awarded in the championship relative to my driver rating? Just looked at the leader boards and the leaders are getting 1000+ per race. I'm only getting a 100 or so?
FIA GT Nations Cup rnd. 6
Got pole position, led from start to finish, won by 20 seconds, and got fastest lap. 276 PTS. ????

What could I've done better?
It's the strength of the field you need to look at.

Please bear in mind that this is a very rough explanation and I DO NOT have the right data for this, because no-one does. I have simply been experimenting using a backup account.

From previous racing online, the account was at DR E and SR S. Don't ask how.

For the BMW i3 Nations Cup race on Wednesday, I purposely set a "meh" lap time in the practice time trial. This put me in a lobby with mainly DR A/B and some DR D (there was one other E car), while SR was S/A/B. If we use a really basic system of scoring the Driver Rating as 1 for E up to 6 for S*, the lobby had an average DR strength of 3.6 (just below B) while mine was 1.

I then ran the fourth fastest qualifying time and came second in the race. This gave me 514pt.

Over the course of the next two days, I was mucking about with lowering my SR - by corner cutting and hitting barriers, not by contact with other drivers. However, despite being last in every race, the game upgraded my DR to D. I'm assuming that E is for drivers who've not finished any races (I managed to get disqualified from three races through having 90 seconds of penalties from corner cutting and hitting the wall).

With my DR at D and my SR at S, I entered the Bathurst Gr.4 race last night. Again, I purposely set a "meh" lap time in the practice time trial, and ended up in a lobby with mainly DR C/D/E and SR C. By the same scoring system, the lobby had an average Driver Rating of 1.8 (just below D), while mine was 2.

I then ran the second fastest qualifying time (traffic), and won the race by a clear eight seconds with the fastest race lap by more than a second. Yeah, get me. This gave me 65pt.

In the race where my Driver Rating was a quarter of the field's average (and the field's average was reasonable) and I came second I got eight times as many points as when I won in a race where my Driver Rating was marginally better than the field's average (and the field's average was dire).

My conclusions from this are:
There is likely a basic points system for 1st-20th (and it seems like 20th scores zero)
This is likely modified by an unknown factor based on the average (or total) Driver Rating of all of the drivers in the lobby, or "strength of field"
Each position's points is likely further modified by an unknown factor based on the Driver Rating of the driver who finished there
Your practice time and SR are key factors for the strength of the field to which the game matches you
The effects of gaining/losing position compared to how you qualified are unknown for now

So in order to get the most points you can, you need to set a good practice time and have a good SR, in order to be put into a lobby with higher DR drivers. As long as you finish no lower than the bottom three, you will always end up outscoring a win against DR D/E drivers. And this also seems to be how DR works in Sport Mode anyway.

This shouldn't be a surprise though. Early images of GT Sport showed that Driver Rating was affected by race result, qualifying result and... "group average rating".

It may also be the case that SR limits DR - I've been mucking around at SR C for a while and haven't seen a driver better than DR C. Sadly, Bathurst put me up to a SR B, so I'm going to have to bring it down again now to find out :lol:

*This is not how DR works. Early versions of the Beta showed SR/DR as points scores, that I recall was three figures. It seems likely that this points score is simply hidden and translated to a letter, and the score is used to determine a true strength of field.
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There is likely a basic points system for 1st-20th (and it seems like 20th scores zero)
That is incorrect -- I got 71 points for a race that I finished last. The whole race should be voided because the start was bugged -- traffic jam built-up at the start and for some reason I started in reverse gear. (Search for "ruined" in-game to find replay).

If the races are FIA sanctionned, where's the ****ing rule book like for every real-world series they sanction?
Was that a particularly high-ranked lobby? Were you 20th and last or just last?
All my FIA races have had exclusively "B.S." drivers (I've been waiting for the chance to say that :P). I just checked the replay and was 18th... it seems two people quit before the session ended.
Also realized that in-game replay saves are a bit lacking -- it cuts at the end without showing final results.
It's anyones guess really. Polyphony has decided to keep the formula a secret for now. All we know is that ranks do affect your final scores, but they are far from the only variable.
I have been a BS-driver (lol) all the FIA races and I don't have a clue as to how this works. Copy from another thread that were closed (duplicate of this thread):

One race I qualified 3rd and stayed in third until the final corner where the guys in front hit each other. I won and got just below 400.

Another race I qualified in pole and was leading the entire race. My fastest lap in race were over a second faster than number 2 in qualifying. Won the race and got just below 400.

In the third race I qualified in 5th or 6th and had close racing with the guys in front and behind me. Finished 4th and got just below 400.

Yesterday I tried to challenge the system and deliberately qualify last and wait for the entire field had done almost a lap in the race. Then I drove as fast as I could and easily set the fastest lap (more than two seconds faster than pole in qualification). Finished last (obviously) and got 20-ish points.​

If what Famine says are right: how come I get almost the same amount of points no matter where I finish and how many I pass (except the last one where I deliberately came last)? All the races have been against BS-drivers. And why did I get points in the last race? Was it because I set the fastest lap?

I'm going to try a new test today. Practice like h*ll in time trial and set a ridiculously slow time in the sport mode practice session. If Famine is right, I should be set up against the worst BS-drivers out there, have a really good chance of winning the race and at the same time get very low points (because the overall "strength of field" should be bad). If I get close to 400 points there as well, I give up the FIA championships ...
If what Famine says are right: how come I get almost the same amount of points no matter where I finish and how many I pass (except the last one where I deliberately came last)? All the races have been against BS-drivers
Not all Bs are equal. The letter you see on screen is a translation of a number that we don't see (early Beta players saw it, but only for themselves). You can sort of guess at it, depending on how far up the progress bar underneath your DR is, but without knowing how far along your opponents are you'll never know what the "group average rating" is.

And of course we have absolutely no idea how that translates to the points multiplier - but I concur you probably ought to have scored a bit more than 400pt for winning a B-ranked race. I got 435pt for a fifth place in similar circumstances last night, but I'm only about 20% through B.

And why did I get points in the last race?
That depends on whether you finished last, or last of 20. So far it seems that 20th scores zero, but if you finished 20th and didn't score zero that's new information.

I'm not sure what to do with the new information though, as we don't know how PD multiplies the points :lol:
Not all Bs are equal. The letter you see on screen is a translation of a number that we don't see (early Beta players saw it, but only for themselves). You can sort of guess at it, depending on how far up the progress bar underneath your DR is, but without knowing how far along your opponents are you'll never know what the "group average rating" is.

And of course we have absolutely no idea how that translates to the points multiplier - but I concur you probably ought to have scored a bit more than 400pt for winning a B-ranked race. I got 435pt for a fifth place in similar circumstances last night, but I'm only about 20% through B.

That depends on whether you finished last, or last of 20. So far it seems that 20th scores zero, but if you finished 20th and didn't score zero that's new information.

I'm not sure what to do with the new information though, as we don't know how PD multiplies the points :lol:
I remember the points instead of letters from the Closed Beta. Was from 0-100 wasn't it? Personally the letters makes more sense to me.

I think I'm about 20% through B as well, but both the winning races in the examples gave me 380/390-something points. And I got clean race bonus as well - so no points taken away from me because of reckless driving.

I hope Polyphony/FIA will clarify the point system and rules before the real FIA season starts.
There maybe :

10,000 players with DR:B
10,000 players with DR:A
5,000 players with DR:S

Each player in the same DR group will have their own DR Rating in numeric to determine if you are No 1 in A group.

So when player with DR:A #1 enter the race and won, he/she will granted 1000 points
I purposely set a "meh" lap time in the practice time trial. This put me in a lobby with mainly DR A/B and some DR D (there was one other E car), while SR was S/A/B.

Again, I purposely set a "meh" lap time in the practice time trial, and ended up in a lobby with mainly DR C/D/E and SR C

So in order to get the most points you can, you need to set a good practice time and have a good SR, in order to be put into a lobby with higher DR drivers.

Are you sure that free practice times affect who you're matched with? This is news to me. In all the nations/manufacturer races I've done (only a handful mind) I appear to have been matched with people whose DR and SR are simply the shortest distance from each other. When I was DR C/SR S everyone else was C/S, and now I'm a solid B/S everyone else has been B/S. But when I was C/S but almost B/S, I had a mix of C/S and B/S opponents - presumably all people who were also on the C/B boundary, unless it was a freakish coincidence. And these matches have happened regardless of whether I've set a fast practice time, a slow time or no time at all.
Are you sure that free practice times affect who you're matched with?
I'm not sure of anything :lol:

However, it certainly appears that your practice time trial times have an effect. I think it's not weighted as highly as your SR (which seems to be the primary factor), or your DR (which seems to be secondary), and I think it has more of an effect the lower your SR/DR are - which would make some sense if DR rating is simply a translation of a 0-100 rating number, and the game starts everyone off as an E-rated (0... or possibly 1) driver.
Guys ist simply the Iracing Scoring System. First Place = 100% of average SOF, Second Place = 95% and so on.

You can even see on the numbers awarded (Top Players between 1.700 -1.500) that this is the Strenght of field of the strongest Lobbys in Europe.

THE "Letter" DR (A-E) are just "representative" for the numeric true Rank (like A = 1.000 - 1999 ELO) S = 2.000 above ELO) wich are typical/realistic Numbers from ELO System. (see: Chess / ELO)

Some People here stating wrong data, which make it even harder to understand the System - TRUTH FACTS:

- There are below 10 People "S" in Europe
- There are just a low 3 Digit Number of "A" Driver in Europe
- Even the European Top Splits does not contain one "S" or all "A" in one Lobby, this is very unlikely.
- Forget Qualifing, does not do anything
- Forget fastest lap - only race results Count
- Practice Times have NO affect - i raced practice and some times not --> im always in highest EUR lobby

In one Example someone got 71 Points for Place 18th out of 20 - Total Strenght of field is 473 (=Max Points for P1) for a B Lobby, which is way above average and therfore a realistic and deserved result for the Player. BTW: It makes a diferent how "far" These B Players are on average... The Letter itself says NOTHING (see Letter A - a lot of ELO is representet there, im pretty sure)

Sorry for my english ^^

@azrilnazli: You know how Chapionships work in IRacing, right :P System is nearly the same ^^
@Faimine: Ist correct: It matched first SR than DR, BUT: SR is numeric from 1-100 (like in Beta) but DR is ELO (0 - unlimited, most Players below 1000) - a numeric till 100 is NOT possible and can not work for People with DR S and mixed Lobbys, therefore there mostly 4 Digits :) (Sorry cant explain with evidance in english any further) :) - Matchmaking has nothing to do with scoring through! Scoring is only via SoF (DR)

TL:DR: IRacing System without Twists - works perfectly there and perfectly here :)
Without perfect explaination from PD it will be very hard to understand for most People. But whatever, the System is fair and works, thats everythink we need to know :)

To win the Cup just remember: Get your ELO up (at least "A" with 50% Progress) with beating the strongest Players out there. You will then join the highest Lobbys available... Just Show your skills there (get Podium or better: WIN) to get the best Points possible to win the CUP! Good luck everyone :)
Hear this i was driving porsche and i did not came through finish line at the end and became 55 points one week later i was driving gocard and was 3rd and became 30 points i ask you where the iiiii is the logic really
Hear this i was driving porsche and i did not came through finish line at the end and became 55 points one week later i was driving gocard and was 3rd and became 30 points i ask you where the iiiii is the logic really
It's the strength of the field you're driving against.

If you finished 3rd in a field of really bad drivers with low Driver Ratings you could score very low points, compared to placing low down against very good drivers.
Than i figure i hope its the only way and its simple for this mass. It 1 second behind of the best practice time cost you 30 points so if you are 60 seconds behind cost you 1800 points of a 10 rounds
Than i figure i hope its the only way and its simple for this mass. It 1 second behind of the best practice time cost you 30 points so if you are 60 seconds behind cost you 1800 points of a 10 rounds
It has nothing to do with time. It's your race position, and the average Driver Rating of the group you're racing against. That's it.
I have SR with S
That's not Driver Rating, and even if it were that's just you, not everyone else you're racing with.

Your points are your finishing position and the strength of the field you're driving against - the average Driver Rating of the group you're racing against.
With porsche was D. B. With gocard was D. S
Okay, YOUR Driver Rating is just a tiny, tiny piece of it. What you need to look at is EVERYONE ELSE's Driver Rating.

Not you. ALL 20 drivers in the lobby. THAT is what determines how much the points get multiplied.
Can you became better dr and sr with normal races or yust in sports events

Dude are you a troll ^^

But to answer you question: only in Sports mode, were races can not be manipulated (Beating fake accounts for grinding etc.) A working System like this Needs always matchmaking with lots of Players, so not even big Groups can manipulate the System. In this regard PCars 2 is very short sighted... as well as the early Forza Games ^^

@Prince: If you Play against them, you will know them. ;) You can also easily count the Players down, the database of the FIA Evnts is available. Maybe not everyone is in there but you can easily guess the numbers from Playerbase and even pointdistribution. ELO Raw data is just estimated... there is no clear word from PD, but you can be sure this data is Close to the real deal.