R rskyline 34 Oct 23, 2003 #1 anybody know of a place to get a free download of this. kinda tired of looking at japan sites and not knowing what the words are.
anybody know of a place to get a free download of this. kinda tired of looking at japan sites and not knowing what the words are.
Duke Keep 'em separated Staff Emeritus 24,344 Midlantic Area GTP_Duke Oct 23, 2003 #2 There's a forum for this.
azndrifter318 767 Oct 23, 2003 #3 wow, did you pick the wrong place to post this. Go to google and search for it. Or most of time if you do go to site with diff. fonts a dialog box usually pops up asking if you want a translation software or wutever.
wow, did you pick the wrong place to post this. Go to google and search for it. Or most of time if you do go to site with diff. fonts a dialog box usually pops up asking if you want a translation software or wutever.
Shannon 15,799 Oct 24, 2003 #4 http://www.worldlingo.com/products_services/worldlingo_translator.html