Chaparral 2J RC '70

  • Thread starter Colthan
i actually forgot I have 2 908 gift tickets I could send regardless but for some reason it isnt showing you as a friend in the game to send it to you.
thanks. I'm trying to send my ticket to you but it really won't let my pick your name when I click "give to a friend" How do I get your name to show up? All I've ever traded with is my secondary account and it showed up automatically
thanks. I'm trying to send my ticket to you but it really won't let my pick your name when I click "give to a friend" How do I get your name to show up? All I've ever traded with is my secondary account and it showed up automatically

Go to Community, select his name there, then gifts, then select ticket maybe. This works for the cars but not sure about tickets.
its really making me mad. When I click "give to a friend" it only shows Gizmo31509 which is my other account. I have tried resetting my system and it still didn't help. I can see you when I click on the profile tab on the side but that doesn't help trying to send you the car.
Go to Community, select his name there, then gifts, then select ticket maybe. This works for the cars but not sure about tickets.

Thank you so much. Worked great. New to this so I didn't realize I could do it from the community tab. Thanks again.

Colthan, enjoy you're 908. Sorry for the confusion.
its really making me mad. When I click "give to a friend" it only shows Gizmo31509 which is my other account. I have tried resetting my system and it still didn't help. I can see you when I click on the profile tab on the side but that doesn't help trying to send you the car.

Restart game. I've had to do this before to get it to work.