Chaparral 2X Vision Gran Turismo REVEALED!

  • Thread starter ZedMan1996
I got a leaked picture of the ingame interior !


Anyway, I didn't like the car when I saw the first pictures (where you could only see the front) but now...
DAMN that is one hot looking rocket. :drool:
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The thing is with all these comparisons to real-world tech (chapparals of the past, the Wright Bros etc.) is that their claims were backed up with action.. here GM are making a claim, and not backing it up with something physical.
Should that then not also apply to all the other VGTs? None of them are production material, not even the BMW.

Small changes to this concept could make it a working prototype tomorrow (once built...)
It would be just as "ridiculous" to suggest an all-electric F1 replacement do what the current cars do. The biggest challenge both ideas would face are actually the same: energy density.

They're not making claims, by the way - it's pretty obviously fantasy. Let's not get silly about this, and instead take it in the spirit it was intended.
I don't get why some want the visions of the future to be so current

Because they fail to see what the word "concept" implies? Still, it's better than the ones who hate these cars with a passion because they think this whole project is meaningless and it's also stopping their beloved P1s and LaFerraris from being in the game... :rolleyes:

P.S.: I don't hate P1s or LaFerraris (I have no problems with you wanting them in the game either, I'd like to drive them too), but let us be realistic: Whether you like it or not, the VGT project is here to stay. It was PD's idea, one which they wanted to have in the game, so they won't stop until the project is complete. If you think PD is forgetting to add real cars, stop wasting time with complaints about the VGT cars and complain to PD themselves about the whole "lack of real cars" story. If they answer your complaints or not (and explain why they haven't been adding more real-life cars), that's a problem for them to solve. Bashing VGT cars will get you just about nowhere.
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The thing is with all these comparisons to real-world tech (chapparals of the past, the Wright Bros etc.) is that their claims were backed up with action.. here GM are making a claim, and not backing it up with something physical.

They are not making a claim, they are presenting a vision.

None of the VGT cars are "claims".
Thank you for posting the video, but it was already posted a few pages back, actually. It's not a problem, just pointing this out. :) Also, it can help people who still doubt that the 2X has a cockpit... :sly:

It doesnt actually look like a detailed cockpit, more like a helmet with a type of rear view hud built in that displays the lower section, but the cockpit still looks like a black silhouette.
It doesnt actually look like a detailed cockpit, more like a helmet with a type of rear view hud built in that displays the lower section, but the cockpit still looks like a black silhouette.

Perhaps the three screens that act as mirrors mislead me a bit. Usually, since the other VGT cars (bar VW's) have normal placed mirrors, it becomes more blatant that they have a "black silhouette" interior. Then again, because of the 2X's unusual body shape, it doesn't have place for normal mirrors...
The rearview in the Chaparral 2X cockpit is huge.

The detail of the rearview in GT6 is quite reduced. I'm not sure that's a good idea to increase the size of rearview representation on the screen because it will make more obvious defects.
Rounding the average laser pen to 250mW, so that's 4 for each W, 670kW is 670,000W or 2,680,000 pens. You can get more powerful but then the weight of each can go over a KG to each pen leaving the car a tad on the heavy side.

I was beginning to wonder if anyone would help me with the math! ;) :cheers:
It doesnt actually look like a detailed cockpit, more like a helmet with a type of rear view hud built in that displays the lower section, but the cockpit still looks like a black silhouette.
It doesn't have much in the form of a cockpit to see from a normal perspective. According to GM all the telemetry is relayed to the helmet of the driver.
It doesn't have much in the form of a cockpit to see from a normal perspective. According to GM all the telemetry is relayed to the helmet of the driver.

Nice GM confirms my observation, Helmet HUD no detailed interior. I wasn't expect a detailed interior, the helmet HUT telemetry is certainly interesting though, it seems they approached the project seriously and didn't just throw a default rear view just looking backwards. Definitely one of the more interesting and extreme VGT's s far.
I also like how PD also uses the VGT project as a way to develop new in-game technologies concerning the cars, such as improved Hybrid systems back when the Nissan Concept 2020 VGT was released, Torque Vectoring like the type used by the VIZIV GT Vision GT, and now they're developing a way to simulate Laser Propulsion for release with the Chevrolet Chaparral 2X VGT.
What sort of interior details are people expecting?
Clearly it doesn't have a steering wheel, dashboard, or seats.

Not sure what else is left to be honest.

I wasn't expecting a interior at all, but if they were including them on all VGT cars then I would expect more than a black silhouette. The X2 does present an interesting situation as there seems to be a built in helmet to the car. Do we were our racing gear helmet inside the cars helmet or is the cars helmet the only helmet something like the chic seen getting in the car in the demo. If we only use the cars helmet and the view we see is more like the traditional "Helmet Cam" we see in other games (not GT6) then I would consider the outlining detail the unofficial "interior" for detailing. If we wear a helmet inside the helmet then I would want the detail around the cars helmet windscreen detailed for a "detailed interior". I believe we may be wearing our helmets inside the cars helmet. Looking at both possibilities I see no interior detail. The HUD displayed info is not IMO interior detail, but rather a HUD and if it were removed there is the interior section that could of been detailed even if dark by design to keep HUD details clear.
I wasn't expecting a interior at all, but if they were including them on all VGT cars then I would expect more than a black silhouette. The X2 does present an interesting situation as there seems to be a built in helmet to the car. Do we were our racing gear helmet inside the cars helmet or is the cars helmet the only helmet something like the chic seen getting in the car in the demo. If we only use the cars helmet and the view we see is more like the traditional "Helmet Cam" we see in other games (not GT6) then I would consider the outlining detail the unofficial "interior" for detailing. If we wear a helmet inside the helmet then I would want the detail around the cars helmet windscreen detailed for a "detailed interior". I believe we may be wearing our helmets inside the cars helmet. Looking at both possibilities I see no interior detail. The HUD displayed info is not IMO interior detail, but rather a HUD and if it were removed there is the interior section that could of been detailed even if dark by design to keep HUD details clear.

The built-in helmet is of interest to me from a practical/safety standpoint. I would think the driver would need to still wear their own helmet. What would happen if they were ejected from the car or the canopy came off? Obviously the sheer speeds could be detrimental enough but as I see it there are still good safety reasons to have an actual helmet attached to one's head.

Perhaps the built-in features relate more to the integration of the HUD and its replacement of the traditional cockpit/dashboard. That makes more sense to me than attempting to replace the safety features of a worn helmet.
I think the extra helmet thingy that goes over the face of the driver when he/she enters the machine is where the telemetry is displayed.
You can barely keep the car straight at top speed! It swerves left to right and it's very unstable. Almost scary to drive. Turning is extremely direct, even at 290 MPH! It only has an Automatic gear box. Sounds mental, too. Cockpit view is available, the whole dashboard is the mirror.

Looking forward to having it on GT6
You can barely keep the car straight at top speed! It swerves left to right and it's very unstable. Almost scary to drive. Turning is extremely direct, even at 290 MPH! It only has an Automatic gear box. Sounds mental, too. Cockpit view is available, the whole dashboard is the mirror.

Looking forward to having it on GT6

Man, the 2X just sounds like a horror show, eh? It must be a safety hazard on tracks with actual corners... :nervous: So you've also managed to hit 290 mph, eh? Looks like GM's number was a bit off the mark. And the sound is actually good?
Man, the 2X just sounds like a horror show, eh? It must be a safety hazard on tracks with actual corners... :nervous: So you've also managed to hit 290 mph, eh? Looks like GM's number was a bit off the mark. And the sound is actually good?

Well it's a 900 HP beast so of course it's gonna be scary! What I experienced on the only turn is that it is very easy to control
Well it's a 900 HP beast so of course it's gonna be scary! What I experienced on the only turn is that it is very easy to control

Hum, that's interesting. Then again, the 2X rivals the X2014 Standard in terms of power and perfomances, so the key difference lies in the handling.

You were saying it "sounds mental". How is the sound, exactly? Does it have the "ticking noise" people mentioned?