Chase Cam is Ruining GT7 for Me

  • Thread starter hunter328
, play or watch a video of any of the Forza Motorsport games while in chase cam. When the car enters a turn the camera shifts sideways, making it look/feel like the car is actually turning instead of how GT has the car basically planted center screen pointing straight and it looks like the track is rotating around the car. A dynamic camera also adjusts the field of view in correlation to speed/acceleration/deceleration and gives a much greater sense of speed to driving.

Hello all,
What are the chances that the devs might update the chase camera to a more dynamic camera in the future?
I got GT 7 yesterday, and had been so excited for it. A couple races in and now I’m not sure if I’m going to keep playing, and it’s solely because of how awkward it looks/feels playing in 3rd person, which is by far my preferred way to play.
If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, play or watch a video of any of the Forza Motorsport games while in chase cam. When the car enters a turn the camera shifts sideways, making it look/feel like the car is actually turning instead of how GT has the car basically planted center screen pointing straight and it looks like the track is rotating around the car. A dynamic camera also adjusts the field of view in correlation to speed/acceleration/deceleration and gives a much greater sense of speed to driving.

Im so disappointed after playing. I was really hoping GT 7 would be my new go to racer. From the little I’ve seen, the game seems to nail so much of everything else. It’s a shame they didn’t spend a little more time on a little thing that’s so important in making the game fun to play.

So, for those who’ve been around the recent GT games more than I have and probably have a better understanding of the kind of things Polyphony tweaks post launch, should I hold out hope that adding a more dynamic 3rd person camera might be one of them, or am I stuck waiting until who knows when Turn 10 finally releases the new Motorsport?

Thanks for any info and have a great day!!!
So basically the difference between GT3 and GT4 ?
The GT3 chase cam was actually perfect for me. Now some cameras are so weirdly placed that it makes me think that there was no testing. If you drive the VW Bug or the Jeep Willy for example with the close chasecam option, you can't see anything anymore because it placed right behind the car blocking your view to the front...

And this is very important:


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My prefered method has always been the chase cam, or 3rd person as you call it.

When I play a racing game, I like to view the car and it's obviously much better to look around for other cars on track as well. I tried the bumper view and it's atrocious for me, can't hit any breaking points and it's way too low.
I can handle the hood camera fine though but I still think the chase cam makes me handle corners better.

Cockpit view is amazing, but it obstructs you a lot. It's impossible to be implemented in the same way as real life because in the game you have no peripheral vision. Unless it's VR, and even then it's still not the same as IRL.
However, if it's a car with a center cockpit, like most LMP cars, Formula cars or the McLaren F1, it's much easier to handle. Even better if it's an open cockpit.

I've gotten so used to this chase cam since the GT4 days that it no longer bothers me. However, I do agree it could be more dynamic than what it is.
Forza does a good job at this, but Assetto Corsa is horrible, way too dynamic, it's one of the main reasons (outside of the game having horrid controller optimization) that I don't play Assetto Corsa.
I played GT4 recently and the chase cam looks less weird than what we have now. It's the worse implementation along with GT5/6, the jumps on dirt tracks are ridiculous.
that's why a chase cam should always have some parameters to accomodate all players (distance, height, inertia and fov) or at least real different settings views. We just ask for more flexibility with sensitivity setting in gt7, like gt sport have, not replace the current default chase cam. Just PD should let the choice and it's not a hard work to do for them to just increase the sensitivity range as gt sport.
Typical japanese company, don't listen, don't communicate (or lie like Kaz), don't move away from their "vision". This is why so many of these company have declined over the years. Chase cam is a minor problem is the grand scheme of things for this game. FM8 is going to end GT.

GT sport felt like an amazing step forward, and they do this...
Typical japanese company, don't listen, don't communicate (or lie like Kaz), don't move away from their "vision". This is why so many of these company have declined over the years. Chase cam is a minor problem is the grand scheme of things for this game. FM8 is going to end GT.
Unfortunately true... alot of these things would be easily adressed and fixed if you would listen to the players feedback. But if you don't even have a feedback forum or any other contact possibilities...

That's why I also want to keep this thread alive in hope PD at least checks out GTPlanet and takes some notes here of what players actually want.

If you just look at the competitor like T10/PG... they always inform players about what's going on. They have officiall feedback forums aswell as even a Ticket System to adress issues or even give feedback. None of that is provided by PD. They do a forza monthly to discuss new things etc...
Unfortunately true... alot of these things would be easily adressed and fixed if you would listen to the players feedback. But if you don't even have a feedback forum or any other contact possibilities...

That's why I also want to keep this thread alive in hope PD at least checks out GTPlanet and takes some notes here of what players actually want.

If you just look at the competitor like T10/PG... they always inform players about what's going on. They have officiall feedback forums aswell as even a Ticket System to adress issues or even give feedback. None of that is provided by PD. They do a forza monthly to discuss new things etc...
Pretty sad indeed, I believe after the GT5 disappointment (relative to the previous games and expectations), they should have had an official forum, hired a CM to communicate with players here and now on reddit. This is not the PS2 days anymore, they were the gods of PS2, I played GT4 recently and the game is sensational given the hardware (only terrible AI, but that can be excused), they haven't been able to do it since then :(. Back then,the game was what it was when it released, but since the PS3 era, the possibility is there to update and correct the game
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You would really really enjoy the bumper cam, it makes it so much more immersive for me and the replays worth watching.

That said it all depends on how you play and what you like, but do try the bumper cam at least for a while.
Agreed. I switched to bumper cam in gtsport last year. Took me 2 days to get used to it after years of using chase cam. You can do it too, try it. Don't let this ruin the game for you.
It is announced for Playstation? Nice.
I'm tired of having a subpar racing game, and FM is available on PC
Agreed. I switched to bumper cam in gtsport last year. Took me 2 days to get used to it after years of using chase cam. You can do it too, try it. Don't let this ruin the game for you.
I would play bumper cam if I had a wheel, GT is all about cars, and we can't get a decent chase cam + roatation to look at them. I like interior cam from time to time, but mainly chase cam
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technically the bumper cam is no bumper cam in GT. It's a cockpit cam with insible car and a little narrower FOV. a Bumper cam would be alot lower. and also if you drive next to other cars and look to the side you are right at the height of the other drivers.

But anyways, back to chase cam. Somebody at PD has to check them again. As I said some are so close and low that you can't see the road ahead anymore and others are even extremely far away and high even in the close option like the Audi Quattro Rally car. In the regular far view it looks you are following the car with a drone...

same for the hood/roof cams. Some cameras are places right on top of the roof like the latest Subaru WRX Sti others seem to float above the roof like on the Ferrari F40 and even others are right on the hood/bonnet of the car. It makes no sense why these are all randomly placed. Some of these views were already used in GT5/6 and have exactly the same parameters in Sport and 7.
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I found a fix but thing is you have to install racing suspension then in settings adjust the spring frequency
have you concrete settings for spring frequency to see a real difference about the incidence on the view please ?
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Just set it harder(to the right)
ridiculous that we even have to use such methods to make it more comfortable... hope in the next patches PD finally fixed the camera.

I thought it could depend on the car then I did several tests on many but honestly I don't really see significative change in the manner camera move when we turn. If that had been the case, I think I could have been satisfied with but it doesn't, we need a true fix by Polyphony.
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Unfortunately it's just that you reduce the springrates the car movement is less so the camera also tilts less.

We need a fix from PD asap!
Really? I remember Lewis Hamilton mentioning that chase cam was his preferred view. I've also seen GT Sport World Tour finalists using it.
Well, is widely known that LH isn't a fan of video games or even the race simulators, apart of all the marketing gibberish. Even on Mercedes simulator, he avoided has much of possible the simulator work.

And, in many simulators (yeah, I know GTS or GT7 aren't simulators) online modes, you can't even use suck kind of cam/view.
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So, do you think PD is actually going to fix to where it was in GT Sport ? I'm honestly not sure. It might sound extreme but between the camera and the weird physics, it's no playable for me. I like Cockpit view, but this one is also weird with the wobble and twitchiness
So, do you think PD is actually going to fix to where it was in GT Sport ? I'm honestly not sure. It might sound extreme but between the camera and the weird physics, it's no playable for me. I like Cockpit view, but this one is also weird with the wobble and twitchiness
unfortunately I do not think so too.
I'm not even sure they are aware that they did something different from gt sport since they integrated the exact same parameters (but with different result) 😕 I don't think the problem is glaring enough for them , and they certainly have many other priorities in their todo list...
Chase cam of forza looks so arcade to me. GT one is better and allows for more precise driving. You can adjust it also.
Ask yourself, when yor drive a car IRL, does your seat rotate? No it doesn't
You can adjust it also.
the sensitivity range is ridiculous in gt7 , why 10 graduations while there is very little difference between min (1) and max (10) ? (that 's why some players think it could be a glitche - In gt sport there are also 10 levels, but the difference between each is much more noticeable).

Ask yourself, when yor drive a car IRL, does your seat rotate? No it doesn't
... in this case ask to remove all the views except cockpit... Personnaly I don't play video game in research of IRL experience, I prefer drive IRL for that. I play race video game for maximum fun.
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the sensitivity range is ridiculous in gt7 , why 10 graduations while there is very little difference between min (1) and max (10) ? (that 's why some players think it could be a glitche - In gt sport there are also 10 levels, but the difference between each is much more noticeable).

... in this case ask to remove all the views except cockpit... Personnaly I don't play video game in research of IRL experience, I prefer drive IRL for that. I play race video game for maximum fun.
Dont need any reserarch, the feeling of the fixed chase cam feels much closer to reality than what the likes of forza and arcade games have. You may not like it at first but in the end if better for you to drive more precisely. You only have to get used to it.
Dont need any reserarch, the feeling of the fixed chase cam feels much closer to reality than what the likes of forza and arcade games have. You may not like it at first but in the end if better for you to drive more precisely. You only have to get used to it.
Never had the slightest problem of precision in gt sport, which is however more flexible than gt7. I don't think we're hoping to have the chase cam of Forza (I think the arcade feeling of Forza come also from the fov used) , just a less stiff camera via settings, and of course it's up to everyone's choice.
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There's a trick I used in GT Sport (that worked on GT7) to make the car move more naturally.

Chase View Camera Sensitivity: Set to 1. Then set to 10. Then go back to 1. (all this without leaving the menu - even to adjust the next item)

Chase View Rotation Axis Offset: Set to 0. Then set to 3. Then go back to 0.

I'mma try that, the Chase Cam definitely leaves a lot to be desired.
Dont need any reserarch, the feeling of the fixed chase cam feels much closer to reality than what the likes of forza and arcade games have. You may not like it at first but in the end if better for you to drive more precisely. You only have to get used to it.
Insane the amount of gymnastics people will do to justify PDs **** ups. They messed up, we have less options than before, or they removed some. Anyway, not touching the game until cockpit has and chase cam can be reversed to be like GT sport
There's a trick I used in GT Sport (that worked on GT7) to make the car move more naturally.

Chase View Camera Sensitivity: Set to 1. Then set to 10. Then go back to 1. (all this without leaving the menu - even to adjust the next item)

Chase View Rotation Axis Offset: Set to 0. Then set to 3. Then go back to 0.

Holy crap that worked! The cam isn't so stiff anymore.
Insane the amount of gymnastics people will do to justify PDs **** ups. They messed up, we have less options than before, or they removed some. Anyway, not touching the game until cockpit has and chase cam can be reversed to be like GT sport
A stiff camera means you will feel more the bumps. This is good because the new physics are less forgiving on bumps, and you may have to react when you go over them.
Think before being against PD for the sake of it
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A stiff camera means you will feel more the bumps. This is good because the new physics are less forgiving on bumps, and you may have to react when you go over them.
Think before being against PD for the sake of it
Bumps will concerns the horizontals axis of the camera but we are talking about the vertical axis, when we turn. It is quite possible to give an inertia on one axis only and keep the feeling about bumps.

But for my part I think that if you want to feel the bumps, the most logical would be to take any internal views and leave the external camera without , or camera shakes should be disabled if we want (it's the case generally in many games) because it can be very unpleasant visually.

If Polyphony add more amplitude to the sensitivity, it would satisfy some people without remove anything away to your pleasure 🙂 ( if you like stiff camera, just keep the default settings.).
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The people who get motion sickness to me have a much better argument than those simply saying "I don't like it and want the old one"
A stiff camera means you will feel more the bumps. This is good because the new physics are less forgiving on bumps, and you may have to react when you go over them.
Think before being against PD for the sake of it
Exactly. I like stiff camera more. I feel the car better.