Chase Cam is Ruining GT7 for Me

  • Thread starter hunter328
TFW GT4 has a better chase cam through modding than even GT7.

People saying that only cockpit is valid....If you play on a flat screen you have no sense of depth sooooo it's just not that great, althought I'll admit that PD did an insane job graphically, the cockpits even on PS4 look next-gen.

But then again even in cockpit you can't disable the weird shake that affects all the views.

PD is just bad at giving players options, let's wait until GT8 I guess
With no disrespect to anyone here: May i call every single one of you being very, very wrong?! :P

Since Need for Speed 1 i drove every arcade racer in chase cam. Since owning a Playstation 2 and playing GT3 i always played GT in bumper cam.

Until some month ago. After grinding GT7 for a long exhausting time (about 500 hours) is started to enjoy and lean back a bit more. So i wanted to see the cars i was driving and switched to chase cam. A bit awkward at first. But i got used to it. Now i love it! I am faster than in bumper cam and not even for online racing i could switch back. GT chase cam ruined all other chase cam racing games for me as it is just a lot better. In other games the dynamic of the chase cam look cool but it bad for skill. It ruins getting the apex right.

The GT chase cam, through its stiffness makes everything right. You can attack and look at corners like in inside views. Same goes for catching a drift and every other driving physics.

I hope GT stays that way and don't ruin it! Its great!
I too agree with you, that everyone here is actually very wrong about the chase cam in GT.

Personally, Chase cam on every other games out there seems so wrong and so artificially exaggerated.

When I first played GT in 2000 with GT2 on PSone, with the controller, Chase cam was my default, and I very much felt comfortable with it, seems so natural.
Played it that way pretty much for the next 10 years, through GT4 on PS2.

With GT5 Prologue, GT5 and through GT6 on PS3, I got the DFGT wheel, made my sim rig and seat and transition to cockpit view in that set up with a 50inch Plasma, from time to time I would still alternate with playing on the controller and Chase cam if I am too lazy to pull and set up my wheel/seat set up.

GT Sport on PS4 Pro also saw me upgraded to the G29 wheel pedal and manual transmission on a 75 inch.
At that point I was more than 65% of the time playing in cockpit view.

With GT7 out, I was playing with the PS4 Pro the same way i played GT Sport.

When PSVR2 came out this year, I decided to make the jump and get the PS5 and PSVR2 on day one release. I pretty much now play in VR 65% of the time, 30% of the time in 2D cockpit view on the 65inch, and barely 5% on controller and Chase Cam.

I still enjoy the GT PD Chase cam and would not mind playing that way if I have to.

But in all fairness to all of you, I think the game should and could easily allow the players to customize their own preference POV for any of the views, bumper, Hood, windshield, cockpit, chase and any others....

The more options, the better...

But the standard GT chase cam is excellent on its own., perfection even i would go so far to say.
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Whenever I play another racing game and come back to GT7 it feels so wrong.

I feel like they have adjusted it over times so it's better now. Still I think there is something fundamently wrong. Perhaps even broken?

Whenever the car launches in the air the camera doesn't really follow and you end up with something that looks a bit ridiculous with the car really high up the screen.

On the contrary, you can't really see when the front lifts over jumps or dips under breaking because the camera is almost locked to the horizon of the Y-axis.

It's not just a case of making the camera more loose (although it would be appreciated, like in GT sport).

To me something feels broken. The GT4 camera was also rigid and maybe they wanted to emulate that look but there is something wrong.

I just wish our complaints would be heard. Obviously the easy fix would be "make it like GT Sport" but I'm not even sure it would be possible without fixed the behavior I described.

I would really like to maybe provide visuals examples but obviously it takes time and there is the feeling that it would be for nothing
Hello it's me again! :D:D:D
anything new for the cams in the latest updates?
Sorry bud. Nope and never.

But honestly, give it time. I found GT7 chase cam unusable for a long time before I finally got used to it. It is not ideal but it is not a deal-breaker.
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I hate it for you all but I think you guys might be in the minority with this problem. Honeslty, using the chase cam is the LAST way I would ever play any racing game.
Strange. I think GT7s chase cam is good and tight, and provides a real advantage when it comes to spatial awareness.

To me, FM8, FH5, Solar Crown, and most other chase cams are way too loose, and don't really matter because the cars drive like superimposed static blocks over a flat landscape. GT7 cars display movement and character, even though it could be better.
Strange. I think GT7s chase cam is good and tight, and provides a real advantage when it comes to spatial awareness.

To me, FM8, FH5, Solar Crown, and most other chase cams are way too loose, and don't really matter because the cars drive like superimposed static blocks over a flat landscape. GT7 cars display movement and character, even though it could be better.
I agree with this
I hate it for you all but I think you guys might be in the minority with this problem. Honeslty, using the chase cam is the LAST way I would ever play any racing game.
I know we're talking about car racing games, but chase cam is pretty good when you have to account for verticality -- like if you are racing (anti-grav) ships, planes or bikes.

Probably not ideal for time trial runs, but at that point muscle memory and practice plays a bigger role than the camera.
Ok. If someone here could check. A potential bug I found. The setting "Chase view rotation axis offset" appears bugged to me. It does nothing from my testing. Can anyone else confirm that ?

Getting this potential bug fixed might get us a more enjoyable experience.

On GT Sport this setting has a dramatic effect but not here.
and I bet you're just a regular old expert aren't you? Putting up world record times every time you play?

To be fair, most of the fast guys use Bumper or Roof cam. You’re more of the expection to the rule, same for @Mistah_MCA , I can’t think of too many other fast people that use chase cam.

Edit: I didn’t realize how old that post was when I hit reply, my bad lol.
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I don't have any complaints with GT7s chase cam as someone who exclusively plays chase cam no matter what racing game. I think the stiffness creates a nice motion through corners.
Honestly, the way I see it, it's entirely down to preference.

While I admit the classic GT1-3 chase camera looks better, it's not as practical: the rigid, rear-fixated camera helps you follow your car's trajectory through turns, which is probably the main reason it became the standard.

The downside to it is, it's harder to see when the car is going sideways. Pros and cons.
I can't stand the rigid chase cam in GT7. They nailed it finally in GT Sport and then went back to rigid in GT7. I don't understand it. And just looking again at this thread.. three years on and still hasn't been sorted or fixed in any way . A real shame. Love the game but options for cameras, FOV, POV etc are very limited which is ridiculous. We should be able to enjoy it the way we want.

I lost count of how many times I posted this tweet on Twitter/X in response to a post by Yamauchi-San asking him and the team to kindly consider adding more camera customization options to the game, I got tired of it and left it aside.

It's really frustrating that you have a game franchise as relevant and important as GT without any interaction channel and willing to listen to its fan base with suggestions to improve the product, their profile on X is a real waste of time in terms of resource use.

GT7 has everything to be one of the best games in its category with the help and feedback from the community, but it suffers from Polyphony's hermetic and old-fashioned vision of staying in a comfort zone within a bubble where it prefers not to be triggered and intimated about what to do.