Cheating. Bad driving.

  • Thread starter Velocita
The game is ruined by cheating. Last night I entered A race and was hit 5 times deliberately by the same player who couldnt be bothered to find a safe place to overtake but rather wanted to smash me out of his way. This resulted in me going from 4th to 17th place in a race I should have comforably remained in top 5. And I spent over an hour doing practice and qualifying laps.. we should be able to kick players from a race with enough votes. And surely you could start implementing online suspensions for this type of driving like a yellow/red card system. Surely the threat of no online racing for a week/month would encourage these idiots to behave? The cheating makes the game a total waste of time.. I understand accidents can happen but 99% of the races I enter there is someone who has no interest in driving with skill and only want to follow a poor racing line and force good drivers out of their way...
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I wish this game had some form of instant reporting cheaters in the middle of the game, I already got taken out of my line, dive-bombed, brake checked and spun out way too many times

It really takes away from the vision of the game. I feel lots of people bought the game for the promise of real racing. A real challenge, competing against people who wanted to drive and not use their car as a missile. Every time I race online I become disheartened by the experience. You put in the laps to get the best qualifying time and then someone takes a poor line and instead of braking and trying to overtake in the next section they just take you out of the race. I think a carding system banning people for 3-4 race sessions up to 24 hrs would be a start with longer bans if the behaviour continues. Or an option to select "I'm a cheat" allowing all people who want to drive badly to have there own lobby.
Ghosting is fine and works when people really try to side swipe you. Going into corners folk just rear end you. And that is race over most of the time. They take the penalty of ten seconds by time you have recovered you rarely see them again and they have burned off the penalty. Perhaps they should be forced into a position behind the car they have ran off plus the penalty...
Act of dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage for sure, but if they hit you again and again well that is a stupid driver.
The game is ruined by cheating. Last night I entered A race and was hit 5 times deliberately by the same player who couldnt be bothered to find a safe place to overtake but rather wanted to smash me out of his way. This resulted in me going from 4th to 17th place in a race I should have comforably remained in top 5. And I spent over an hour doing practice and qualifying laps.. we should be able to kick players from a race with enough votes. And surely you could start implementing online suspensions for this type of driving like a yellow/red card system. Surely the threat of no online racing for a week/month would encourage these idiots to behave? The cheating makes the game a total waste of time.. I understand accidents can happen but 99% of the races I enter there is someone who has no interest in driving with skill and only want to follow a poor racing line and force good drivers out of their way...

It is not called cheating, just bad drives being stupid.

When someone pushes you off the track to gain a positional advantage that' cheating..
I fully agree with you all - I just experienced recently being kicked/bumped out in the first corner of 5 starts!! I know the turn - it's a 2nd. gear corner only and the braking point and racing line I'm using at best knowledge and therefore qualify even a second or two better than the drivers behind me at the starting line...... looking at the radar when they approach me - there is NO way any of them would make the corner safely with that speed - they just destroy another racers game. I wish the could enforce immediately a drive through penalty for these bad drivers or an immediate slow down of their cars for 20 seconds - that would keep them from continue like this. After 5th. time I got really upset so I quit or........
The main issue with programmng penalties into the game is you don't want to remove the human element. We all know accidents can happen and it could be part of the thrill of the race but not when they are deliberate.

So disappointing.
Unfortunately I believe you have come across what it technically known as an Arsehole.
In the wild, Arseholes (Cockwomblus Pillockus) often form packs. However, online they are ambush hunters, seeking out opportunities to submit their prey to their own brand of misery and self induced angst by implementing the 'Seagull Protocol' by swooping in and crapping on everything.
Scientific evidence points towards them being a hybrid of 'The Chav' (UK) and the 'Common Troll' (worldwide distribution) but is not yet definitive. Other hybrids are suspected in different locales which sheds light on the undiscerning mating habits of the Common Troll.
They all feed on rage and eventual assimilation. Do not assimilate! Do not quit! They are terrified of laughter and joy. Being ignored also weakens them significantly.
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Ghosting is fine and works when people really try to side swipe you. Going into corners folk just rear end you. And that is race over most of the time. They take the penalty of ten seconds by time you have recovered you rarely see them again and they have burned off the penalty. Perhaps they should be forced into a position behind the car they have ran off plus the penalty...

I think that's the only way to stop this behavior. Force people to give the position back after a bad pass. Plus for starters penalties should be permanent in SR.S. There's no sportmanship in braking for the finish to get rid of the last of the penalties. Having to dodge slow cars at the finish is not what I expected from this game, nor getting a penalty if you crash into them after the finish line... wtf.

Ghost and cut power until they're behind the car they ran off road again or passed with forceful contact. The game needs to be a lot smarter to assign the proper blame though so you can't simply block people to stop a pass. Which needs to be done anyway as diving into the apex while another car is already there is just as bad as using the outside car to get through the corner.

SR.S would be culled greatly if you could only gain SR in SR.A by driving clean sectors in close proximity to other cars. It's too easy to boost SR in a spread out field, in front, or behind, and doesn't prove anything. If you could only get into SR.S by proving you can drive clean next to other cars the field would shrink a lot.
Unfortunately I believe you have come across what it technically known as an Arsehole.
In the wild, Arseholes (Cockwomblus pillockus) often form packs. However, online they are ambush hunters, seeking out opportunities to submit their prey to their own brand of misery and self induced angst by implementing the 'Seagull Protocol' by swooping in and crapping on everything.
Scientific evidence points towards them being a hybrid of 'The Chav' (UK) and the 'Common Troll' (worldwide distribution) but is not yet definitive. Other hybrids are suspected in different locales which sheds light on the undiscerning mating habits of the Common Troll.
They all feed on rage and eventual assimilation. Do not assimilate! Do not quit! They are terrified of laughter and joy. Being ignored also weakens them significantly.

I read that in my best David Attenborough voice. Brilliant
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There’s way too many problems with all these issues. GT5 had a heavy ghosting feature and that would alleviate 97% of GT Sports’ issues.
Completely agree. Ghosting is the ONLY solution. Period. Multiplayer in GTS just plain sucks. And so does every other MP SIM racing game out there. They all suck. I thought GTS was going to be much better in the MP department. Wrong. If drivers are allowed to punt you off: They will.
Yeah, a votekick system would go really well in a game like this. You would get booted every time you qualified in pole.

Ok so how about then after the collisions are detected. Say obvious deliberate collision. It triggers the kick vote giving the entire field the option to kick so perhaps those witnessing the incident as well as the victim have the option to kick?
Ok so how about then after the collisions are detected. Say obvious deliberate collision. It triggers the kick vote giving the entire field the option to kick so perhaps those witnessing the incident as well as the victim have the option to kick?

It is very difficult to have an AI accurately tell when a collision is 'deliberate'.

If you're on a straight and coming up to a corner, and a car brakes but slams into the rear-end of another, who's fault is it? Did the car in front brake way too early, or did the car in behind dive-bomb?

Whatever the answer is, this could be abused by brake-checking or dive-bombing people in particular situations, with particular cars on particular corners to that it is inevitable that people will get kicked/DQ'd for other players driving dirty.

Imagine a competitive racing game where not only could you get away with punting people, you could get other people disqualified by ramming into them!
It is very difficult to have an AI accurately tell when a collision is 'deliberate'.

If you're on a straight and coming up to a corner, and a car brakes but slams into the rear-end of another, who's fault is it? Did the car in front brake way too early, or did the car in behind dive-bomb?

Whatever the answer is, this could be abused by brake-checking or dive-bombing people in particular situations, with particular cars on particular corners to that it is inevitable that people will get kicked/DQ'd for other players driving dirty.

Imagine a competitive racing game where not only could you get away with punting people, you could get other people disqualified by ramming into them!

Your probably right in the sense that the physics calculations and volume of data collection required to execute this efficiently would be too uch for the ps4
Unfortunately I believe you have come across what it technically known as an Arsehole.
In the wild, Arseholes (Cockwomblus Pillockus) often form packs. However, online they are ambush hunters, seeking out opportunities to submit their prey to their own brand of misery and self induced angst by implementing the 'Seagull Protocol' by swooping in and crapping on everything.
Scientific evidence points towards them being a hybrid of 'The Chav' (UK) and the 'Common Troll' (worldwide distribution) but is not yet definitive. Other hybrids are suspected in different locales which sheds light on the undiscerning mating habits of the Common Troll.
They all feed on rage and eventual assimilation. Do not assimilate! Do not quit! They are terrified of laughter and joy. Being ignored also weakens them significantly.
Lol....clever....I literally lol.
Hey @TheGeologist if there where Ghosting in GTS, this incident below in this picture, you would have stayed on the track.
Sometimes hard to know if they are cheating or just made a mistake. Had a guy take me off on Suzuka once and then apologised on PSN messenger afterwards. Then again I had this guy do this to me today so who knows. I tend to think that some tracks are just hard to pass on so people get desperate.
Ghosting doesn't solve anything - people will just drive straight through each other, then it's just basically a time attack. part of the art of racing is overtaking, defensive driving to block and avoid collisions, learn it, apply it!

Kick/vote out would be used/abused equally, again wont solve anything. The SR rating is already a arbitrary vote system, sure you and the other racer get negative SR but he will collect more with every other car he hits as well as yours, overall getting a lower SR.

I hate to say it but these threads show me a few things; harden up peeps, learn how to drive defensive, OR learn how to give it back, life isn't fair, learn some resilience, stop bitching about what you can't control. Sure share the absolute tuckfards here and share your astonishment but really bitching about it wont solve it.
Ghosting doesn't solve anything - people will just drive straight through each other, then it's just basically a time attack. part of the art of racing is overtaking, defensive driving to block and avoid collisions, learn it, apply it!

Kick/vote out would be used/abused equally, again wont solve anything. The SR rating is already a arbitrary vote system, sure you and the other racer get negative SR but he will collect more with every other car he hits as well as yours, overall getting a lower SR.

I hate to say it but these threads show me a few things; harden up peeps, learn how to drive defensive, OR learn how to give it back, life isn't fair, learn some resilience, stop bitching about what you can't control. Sure share the absolute tuckfards here and share your astonishment but really bitching about it wont solve it.
No. It shows you don't understand ghosting.
Completely agree. Ghosting is the ONLY solution. Period. Multiplayer in GTS just plain sucks. And so does every other MP SIM racing game out there. They all suck. I thought GTS was going to be much better in the MP department. Wrong. If drivers are allowed to punt you off: They will.
Then we might as well dont race at al and just do time attack.
No. It shows you don't understand ghosting.
I'm pretty sure I understand ghosting. It's pointless to have it as a solution to guys who crash/bump/push etc. I stand by the fact that ghosting would just make it a time attack session.
I'm pretty sure I understand ghosting. It's pointless to have it as a solution to guys who crash/bump/push etc. I stand by the fact that ghosting would just make it a time attack session.

Agreed. I remember F1 2011 having ghosting, completely ruined online racing. You would just slipstream through another car, and inevitably they do the same to you on the next straight.

Whilst it may solve the issues of rammers, it will take so much more away from the game.

Unfortunately, we are in a period where lots of people who don't normally play racing games got GTS for Christmas. Until they save their pocket money and get a new game, its something we all have to put up with. Some of them are legitimately ramming others, but don't confuse it with someone who has made a genuine mistake and hit you.

As frustrating as it is, perseverance is the only thing I can suggest. Eventually you'll get a race with some clean guys.