The game is ruined by cheating. Last night I entered A race and was hit 5 times deliberately by the same player who couldnt be bothered to find a safe place to overtake but rather wanted to smash me out of his way. This resulted in me going from 4th to 17th place in a race I should have comforably remained in top 5. And I spent over an hour doing practice and qualifying laps.. we should be able to kick players from a race with enough votes. And surely you could start implementing online suspensions for this type of driving like a yellow/red card system. Surely the threat of no online racing for a week/month would encourage these idiots to behave? The cheating makes the game a total waste of time.. I understand accidents can happen but 99% of the races I enter there is someone who has no interest in driving with skill and only want to follow a poor racing line and force good drivers out of their way...
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