Cheney Accidently Shoots Fellow Hunter

  • Thread starter Kylehnat
Thirty times a year is plenty to me. I know most hunters are very safe with what they do. He didn't do it on purpose, I'm sure; he wouldn't want to threaten his position as vice president or he'd be out of a job for good. But, still, there is a war going on, somewhere. I think it's in the middle east. I'm not being sarcastic, either, it's getting old. I don't know, maybe you're right--it did add a little comedy to the nightly news.
The Mainstream Media is drooling with delight over this non-story because they have nothing better to show. Top story at Yahoo News, top story on, and top story on every network news broadcast.

All while Iran continues its Uranium enrichment.
I agree with h0ss. Vice President of U.S. accidentally shooting someone with a shotgun is a pretty big news.
Viper Zero
The Mainstream Media is drooling with delight over this non-story because they have nothing better to show. Top story at Yahoo News, top story on, and top story on every network news broadcast.

All while Iran continues its Uranium enrichment.

No ****. And what did you expect? The vice-president of the United States almost accidently killed someone in a very stupid mishap. People will have a good laugh whether piss pour die-hard conservatives like it or not. It'll last for about a week then it'll fade away. If seeing that on frontpages at the moment shocks you, why don't you write a letter of complaint to Fox News first?

The Iran case, the cartoon riots and the issues with Hamas have all been extensively covered in about every single news network for the past weeks, and that's far from over, so I fail to see the point of parroting all over the place Bill O'Reily's holy crusade against liberals for no good reason.

Also, congrats to you for linking yet another article tagged as a controversial issue from a web site where any doofus can edit the said article. 👍
Also, congrats to you for linking yet another article tagged as a controversial issue from a web site where any doofus can edit the said article. 👍
What "controversial issue"? It's pretty sad that some cannot except the truth from an online encyclopedia free from any media bias.

Sorry dude, that is not the URL I linked to.

As for the page you took a screenshot of. The "controversial issue" is that the page should include media bias from all over the world and not just focused on bias from American media and that there should be two wiki definitions separating the two.

How in the hell is that controversial?

Here's an how-to guide to how I got to that page, in 10 easy steps:

1 - Switch on brain.
2 - Click on the link you posted.
3 - Click on the "discussion" tab. Now you are here.
4 - Notice the big, yellow section, titled: "This topic contains controversial issues, ..."
5 - Return to senses after the shock.
6 - Use advanced deductive logic to determine that this page is, in fact related to the one in step 2.
7 - Read the first sentence:
Because of their length, the previous discussions on this page have been archived.
8 - Click on the first link below the sentence you've just read: Archive 1 (30 March 2001 to 3 October 2005):
9 - Use even more complex deductive logic to realize that this page is, astonishingly, related to the ones in step 2 and step 3.
10 - Have fun reading the additional 30 topics posted there.
What I really want to know is...

Was Dick Cheney promised a Free iPod* for shooting a fellow hunter?

* With participation
:lol: I can't believe this got nothing, good one. :cheers: