Nice one, want to explain how that helps any or shouldn't be considered more spam? My last post was a fact, like the fact some of your site buddies got horribly beaten in my lobby today, they brought their big egos and when they couldn't jump, their skills were atrocious and were very sub-par not to mention well below my expectations and it was funny watching them get beat over and over on a fair playing field. So please don't try and sound cool with pictures trying to insult me, my facts clearly don't sit well with you so please don't reply with your spam pictures because you can't bring any helpful information to the table. Good day.
PS: After what festor brought from there to here earlier I would say it would be best for you and your groupies to quit spamming and trying to 'attack' me with spam pictures, you're wasting your time, my time, other people looking for helpful informations' time, and moderators time for having to constantly look at the spam you guys keep creating with your pics. Simple solution, got nothing nice to say, don't say nothing at all. But clearly you had nothing to say in that last post so don't even bother posting that garbage. It's a waste of space here.