Child endangerment.

  • Thread starter milefile
Originally posted by DGB454
Anyway, you didn't offend me.(well..that big ol' softy remark hurt.) :)
See Ya.

Being as I've seen what I assume was your bicep in one of your earlier avatar, I figure either you're a big guy, or a little dude with huge guns.
Either way you're a softy.
I know. It takes one to know one.:lol:
Sorry I didn't see this response till just now. I don't get on here as much as I use to due to work obligations.
That was my arm and thanks for the compliment.
I think you are probably the BIGGEST softy here on GTP. I mean that in a good way. :)
Originally posted by DGB454
Sorry I didn't see this response till just now. I don't get on here as much as I use to due to work obligations.
That was my arm and thanks for the compliment.
I think you are probably the BIGGEST softy here on GTP. I mean that in a good way. :)
I am a NURSE after all.
I guess softy is in my nature.
Originally posted by Gil
I am a NURSE after all.
I guess softy is in my nature.

Don't get me wrong. I'm the guy who will poke you in the eye with my thumb if I feel "threatened" and outnumbered.
I'm also a full-fledged kidney puncher, and knee stomper.

Just so mile doesn't get any funny ideas.