I've been saying to do this for years. As a convicted murderer, convicted serial rapist, pedophile, ect. You've forfeited your rights as far as I'm concerned. Now I'm not talking about the sob story where there was a shadow of a doubt and it just so happened to be true that the guy wasn't guilty. I'm talking hard core Dalmers, Hamolkas, BTKs and so on. Only I say, do it one step better. Hold off killing them, keep them as organ farms with organs to be used as needed. Why risk having a perfectly good liver go to wast due to the fact that perhaps there is no one at that time that needs that exact liver with that particular blood type. Same goes for lifers and three strike people who just don't get it...
I think the punishment fits the crime... For having ruined several lives. From their lives, many lives will be improoved. It's that simple and if some one needs your heart, well then it's your time to go... Who's to say that giving the killers kidney to some kid might not result in that kid growing up and finding a cure for cancer. It's better then just having the parts rott in the ground when they could be helping people lead productive lives...