"china 'makes Rain' To Clear Air" ???????

  • Thread starter s0nny80y
Rain "cleans up" air pollution (in this case, dust). In Seattle, we have very low pollution during the winter, because of the frequent rain and wind. However, in the summer, air pollution goes way up, and smog begins to form after a week or so of dry, sunny weather. As soon as it rains again, all pollutant levels go back down.

Water cleans the air, just like it cleans your kitchen counter. Raindrops are made of polar water molecules, and have large specific surface areas. This means that raindrops are excellent for absorbing small particles (like soot and dust) and certain molecules. So, by creating rain, China is washing its air.
I knew rain cleaned the air, but how do you go about "making" it? Or did I skip that part of the article?

EDIT: Okay, what kind of sprinklers were these things? Trucks with big squirty things shooting water into the air? Crazy.
The article merely stated that they would be performing "cloud seeding"... Usually that entails loading an aircraft with silver nitrate (Gods, I hope I got that right... too lazy to look it up) which are then dropped into clouds... these particles form "seeds" for water droplets to form around... encouraging rain formation.


Not just typical of Communist regimes, typical of any expanding economy. The US did it (remember the dustbowl?... oh, okay, but it's a partial explanation), Brazil did it with most of the rainforests, and etcetera, etcetera, etceterae...

It's only in certain countries that the environment is elastic enough to bounce back... sadly, I think that deserts, once they reach a certain size, are self-propagating, aren't they?

Of course, this being the 21st Century, farmers should know better... but then again, if you don't even have TV and the state burned all your books forty years ago... what do you know? :indiff:

And yes, rain does clean the air. Used to be, the rainy season was the only time I could go out into the city without getting a horrible allergy from all the pollution. Thank God I don't have to live there.
We have rain seeding here to clear haze..

haze = term used to describe smog from indonesia(they clear forests/land there by burning)