Choice for the Supreme court

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Ultraextreme sanity
What do you think the chances are for a nomination that will be approved without a very hard fight ?

John G. Roberts Jr.

What do we know about this fellow ?

If you live in the US this is one of the most important things to happen in a long time .

Good or bad ?
Sounds good to me. He received Summa Cưm Laude from Harvard Law school.

How much do you want to bet the Democrats will still try to filibuster him, saying he is "unqualified"?
Roberts has been approved by the Senate before with assent to the DC Circuit, so why would it be a problem this time? Hmmmm...

Hear this? The AP leaked Roberts name an hour before Bush went on TV. The AP should have it's security clearance revoked and be FIRED!!!

Anti-abortion? Uh-oh – I thought Bush would avoid that nasty snag.
Wrong . Absolutely NO proof he is anti abortion .
He like many others in the legal proffession thought that Roe v Wade was wrong ..BECAUSE of the way it was decided in reguards to the constitution .
It leads back to should the Judge strictly interpret the constitution or should he create new meanings or embellish his thoughts on the constitution with new ideas . he has NEVER said he was in favor of overturning it . In fact he has gone on record as saying he has NO PROBLEM ENFORCING IT AS THE LAW OF THE LAND .
As a supreme court justice or as with ANY judge LEGAL PRECIDENT is extremely important , its used as the basis for almost all decisions . Roe v Wade is THE legal precident to be used in making decisions in pertinent cases .
The most important thing to find out about a judge is what his legal philosophy is .
How will he come to make a decision ?
He doesn't agree with abortion but does believe Rowe vs. Wade is the law of the land and he accepts it.

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