Chop Shop PS Competition #2 - July 6 - CLOSED!

  • Thread starter Jay.
Wow I cant believe it, I thought i had this competition down (no offence, i'm very arrogant when it comes to Art), but Diego's Car kinda looks better than mine
I try to be as humble as possible regarding my work, which I know is hard, especially when you've put a lot of time and effort into it. Because of that, I'm not going to criticise your work, but maybe your attitutde a bit:

People don't take it well when you criticise their work, even if it's constructive criticism, which I'm sure is what you had in mind. And they especially don't like it when you don't use the right wording, or just point out the faults.

For example, if you don't like the car colour, don't say something like "Man, that colour is horrible, you should've done a better work", but rather say something like "Is the car's colour definitive, or are you working on something else? Maybe you could make it a bit less orange or add more blue into it"... In both sentences you may be saying the same thing, but in the second one, people take it better.

That's maybe the reason why some people didn't take a Trico Pro's criticism the right way. I know you didn't mean much harm, but when you're not an expert at something as complex as photoshopping, it's really little help when somene blurts out how much you suck.

My work has taken me a lot of time, perhaps that's one thing a lot of fellow competitors haven't invested in their work. And patience. I've worked for three straight hours on an image and after that I'm pretty positive there's not much more to do on it, but I just leave it there. And one or two days later I come back to it, with a different mindset and think what can I put into this and make it better... and that's how I work.

In the end it may not be perfect, but I'm satisfied with it. And after posting it, I think up of so many other things I may have done to it.

Well, that's quite some wordarrhea I've posted :eek:
People don't take it well when you criticise their work, even if it's constructive criticism, which I'm sure is what you had in mind. And they especially don't like it when you don't use the right wording, or just point out the faults.

But that's the reality of it... you look at anywhere that's competitive. Honestly, it's sugarcoated so much but how do you expect to get better if there isn't constructive criticism or that you are even doing something fundamentally wrong??? Granted it maybe subjective but the objective is to push you, keep your mind open to new things, and doing them well. That or there just a really bad critic... :dopey:
I try to be as humble as possible regarding my work, which I know is hard, especially when you've put a lot of time and effort into it. Because of that, I'm not going to criticise your work, but maybe your attitutde a bit:

People don't take it well when you criticise their work, even if it's constructive criticism, which I'm sure is what you had in mind. And they especially don't like it when you don't use the right wording, or just point out the faults.

For example, if you don't like the car colour, don't say something like "Man, that colour is horrible, you should've done a better work", but rather say something like "Is the car's colour definitive, or are you working on something else? Maybe you could make it a bit less orange or add more blue into it"... In both sentences you may be saying the same thing, but in the second one, people take it better.

That's maybe the reason why some people didn't take a Trico Pro's criticism the right way. I know you didn't mean much harm, but when you're not an expert at something as complex as photoshopping, it's really little help when somene blurts out how much you suck.

My work has taken me a lot of time, perhaps that's one thing a lot of fellow competitors haven't invested in their work. And patience. I've worked for three straight hours on an image and after that I'm pretty positive there's not much more to do on it, but I just leave it there. And one or two days later I come back to it, with a different mindset and think what can I put into this and make it better... and that's how I work.

In the end it may not be perfect, but I'm satisfied with it. And after posting it, I think up of so many other things I may have done to it.

Well, that's quite some wordarrhea I've posted :eek:

Good post there. I agree 100% of what youve said 👍